I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 901

"Wang." Danick walked in respectfully, bowed to the nobility, and knelt down in front of Vlad III.

"What's the matter, Dannick?" Vlad III asked him aloud after a glance.

Danick got up and replied: "There was a huge magic wave in Vasha this morning. I am afraid it is the treasure of the followers."

Danic is well prepared for this Holy Grail battle, and the prestige of the Thousand Realm Tree Clan in Romania is enough to pull up a magician spy to monitor the entire territory.Not long ago, he received news from a magician spy.

Vlad III did not doubt Danic's intelligence, and no one knew Romania at this moment better than Danic of the Thousand Realm Tree clan, and had information about Romania.

"Washa City... Now, most of the followers have appeared. If they are really followers, I am afraid it is the Red Caster who has not appeared yet." Vlad III said without hesitation.

"Yes. I guessed that too, but it was a bit weird." Danick frowned and said, "This information came from the city of Sibiu, which is next door to the surveillance of Vasha. And I can't get in touch. Subordinates of the city of Vaasa.

"It's not surprising, most of it was secretly removed by the Red Caster." Vlad III waved his hand, and then he touched the armrest of the throne, thought for a moment, and said: "However, it is possible that the King of Eternity is hiding in the tile. Shashi."

Hearing this, Danike was taken aback and asked: "Why did the king assert?"

"Caster participates in the Holy Grail War and has to build a magic workshop right away. If it is not necessary, it is impossible to attract the attention of others. Since it is a huge magical fluctuation that can be detected by modern magicians, it must be the release of the treasure. When you release the treasure, you naturally encounter a powerful enemy. Thinking about it this way, most of it is encountering the Eternal King who is the black Assassin, or some other servant." Vlad III said.

Danick nodded involuntarily, he didn't think deeply, but listening to Vlad III's words, he thought it was possible.

Vlad III said: "In short, it is necessary to ask someone to explore the city of Vassar... but if it is really in Vassar, next to the city of Tolifa... Humph. The Eternal King gave Yu a section. What is a black class under the lamp."

Dannick nodded, and then asked: "Yes, Wang. Hasn't Saber returned yet?"

"King Arthur has King Arthur's own intentions, and there is no need to restrain it. There is a real urgency, and she can be summoned to come back." Vlad III said.

"I see..." Danick nodded.



Early the next morning.

Shi Lang took Matthew and followed Jean to the city of Vaasa.

With a solemn expression on her face, Jeanne could no longer see yesterday's frivolity and self-releasing, a serious feeling exuded all over her body.

However, this was a bit murderous in Shirou's eyes, and people couldn't help but feel a little scared.

At least now, Matthew and Letitia don't dare to talk to Jeanne.

Matthew fell behind Joan and asked Shirou in a low voice, "Mr. Fuji and Fujimaru, why does Miss Ruler look so angry? We, have we done anything bad?"

"No." Shi Lang shook his head and said.

Matthew asked strangely: "Then why does Miss Ruler's face look so terrible?"

Shilang smiled and said, "Isn't this reason simple?"

Matthew showed a puzzled look.

Shi Lang turned his head and yelled at Joan of Arc in front of him: "Ruler, my Master sternly questioned you, what kind of green onion are you, dare you to put on a face like she owes you millions? Do you have an opinion on her?"

Matthew: "???"

Matthew looked at Shi Lang, shocked!

Even the glasses almost fell off.


When did she say this?

"Huh?" Jeanne turned her head, looked at Matthew, pointed at herself with an injured face, and asked, "Well, that...Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no...no, no." Matthew waved his hand quickly.

"Then you have an opinion on me, Matthew?" Jeanne asked with an aggrieved expression.

"No, no, no, no, no."

Matthew was almost crying, turned to look at Shirou and said, "Mr. Fujimaru, please help me clarify!"

Shirou looked strange and asked, "Clarify what? Master, didn't you say that?"

Matthew: "..."

Matthew is really going to cry.

"Sorry, sorry. The joke was overdone."

Shi Lang smiled, then looked at Joan, and said, "Actually, Master is saying, did you think of something unhappy? The unhappiness is contagious."

"Yes, do you?" Jeanne touched her face.

Shiro nodded.

"That's really sorry," Joan said apologetically.

With a smile, Shi Lang asked with interest: "The Red Caster, who did you think of? Is it the bishop Pierre Cochon who planted and framed you during the trial, or Charlie who didn't try to rescue you? Seventh?"

"Neither..." Jeanne shook his head, then looked at Shirou with a daze, and asked: "You, do you know who I am?"

Shirou looked strange and said, "I was there when you introduced yourself to Saber. Frank's saint of salvation, Joan of Arc."

"Okay, it looks like..." Jeanne nodded, looking a little dazed.

Shiro: "..."

Shi Lang was speechless, but Matthew looked at Joan in surprise.I didn't expect Ruler to be Frank's saint of national salvation, but this face... Well, I'm used to it.

Why does it look dull?

Matthew doubted himself.

"Then, after I told you the characteristics of Red Caster, who do you think of? Such a murderous look." Shi Lang asked.

Joan receded her dull face, turned her face serious, her soft eyes filled with sharp killing intent, and said, "You may not know him. He is not a distinguished character, not even a hero. . He is just a heresy, a dark magician, François Prellatti."

"François Prellatti?" Shirou raised his brows, then nodded, "So that's it..."

He knows this character. This character comes from the true Caster in "Fate/strangeFake". He was once a magician contemporaneous with Joan of Arc and Gil de Ray. The Luopan city teaching was originally given to Gil de Ray. .

It can be said that Gil de Ray will become a blue beard and cannot get rid of this person.

Moreover, in the introduction of "Fate/strangeFake", it seems that Joan's later encounters seem to be related to it.

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