I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 908

The corners of Joan's mouth couldn't help but twitch, even a little nauseous.

At this moment, the earth-boring monster, the indescribable terror brought by the darkness, was suddenly broken by the nausea of ​​the light.


Shi Lang hiccuped, and said with a smile: "It tastes good, let's continue calling out. I'm quite lacking in magic, and I can continue to eat."

The Red Caster was dumbfounded, and said dumbly: "This, this also works?"

"Of course you can. Any more? Keep calling." Shi Lang said.

There was no Red Caster's voice in the darkness, only the footsteps of fleeing away.

Shi Lang's smile constricted and said, "Chasing!"

Chapter 55 Cthulhu [Second More]

François Prellatti ran to the main hall in a panic.

He really didn't expect that the black Assassin would be so difficult to get involved!

The nine sea monsters he made before, the average heroic spirits are just food for the sea monsters.

But the black Assassin was good, and he actually ate the sea monster directly!

And those endless burrowing monsters...

Even the first-rate heroic spirits will be folded there.

But the black Assassin still ate them as sugar pills...

And it was eaten in such a disgusting way.

What is this?

Who is the Cthulhu?

Who is this guy's true identity?

François Prellatti went crazy.

This city of Lalaiyah was liberated and manifested by him using his treasure [Luoshan City Textbook] to delineate part of the vitality of the believers in Washa City.

The text of Luoyang City, the prototype of which is "Lalaiye Text".

The Laleille Text is a book that only exists in legends, written by an unknown author before 3000 BC.

The original text is said to be written on a clay tablet. There are various rumors as to whether it still exists or has been destroyed.A more likely rumor is that many manuscripts in the form of scrolls have been copied from the original text. These manuscripts have been preserved since 300 BC, and were hidden in uninhabited places along the coast of the Heavenly Dynasty.

In addition to the Chinese version, there are English translations, German translations, and Italian translations.

And this Italian translation is based on the translation of Laleille that Marco Polo brought back from the Celestial Empire by François Preratti.

But unlike other translations, François Prellatti passed his own translation and became the only magician connected to the real Laleille.

And this is what made him fall and become a mad believer.

After connecting to Lalaiye and witnessing the true face of the gods, he believed in the god who was sleeping in the city of Lalaiye as his master, and it was his duty to let that Lord come to the world.

For this reason, he intervened in the Hundred Years' War that was going on at the time, and joined the inferior French army, because this was conducive to spreading the doctrine of the Lord.

And this is the beginning of his relationship with Jeanne and Gil de Ray.

Jeanne will be defeated at Compiègne, and his capture has a close relationship with him, because at that time he had already placed the spirits of many soldiers in the spiritual connection of the Lord through the connection with Laleille. Let those soldiers witness the true face of the Lord and went crazy.

After Joan of Arc was fired, Gil de Ray questioned God, and it was at this time that he handed over his [Luo Dacheng Textbook] to him, causing him to fall into a blue beard and become Own ally.

And he himself was killed by a witch.

Originally, after François Prellatti handed over the [Luoshan City Textbook] to Gil De Lei, Gil de Lei did not return the [Luoshan City Textbook] to him at the soul level. He could not Use this [Luo Dacheng Textbook].

However, his master is very strange.Using a special method that he didn't understand, he returned the [Luoshan City Textbook] to him.

To be honest, he doesn't know what his master is, but he only needs to perform his duties as the master's apostle again.

However, he couldn't think that the black Assassin was too strong!

Even though other Servants possess powerful magical powers, because of the Servant's relationship, they can save magical powers.

After all, magic is the foundation on which Servant relies.

Some Ownerless Servants with extremely low magic powers didn't even dare to release treasures.Because once the treasure is placed, it will leave the field due to the consumption of magic power.

However, the black Assassin is different.

He, he actually took the sea monsters and the burrower insects as food!

Moreover, the more you fight, the more magical you get!

What is this?

Do you use him as a tonic?

The quantity is meaningless in front of him!

Do not.

Rather, the quantity is simply a tonic to restore magic power in front of him!

This makes François Prellatti a headache, because it means that monsters such as the Burrower and the Deep Diver are not useful at all!

[Luoxuancheng Textbook] This is the treasure of the military in the hands of Gil de Ray, but it is the treasure of the military in the hands of François Prellatti!

The most notable feature of this pair of Lloyd’s tools is that it distorts the world’s principles and reproduces the city of Lalaije.

Therefore, the only thing that is more fortunate is that this black Assassin did not break Laley's treasure.

However, the quantity is of no use to the black Assassin, so the last resort can only be used.

François Prellatti gritted his teeth and ran towards Laley's chassis.

It’s just that, what I didn’t expect was that apart from the Red Rider, he was the one who was the most isolated from the main battlefield and was forced into a desperate situation...

Damn it!

For the great cause of the Lord, you must never leave here!

François Prellatti's eyes flashed with determination.

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