I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 910

The eternal king she imagined was so holy and wise that she longed for it.

And the eternal king in front of him...

Sure enough, she was still so wise, that she longed for it.

Do you need a reason to look forward to?

Of course, no.

I don't know why, but at this time, I noticed that Leticia, whom Joan was thinking, somewhat despised her.

Such people, in modern times.

It should be called a brain residue fan.

And at this moment--

"It's really mean...!"

François Prellatti's angry voice resounded.

Joan and others turned their heads and looked surprised.

François Prellatti was not wiped out by the Holy Spear Lungomiard!

"It's useless, there is the mighty power of my lord here, how could I be killed by your magical cannon?" Francois Prellatti's tone both admired Cthulhu and was right. Shiro's disdain and mockery for sneak attack.

When he turned around, Jeanne couldn't help being surprised, and even Shi Lang couldn't help being surprised.

That--, is no longer alone.

It's a humanoid octopus monster!

It looks the same as the sleeping Cthulhu!

"François Prellatti, you, you are...!" Jeanne looked surprised.

The octopus on François Prellatti’s tentacles squirmed and said, "Jan of Arc. Have you seen it? This is the true face of the Lord’s Apostle! I used to think that man is the most perfect creature in the world. , But since I met the Lord, I realized that. Humans are not perfect at all. The true perfect creature is an evil god like the Lord! As an alchemist, how can I endure my own incompleteness? This is a supreme reward. It is a manifestation of the mighty power of the Lord!"

"What are you trying to say, Black Magician?" Jeanne frowned.

"I'm no longer a human being, Joan!" François Prellatti looked enthusiastic, then stretched out his palm to Joan, and said: "I have witnessed my ultimate posture and the true face of the Lord Presumably you are aware of the greatness of the Lord. I will give you one last chance, Joan, saint of Frank. Believe in the Lord from the soul level, and you will receive the Lord’s gift!"

François Prellatti looked enthusiastic and sent out the invitation affectionately.It can be seen that he is very persistent in turning Jeanne into a fanatic of Cthulhu.

And to this, the answer to him was--


A blade of [evil] surged from the ground, piercing François Prellatti's abdomen.

Francois Prellatti stiffened.

Shi Lang smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I had expected you to live under my light cannon."

François Prellatti looked at Shirou with a gloomy face, and said: "I want to invite you too, Assassin of the Black. But with this action, are you begging to die?"

"Yes." Shirou nodded, walked out, and said with a smile on his face: "I--, Fujimaru Shirou please die. But, can you satisfy me? And can your evil god satisfy me?"

The tone was flat but blatant, making François Prellatti angrily!

Chapter 56 The Old Dominator [Third More]

François Prellatti was extremely angry.

To be honest, he was very upset with Shirou.

This time in the present world, his purpose is to fulfill his long-cherished wish in his lifetime, that is, to open the point of linking Lalaiye, so that the Lord can descend into this world.

So it doesn't matter whether it is winning the Holy Grail or serving his Master, as long as this is achieved.

But Shirou has repeatedly destroyed his position. At first, the sea monster was eaten, but now he has been forced to use his ultimate means.

"Send a wild symphony to the Lord!"

François Prelati laughed, and then the ground swayed.

Do not.

It is not the earth, but the city of Lalaije is swaying.

Shi Lang frowned, which was obviously a big move.

But it would be too stupid to let him watch François Prellatti zoom in.

Shiro [projection] produced twelve swords in the stone, each of which exudes a shining brilliance, and then only one class of twelve magic light cannons that are one level worse than the liberation light cannon of the sword of victory. The terrifying convergent light cannon rushes towards François Prellatti like a spiral staircase like the light that disperses the dark earth.

Francois Prellati laughed loudly: "I already have the protection of the mighty power of the Lord, it is of no use to me..."

François Prellatti hadn't finished speaking. With a "bang", his head was blown away by twelve convergent light cannons.

The hot body fell straight down.

Then, with a "boom", the earth opened and a huge mouth swallowed the hot body of Francois Prellatti.


The huge monster sleeping deep in the bottom of Lalaiye slowly emerged from the ground.

It was an extremely huge earth-boring monster.

Just the body emerging from the ground is more than two hundred meters long.It is gray all over, and it sings strange and indescribable inscriptions while secreting strange acid.

With such a huge body, Shirou has only seen Meiren Solomon's land king and the head of the false gods.

And the acid fell on the ground, making a corrosive sound of "sizzling", and even the firm Laleyer ground under his feet melted like butter in a microwave oven.

"Despicable Black Assassin, under the mighty power of the Lord, die!" François Prellatti's angry voice came from the body of this earth burrower. It is obvious that he always treats Shilang. Attacked him before he finished speaking, very angry.

This burrowing monster uttered an angry roar following François Prellatti's will.

It is like a long dragon, relying on its huge body, crushing towards Shilang and others like mountains and seas.

Shi Lang was about to return to defense, but Joan freed her treasure for the first time-[My Lord is here].

She waved her own banner and summoned the power of heaven.The entire flag exudes a holy light. With this flag as the center, a guardian enchantment from heaven is formed, which resists the impact route of the giant earth-boring monster.

The huge earth-boring monster slammed heavily on the guardian barrier of [My Lord Is Here], making a bang, and failed to defeat Jeanne’s [My Lord Is Here], but Joan’s banner appeared A hole was made.

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