I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 900

As for the fight between the red and black sides in Tolifas, Shi Lang is no longer interested.

He wants to solve the connection point of this world and connect with Chaldea.

However, for the so-called connection point, he is indeed a newcomer, the foundation is only weak, and he needs to wait for someone to bring it.

It was waiting for Grey to arrive, so there was no change.

And Joan wanted to leave here, but because of [Revelation], she couldn't leave here.

This made her sigh deeply, and she really couldn't understand the Lord's intentions.

During the exchange with Spartacus, Shiro mentioned the turmoil in the city of Vaasa, which was heard by Joan.

She looked at Shirou with a stunned look, and asked nervously: "Black and black Assassin, do you think the red Caster can summon octopus-like monsters that are dozens of meters away?"

Shi Lang nodded and said, "Yes. What's wrong?"

"No, no... is it him? He was called? No..." Joan murmured.

In the eyes of this saint, what flickered for the first time was not kindness and innocence, but pain and hatred that was about to overflow.

Shirou noticed this and frowned and asked, "What's wrong, Ruler?"

"I finally understand why the Lord wants me to wander here... I need to investigate the city of Vasa, the black Assassin. If it is confirmed that it is that person, I will interfere in this Holy Grail War and get rid of the Red Caster!" Said with a serious face.

Who did Joan think of to become so hostile?

Even at the expense of your own principles?

Shi Lang frowned.



Tolifa City.

Templar church.

Yanfeng Shiro smiled and welcomed the nun in front of him into the room.

The nun wore a black dress and a white headscarf, just showing her graceful figure and delicate face.

He smiled and said: "Welcome here, Master of the Red Caster. At this time, our red side is finally gathered."

The nun smiled and said, "Yes. Thank you for your welcome, Father."

Yanfeng Shiro introduced Semiramis, Atalante, and Garna to the nuns one by one.

He sighed and said painfully: "It's just a pity that our red team's Rider Achilles has already retreated, and Saber is a heroic spirit who doesn't know how to cooperate. Otherwise, we will gather here. grand occasion."

"Not necessarily." The nun said suddenly.

"What?" Yanfeng Shiro asked.

"No." The nun shook her head and said, "Nothing."

Yanfeng Shiro looked around and asked, "Where is your Caster?"

"He is still in his magic workshop, he didn't come with me," said the nun.


Yanfeng Shiro subconsciously glanced at Semiramis.

Atalanta hummed, turned and left.

Garner glanced at the nun, then closed his eyes and said nothing.

Yanfeng Shiro smiled and pointed to the empty corridor, and said: "The other masters have arrived and are waiting for you to discuss how to proceed. Please come with me."

"Okay. Excuse me, priest," said the nun.

"By the way, you haven't asked for your name yet?" Yanfeng Shiro asked.

"Me?" The nun pointed to herself, showing a graceful and holy smile, and said: "My name is Shishengyuan Kiara, priest."

The nuns were full of fascination, Yanfeng Shiro was taken aback, then shook his head, looked back, pointed at the corridor and smiled and said, "Please come in."




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 51 The Master Is Used for Persecution

Thousand Realms Tree Castle.

Vlad III sat on the throne, tapping his fingers lightly on the armrest of the throne.

This is the third night since the Holy Grail War has begun.

Compared with the magnificent waves of the first night, both last night and tonight looked extremely quiet.

The red side has no major offensive moves, and the black side has no corresponding measures.

And what will achieve such a relatively harmonious situation is not the consensus between the two parties, nor the mediation of Ruler, but the black Assassin, the eternal king who claims to be Shiro Fujimaru.

The existence of the Eternal King is like the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of both sides, so that both sides dare not use it easily for the time being.

The crown spirit base is a container, and compared with ordinary heroic spirits, it only carries a larger capacity.However, the crowned heroic spirits who can hold the crowned spirit foundation are the heroic spirits standing at the apex of the seven major ranks.

Vlad III didn't know how much the ability to crown a heroic spirit had.But even he, even Arjuna and Garna, weren't the chosen crown heroes. From this, it can be concluded how strong the crown heroes are.

The red and black stopped because of the emergence of a crown in this Holy Grail battle, such a powerful enemy.

Those who can respond to the call of the Holy Grail and come to this Holy Grail War are only longing for the Holy Grail and have long-cherished wishes that must be fulfilled.Everyone wants the Holy Grail, so because of the presence of powerful enemies, it is not strange to stop for the time being.


Even if the red and black sides join forces, there is still no whereabouts of the Eternal King.

"He, where did he hide?"

Vlad III frowned. As the leader of the black camp, he had to think about this question.

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