I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 909



Shilang led the three of Matthew, and went straight after François Prellatti.

And this time, it was no longer Joan of Arc leading the way, but Shiro leading the way.

As Shirou said, as long as François Prellatti was locked in by him, he would definitely not be able to escape his tracking.

Previously, he could not be retrieved because François Prellatti has a special concealment ability, and now at such a close distance, even if he has not met, Shirou’s [evil] still captures his fluctuations. Naturally, he couldn't escape Kai Shi Lang's tracking.

However, there are indeed many monsters along the way, which hindered the speed of Shirou and others.

And the faces of Matthew and Joan became more and more weird.

There is no doubt that if this is a running game, their San value must have dropped a lot.

This is also a matter of no choice, even if it is not merciful at all, but some things and some terrifying faces are indeed human three views that cannot be accepted calmly.

Especially the first time I saw this terrible thing.

However, Shirou is different.

He who possesses the [Evil of this World] directly uses [Evil] to absorb his negative emotions, thus locking up his San value, and he has no fear at all.

And this is just hanging up.

However, the San value of Joan of Arc and Matthew did not drop much, because compared to the terrifying faces of these monsters, it is really more terrifying and disgusting that Shirou used [evil] to digest the earth-boring monster!

All the way to the bottom of Laleille.

Shirou's light illuminates here.

On the weird and uncomfortable altar in front, there was a person with his back.

There is no doubt that this man was responsible for the tragic death of Joan in the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France. He is also the Red Caster in the Holy Grail War-François Prellatti!

"Is it finally here?" François Prellatti said with his back to them.

Just like ordinary RPG games, Joan has to talk to François Prellatti first, and Shirou said: "Don't talk nonsense, use Lingshu!"

Joan was stunned, then nodded.

She looked at François Prellatti's back, with a serious expression, and said: "Order it with the curse, François Prellatti, commit suicide!"

However, nothing happened.

"How could it be?" Jeanne couldn't help being taken aback.

She could clearly feel that the magic spell carried by Ruler's rank had already worked.


No effect at all!

How could this be?

"It's a pity, Joan. In front of the great Lord, the curse has lost its effect!" François Prellatti turned his back to them, spread his hands, and said, "Lift your heads and take a look. , Witness the true face of the Great Lord!"

As François Prellatti's voice fell, the darkness here was removed.

Revealed his true face.

Huge, green stone constructions too big to come from the earth, as well as dizzyingly tall megalithic carvings, magnificent stone statues and gorgeous reliefs, and a string of unspeakable strange runes.The whole city is extremely distorted and abnormal.

But this--

Not the point.

"That, that's..." Joan was stunned.

Do not.

It should be said to be completely stupid.

It was sleeping, huge, and a monster like a mountain.

The image of this huge monster roughly has some octopus, bat and human characteristics.

His whole body is green and his body is extremely huge, like a giant who is floating in this city.His soft head has numerous tentacles, his body is fat and scaled, his forelimbs have soft and collapsed claws, and his back has a pair of tattered, seemingly unshaped wings.

The giant was asleep, his eyes closed tightly.

As if falling into eternal sleep.

But seeing the true face of this giant, Joan did feel that she was going crazy.

It seemed that there was an indescribable fear, depriving her of her firm will.

"Lord, Lord."

Joan whispered the Lord's name in a low voice, and this seemed to have a strange power, which dispelled the indescribable resistance.

His attitude gradually became normal.

Matthew also raised his head to look.

As a result, just before she was about to witness, a hand stretched out more quickly and covered her eyes.

Shirou said, "Don't watch it."

Matthew was stunned, then nodded obediently, and said, "I see, Mr. Fujimaru."

Although Matthew didn't understand Shi Lang's meaning, she also knew that she was just a novice and could not provide much help, so she could only try to make herself less burdensome.

"Did you see it, Jeanne?" François Prellatti turned his back to them, spread his hands, and laughed loudly: "This is the true face of the Lord! The Lord--, there really exists! And Where is your hypocritical god..."

Joan listened solemnly, ready to refute at any time, but before François Prellatti had finished speaking, Shirou showed the holy gun Lungomiard and shot him with a luminous cannon. .

His body was swallowed by the light of stars.

Joan was stunned, turned her head and looked at the Shirou who was covering Matthew's eyes while blowing on the smoking Holy Spear Lungominiad.

Shiro looked at the dumb Joan, put down the Holy Spear Lungominiad, which had been turned into powder, and said helplessly: "Why must I listen to him talking nonsense?"

"That's right." Joan nodded blankly.

She felt that the eternal king was a little different from what she had imagined.

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