I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 904

Unlike finding a needle in a haystack, if it is determined where the Red Caster is, Shirou will find out as long as the Red Caster changes slightly.

Of course, the most important thing is that Joan's [Revelation] is a real bug to find people.


Shi Lang glanced at Ma Xiu who was wary beside him, his eyes flashing with complicated expressions.

At this moment, Matthew was no longer the harmless spectacle girl who had previously been human and animal, but Matthew who had already started the A-conformation.

Wearing a somewhat exposed, colored silver armor, holding a huge shield with countless strange characters in his hand, a long and thin knight sword on his waist, and a golden crown on his head. .

This familiar feeling...

Can't be wrong.

It's Galahad.

Do not.

It should be said that it is King Galahad.

But this is what Shirou expected.

Matthew realized that Shirou was looking at him, so he turned to look at Shirou and asked, "What's wrong, Mr. Fujimaru?"

"It's nothing, Master." Shi Lang shook his head, and then said, "It's just that Master's dress is a bit slick, which makes me such an innocent boy a little unacceptable for a while.

"Lose, color...?!"

Matthew's face flushed instantly.

Take a closer look, she is indeed somewhat exposed and lustful, and the armor of the upper body is just close to her delicate body, which outlines her full chest.And there is no skirt, only leg armor, so the thin, white thighs are exposed.

Looking at it this way, there is indeed some color...

Matthew wanted to find a piece of land to bury herself.

Joan hesitated, looked at Shirou, and asked, "In this tense situation, to say such relaxing words...isn't it too inconsistent with the atmosphere, Assassin of the Black?"

"Nervous?" Shi Lang froze for a moment, then patted his head and said: "Yes! Nervous! Actually, I am very nervous!"

Jeanne: "..."

Didn't see it at all!

Letitia whispered: "Mr. Assassin of the black, he doesn't seem to be nervous at all. I am already very scared of this situation."

"It's the king after all." Jeanne said.

However, think about it carefully.

Joan recalled how Shilang prevented Garner from the decisive battle with Arjuna, and how he bullied Atalante and destroyed Achilles... The so-called art masters were bold and wanted to make him nervous, indeed It's a bit difficult.

The three walked toward the depths.

Every time Shi Lang walked, he left a lump of [evil] mud, and injected magic power to ignite it, illuminating the path of one party.

Although it is necessary to accumulate magic power, the magic power of this ignition is not lacking.

The most important thing is that he made a big mouthful before, and now he has some small wealth on hand.

The underground of Washa City has seven bends and eight bends, making people confused.

Shiro let Joan of Arc be the guide, let her play the role of "revelation", and lead them forward.

"Da da da……"

In the dead silence, there were only three footsteps.



A strange sound rang under Ma Xiu's feet.

Matthew lowered her head to look, she was shocked and she turned pale.

She stepped on a bloody hand.

Not only that, when Shirou removed the darkness of the road ahead and revealed the real scene, Joan couldn't help covering her small mouth, Shirou couldn't help but frown.

The corpses in the sewers were scattered all over.

Broken organs, bones with minced meat, and a pile of moldy minced meat.

The two walls of the passage are full of blood.

"Too much..." Jeanne pursed her lips.

She is undoubtedly a kind-hearted and lawful camp. Seeing this kind of scene, can she not get angry there?

She set herself a rule as Ruler, one is to keep the Holy Grail war in an orderly manner, and the other is to protect ordinary people from persecution as much as possible.

Matthew's face was also a little pale.

She has heard some seniors say that not all heroic spirits are friendly, and some heroic spirits just treat human life as careless.In order to complete one's own treasure, or to achieve one's long-cherished wish, it is not surprising how cruel things will be done.

And this time, she finally witnessed this with her own eyes.

Shi Lang did not speak, but his face became more serious, and he let the two of them move on.

The light on Shilang was very bright.

However, it is not enough to dispel the darkness of the road ahead.

"Swish, swish, swish"

There seems to be the sound of some book turning pages.

"Wow, wow, wow"

There seemed to be the sound of something swimming in the water.

Shi Lang squinted his eyes and called the two of them to chase him quickly.

Passing through the narrow tunnel, there is an endless darkness.

Even Shi Lang's light was not enough to illuminate the darkness around him.

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