I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 899

Can't stand it anymore!

Saber was crazy.



Camp in the city of Washa.

Joan woke up, but she was still in a trance.

"Me, what's wrong with me?" She asked in a daze, "Isn't I listening to the singing of the black Assassin? Why... why did I pass out?"

Joan recalled her own memory.

"No, I can't remember... Strange, why can't I remember? There is also... and a feeling of nausea?"

Jeanne looked strange.

She can't remember what just happened.

I just feel that when I recall, I can't help but feel nauseous and want to vomit.

"Oh?" Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, looked at her, walked over, and said, "You're awake, Ruler."

Joan looked up at Shirou, shaking her body subconsciously, and instinctively wanted to run.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a cold hand stroking her back, and dirty water pouring into her ears.

Hallucinations... hallucinations...

How can you make such rude thoughts in front of people you look forward to?

Joan warned herself in her heart.

"What's wrong with me, Assassin of the Black." Jeanne asked.

"Nothing." Shi Lang shook his head and said, "You are just intoxicated in my wonderful singing."

Shirou waved his hand to the surrounding area, and Joan looked at the dead bodies...

No, it was someone who passed out.



Joan turned pale.

She was resisting instinctively, but it happened to remember it again!

There is no way to describe the terrible singing, it is just like the evil spirits of the evil god!

The first is headache, followed by emotional agitation, then dizziness, then earache, palpitation, night sweats, irregular heartbeat...

After having endured it for five minutes and couldn't bear to run, the black hand of mud stretched out from the body of the Eternal King, and she was firmly held.


There was no more. After ten minutes, she passed out.

I remembered……

Joan remembered everything.

She looked at Shi Lang, her face was pale.

Take another look at the dead bodies...

She swears that she would never listen to Shi Lang's singing again!

"Is my singing good, Ruler?" Shirou asked, looking at Jeanne.

Jeanne: "..."

"Okay, nice... super nice."

What else can she do?

Can only reluctantly answered with a beautiful smile.

In fact, what Joan of Arc and Shiro don’t know is that Shiro’s singing can only be said to be out of tune. It’s almost like moving from the South Pole to the North Pole, and the Shiro who is flying away from him, he especially likes love to follow. Feeling sings blindly.

But this will definitely not cause people to faint.

This is actually because when Shilang sang, the decibel of his voice soared extremely sharply.

40-60 decibels belong to the normal human conversation sound, and 60 decibels or more belong to the noisy range, and 80 decibels will make people feel headache and discomfort. When Shiro sings, his voice can soar to above 140 decibels, and then match The singing from the south to the north doesn't feel so cool.

As for why Shi Lang can soar to 140 decibels when singing...

There is [evil] that can be repaired infinitely, do I still need to cherish my voice?Of course, the love is deep, hysterical.

With the passage of time, Spartacus and A-11072 and others also revived one by one.

They were confused for a while, and then they turned pale when they mentioned Shilang's singing.

It is a dreamy cuisine tasted by elegant people, and it is not something laymen like them can care about.

However, they are all kind.

He didn't want to hurt Shirou, so he could only endure the condemnation of his conscience and praise Shirou's singing.

At this moment, the artificial life entities have learned what a white lie is.

And this made Dema Xiu look forward to Shi Lang's singing more and more.

With so many singing praises to Shiro, then it must be the sound of nature, right?

Matthew looked forward to it.

However, Shirou would certainly not sing again.

Because it's too cheap.

One night passed.

Calm and calm.

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