I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 905

It's so dark!Ma Xiu looked around, and subconsciously moved closer to Shi Lang.

Joan clenched the banner in her hand.

"Go ahead," Shiro said.

But the sound that came out had a dull feeling.

Shi Lang frowned and continued to explore with the two.

Up and down, back and forth, in all directions, it was dark and invisible.

This darkness, even the light on Shilang's body, could not illuminate.

"It's not like a sewage pipe here." Matthew said subconsciously.

"How do you say, Master?" Shirou asked.

Matthew said: "My natural sense of direction and time is very good... We walked forward for ten minutes, and then walked to the left for twelve minutes. But it didn't touch the wall. It was too spacious... The sewer pipe is like a city instead."

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.


He also feels this way.

Too spacious.

However, it is Joan who leads the way, and theoretically speaking, he can't go wrong.

After thinking about it, the [evil] armor Shilang put on his body strengthened his magic power.

In an instant, Shi Lang's body lightened brighter.

The shining light swallowed his appearance, as if turned into a light man, sending light toward the surrounding darkness.

But this time, finally dispelled the surrounding darkness, revealing the real scene.

Shirou couldn't help being surprised by this situation.

Where is the underground tunnel here?

This is indeed a city!

A city like a huge stone fortress!

The structure of the city is similar to futuristic art, and the structure of the buildings is abnormal, completely contrary to Euclidean geometry.Its unprecedented spatial structure and dimensional size will make people feel a strong sense of disgust.

These buildings are made of huge green stones that are too large to come from the earth, as well as dizzyingly tall megalithic carvings, magnificent stone statues and gorgeous reliefs. The whole city exudes a strong unclean atmosphere.

"Where is this?" Matthew looked at the rune on the stone pillar next to him, rubbing his forehead with some headache.

Shirou was also very confused about where it was.

What they should have entered is the underground corridor of Vaasa. Why are they now in such an uncomfortable city?

Especially those giant stone carvings or prayers on the stone made him a little uncomfortable.


Where is this place?

Inherent barrier?

Shi Lang frowned.

"Laley?" Jeanne muttered to herself suddenly.


Shi Lang and Matthew looked at her.

"Why, what's wrong?" Jeanne looked at Shirou and Shirou strangely.

Matthew asked, "Ruler, do you know where this is?"

"I don't know." Jeanne shook his head.

Matthew asked strangely: "But, didn't you just say something about'Laley'?"

"No." Joan shook his head and said, "I just think that the structure of this city is a bit like the Lost City that François Prellatti once told me, Lalaije."

"Laley, what city is that?" Matthew asked.

Joan recalled and said: "François Prellatti said that it was the heaven he had arrived in, where his lord slept. He once wanted me and Jill to turn to his lord together. , I fought hard for his Lord's coming, but I refused. Thinking about it carefully, this may be the reason why he finally betrayed me."

"Cthulhu..." Shi Lang frowned.

Joan looked at Shirou in surprise, and asked: "You...how do you know that François Prellatti's master is called Cthulhu? Do you know Cthulhu, the black Assassin? "

Shirou said, "I know a little bit."

"It's really you."

Joan looked admired.

It's just Shirou, but his heart is full of doubts.

Lalaiye This is the place where Cthulhu, the former ruler, slept in "The Myth of Cthulhu."

There is indeed a place in the "Myth of Cthulhu" in the moon, but if the treasure of the Red Caster pulls them to Lalaiye, it would be too far off.

Moreover, if the treasure of the Red Caster is to summon an outer god, or an old ruler, why should he wait until now if he has summoned it a long time ago?

So, how does this manifested Laleille explain?

Is it really an inherent barrier?

At this moment, a rustling sound came from among the huge relief group in front.

The three Shilang rushed forward.




pS: The latest update is relatively late, don't stay up late~!That's it for today, good night~!

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