I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 903

She really is a defender.

Begin to refute the followers of these cults with the doctrines of the temple church in an attempt to get them back to the right path.

But at this time, Shi Lang discovered that it turned out that Joan was not stunned at all, and that mouth escape... was too powerful!

According to the Scriptures, from the classic sentences of King Solomon, to the words of Jesus, to the famous aphorisms of the apostles, saints and saints, and allusions in the Bible, the words are said by Barabara.

Shiro looked unbelievable.

Is this Joan, who is like a saint, still the village girl he knows?

At this time, Shi Lang just remembered.In the entire history of mankind, the most famous trial question was made by Joan.

In the records of the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, the most famous question is what Joan of Arc said in the trial court.The priests questioned: "Do you feel that you have received the grace of God?" And Joan replied: "If you don't get it, I hope God can give me; if I have got it, I hope God will still give me."

This question is a trap.

The dogma of the church at that time was that no one could be sure that he himself received the grace of God. If Joan made an affirmative answer, then she proved that she was a heresy.And if her answer is negative, then she has admitted that she is guilty.

After hearing Joan's reply in the trial court, all those who questioned her were stunned and had to suspend the interrogation that day.

And this later generation is also very well-known, has become the subject of many fields in modern times, and has played a role today.

Perhaps, Joan is not really dumb, but her careless and soft character makes it feel like she is very foolish.

And on the issue of religion...

As a saint, she would change her normal behavior and fight like a saint.

This made Teshilang couldn't help thinking of the religious gameplay of "Civilization 6," where missionaries of two religions were fighting...

Under Joan's preaching, the followers rolled their eyes, ignored her, and even burned her to death as a heresy.As a result, when these people saw Shirou, they yelled "devil" in fright, turned and ran away.

Joan walked back with a solemn expression, and said, "They...have not heard the voice of the Lord."

Shirou said, "Don't bother with them. Don't forget, you are Ruler."

Joan shook her head and said, "I can't pretend to be invisible. After I have confirmed the identity of the Red Caster, I plan to stay here for a while and lead them back to the right path!"

Joan had a firm face, and she really had such a saintly spirit of sacrifice.

However, if she really does this, I am afraid that the people who created this church will be quite a headache, right?

After all, this is a saint left in history.

However, since the other party can pull up the cult within a month, it is estimated that they have some means.If two people fight, they don't know what it looks like.

Joan's mission seems to be useless, but it is not.

Although the city of Washa is entrenched in this cult that praises the world, not all citizens have joined it.

There are still many fake believers who are forced to pretend like supermarket owners because of the situation.

These people were among the real believers. After hearing what Joan said, they became a little more active and secretly contacted the three Shilang.

Shirou wanted to get information about the whereabouts of the Red Caster from them, but it was a pity that neither these false believers nor the true believers knew the whereabouts of the Red Caster.

However, Shirou got a message.

"You mean, since a month ago, the underground waterways in the city were blocked?" Shilang asked.

The one who communicated with Shiro was a waterman.He was wearing a black coat and hiding in the alley. Facing Shiro’s question, he nodded and said, “Yes. I don’t know what happened. Since a month ago, the sewer pipes have been abnormally blocked. I have repaired several sections. The sewer is out, and so are my co-workers."

Shirou nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Thank you, I know."

"You are welcome... Also, please don't say that I have communicated with you." The plumber took up his hood and fled into the alley.

Joan said with a touch of emotion: "In this city, there are still the Lord's people."

Shi Lang touched his chin and said, "Is it a subject of the Lord? I don't know. But your [revelation] is really useful. I really want to collect it."

Shiro looked at Jeanne with envious and greedy eyes.

Some clues that can be obtained in this way are not so much due to cause, but rather the [revelation] of Joan of Arc played a role.

Shirou wanted to collect this ability.

However, it is a pity that this ability of [Revelation] is not a human's karma, but a guide given by God, and he cannot replicate it.

"Then, that... Mr. Assassin, please don't look at me like this... I, I'm so uncomfortable." Jeanne said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Shi Lang's eyes were too hot, which made her a little uncomfortable and a little shy.

"Oh. Sorry, it was rude." Shi Lang said apologetically.

Indeed, he was too rude.

However, he really wants to collect [Revelation]!

Shi Lang sighed, and then said, "Go to the city underground to find out."

Joan nodded.

Chapter 53: Lalaiye [Third more]

Shi Lang and others found a waterway worker to lead the way and found an abandoned factory.According to the waterworks workers, this factory was left in Romania or during the Republican period. Because the city of Vaasa developed slowly, it has not been rebuilt, so it stayed.

Shi Lang and others entered the city underground from one of the abandoned industrial drainage pipes.

The city's underground is pitch black, and an unconcealable stench wafts towards the face.

But whether it was Shirou or Joan, they were all people who had experienced war. Naturally, they would not take these things in their eyes, and their faces were calm.

It was the first time that Matthew had experienced this. The first time he smelled it, he subconsciously frowned and was a little uncomfortable, but he still endured to follow Shilang.

It can be seen that he is still a master who is not experienced enough, but this young and immature is not bad.

The city was turned around and turned underground, and it was dark, exuding rancidity, with a primitive dark fear.

Shilang's body was surging with [evil], and then it covered the whole body, forming a dark armor of [evil], and finally injected magic power.

As the magic power was poured into the armor of [evil], with a "swish", the armor of [evil] lit up, illuminating Deshilang's whole body like a huge light bulb.

The bats sleeping in the mouth of the pipe couldn't stand such a strong light and flew away with neighing, and the bugs and mice hiding in the rock wall were also hidden because of this light.

Joan looked at the shining Shirou and asked, "Will this be a horror, Assassin of Darkness?"

Shirou said: "If the Red Caster is here, of course it will. But what I want is to stun the snake."

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