I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 906

Chapter 54 This is also OK?

The dark city of Lalaiye, under the light of Shirou, presented a faint blue scene, a bit like a deep sea.

This is a site made up of a pile of strangely shaped huge stones, with a ladder that is completely unclimbable.Constant miasma rises from this uncomfortable twisted building complex.

Shi Lang felt a little like a temple here.

He scanned the surroundings. At first glance, the surrounding stones seemed to be convex, but after another glance, he felt that it was actually concave.And those twisted edges and corners on the stone seem to hide sinister threats and anxious emotions.

And inexplicably falling into a city that seems to be Laleille, this has almost made Joan of Arc determine the identity of the Red Caster.

However, Joan was unable to use the magic spell to pull the red Caster out, or kill it directly with the magic spell.

Because the Privilege of Joan of Arc is not carried by the Master’s identity, but because of the Ruler rank.As Ruler wants to use the power of the spell, he must be directly opposite to use the contract on the Servant to implement the spell.

And now, the Red Caster is obviously hiding Shirou and Joan, and naturally will not appear easily.

Even no sound came out, only Laleyer was shown.

Shiro looked at Joan and asked, "Can you feel it, where is the Red Caster?"

Shiro pinned his hopes on Joan's [Revelation], but it is a pity that Joan shook his head and said, "The Lord did not tell me the answer."

"In other words, did Caster of Red use special methods to influence [Revelation] here?" Shirou touched his chin.

Shirou does not have the ability of [Revelation], and is not clear about the mechanism of [Revelation], but at present he can only guess like this.




A strange sound came from the darkness.

Matthew shuddered, she felt as if she was being followed by some predator.

Do not.

Not one kind.

There is a feeling of being targeted by many, many predators.

She subconsciously leaned against Asashiro and took the shield in her hand tightly.Only in this way can she give her the slightest sense of security.

Shirou asked, "Master, do you have intensive phobia?"

"No." Matthew shook his head and asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, then pay attention not to lose your San value." said.

Matthew: "?"

San value?

What it is?

Shilang's mind moved, and the radiant mud of [evil] slowly gushed from his body and rushed to the sky. Then, like a towering old tree in full bloom, tree canopies like umbrellas grew in all directions.

Sparkling, endless light.

Like the legendary tree of light.

so beautiful.Matthew said heartily.

When the light dissipated the surrounding darkness, the dark creatures that could not see the light roared in the darkness, hit the stone, smashed the stone pillar, and made a rumbling sound, and then "gurgling", chanting like an ancient spell.

Then, more beautiful ones emerged one after another from the dark land.

This creature is like a giant squid living in the mud.

A pile of surging tentacles grew on the soft gray-black bag-like body. Except for the pile of stretched and groping tentacles, it did not have any distinguishable features.

No, yes.

There is a lump at the front end of this thing. Perhaps it should be called a container prepared by its brain, or nerve center, or whatever else dominates the sick organ of this terrifying, disgusting creature. .

When these weird shapes emerged one after another from the darkness.

Matthew was frightened.

The San value has dropped significantly.

This is not a monster that can be tolerated by the Three Views of Mankind, even Joan, who has experienced many battles, couldn't help shaking when seeing the true face of these monsters.

"Lord, Lord..."

Shi Lang's complexion is very plain. If this is a running game in Cthulhu, his San value is definitely full.

It's not that he wasn't scared, but that he can use the [Evil of This World] to absorb his fear, this negative emotion directly.


If he insisted on making a metaphor, he would just open the lock and hang San's value!

Seeing these monsters emerging from the darkness, Shi Lang frowned, "Earth Burrowing Demon Insect."

This is a superior independent race in "The Myth of Cthulhu", very scary.

"Sure enough, you are just like me, an ally who has met the true face of the ancient evil god, Assassin of Black."

There was a voice in the darkness.

And this voice was more crisp than what had been heard from the monster's stomach before.

Shirou hadn't reacted yet, but Jeanne showed a disgusted expression and said, "Black Magician, come out!"

"It's an old friend anyway. After hundreds of years of encounters, this is the cause of the Holy Grail. Joan, you are a little cold when you talk to me in this tone." A voice pretending to be disappointed came from the darkness. .

Joan’s face was obviously a little unpleasant, as if she had heard her words deliberately disgusting, she rarely put on a disgusting face, and said: "François Prellatti, you have mixed in as a priest Our army deceived the trust and friendship between Jill and me. You just want to use us to spread your evil and crazy doctrine! And let people believe in your evil hypocritical god!"

"False god? What are you talking nonsense, Jeanne!?" The red Caster's voice became severe, and said, "The Lord you believe in is a hypocritical false god, and my Lord is the true true god of this world. ! Your Lord did nothing, even if you exist or not, it is a problem, and your death is an ironclad proof. Looking at my Lord. Any soldier who believes in my Lord, who is in the dream state, did not hear The word of my lord? That is the proof of the existence of my lord and the love of my lord!"

The voice of the Red Caster seemed extremely fanatical, like a devout fanatic.

Joan said coldly: "So, most of my soldiers are crazy! The defeat of the Battle of Compiègne is because of you!"

The Red Caster said, "How can it be said that it is crazy? They have heard the word of my lord, and their souls accompany my lord day and night in the true holy city. This is the supreme glory! Joan, throw Leave your hypocritical god and worship under my lord. Then you will be the saint of my lord! Believe me, my lord will give you the supreme gift."

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