I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 913

But as Lalaiye disappeared, Cthulhu also disappeared, Shirou didn't care much about it.

The heroic spirits of the Cthulhu family do have a foothold in the world of the moon.

And the old dominators or outer gods in the Xingyue worldview are all existences in the outer universe, and like the enlightened ones, they cannot directly descend.

Most of the heroic spirits of the Cthulhu family are generally connected to the Cthulhu due to external factors, or are directly possessed by the Cthulhu, thus gaining the form and power of the outer god, and then descending.

Most of these heroic spirits descended in the rank of Foreigner, so-called descendants.

Among them are heroic spirits such as Abigail and Yang Guifei.

The city of Lalaije is François Prellatti's treasure, which has tampered with the principles of the world, thus making the city of Lalaije appear in the world.

Today, François Prellatti is dead, the manifestation of Laleille is also shattered, and the connection to this world has been cut off, and it is naturally no problem.

François Prellatti’s tool against the treasures is not weak, eroding the world’s principles, and thus showing the city of La Rey. Its strength is actually the same as that of the red Assassin Semiramis’ [Vanity Sky Garden] Similar.

Whether it is the endless burrowing monsters, the emergence of Shude Meier, and the other institutions and monsters that exist in Laley City, they are all very powerful.

If Joan came to explore alone, he could only use the self-blasting round.

But unfortunately, François Prellatti picked the wrong opponent.

Shi Lang's [evil] is a natural restraint of these things, and he eats monsters directly as a tonic.And Xiud Meier was directly bombarded to death by Shirou's projected star sword.

In fact, Shirou is not very efficient anymore.

If it were replaced by Gilgamesh's Departure Sword, with the principles of the Departure Sword, it would be the natural enemy that truly restrained these treasures.

After spending a lot of time, Shi Lang and others patrolled the underground a few times.

Sure enough, there are some small sea monsters left by François Prellatti in the underground of Vaasa.

Before Joan and Matthew could take action, Shi Lang ate all these small sea monsters and gained a lot of magic power.

Several people searched it a few times, and after they were cleaned up, they left.

Back on the ground.

Shi Lang and Matthew are going to leave, but Jeanne is going to stay first.

As the salvation saint of France, she could not let the citizens of Vassar who had been brainwashed by the cult be left alone, so she planned to stay and brainwash the citizens of Vassar.

Shi Lang had no objection, but left Vasha with Matthew.

It's disappointing that I didn't get the information about the connection point, but the Red Caster has retired, which is good news.

However, can this only wait until the captain of Matthew arrives before proceeding to the next step?

If this is the case, it would be too passive.

and also……

"Master, what's wrong with your very disappointed expression?" Shi Lang looked at Ma Xiu and asked.

Matthew lowered her head, showing a very disappointed expression, as if she was deeply hit.

"No. No, nothing, Mr. Fujimaru." Ma Xiu shook his head and said in a low tone, "It just feels like I didn't help much just now, but caused a lot of trouble. Even the treasure will not be released."

Shirou asked strangely, "Didn't you just behave well?"

"No, no such thing, I, I..." Matthew said incoherently.

In fact, she was really disappointed in what she had just done.

Shi Lang wanted to reach out to touch Ma Xiu's head, but as soon as he stretched out his palm, he finally patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be too hasty, take your time. Don't think that you will become what you want. That's unrealistic. Your days will grow in the future, and you will grow up slowly. Besides, if you are a reliable Master, how can I highlight my grandeur and maturity?"

Matthew listened in front of it and was very moved, like the soul chicken soup he had heard before, but after hearing it, she was speechless.

How can you belittle others and exalt yourself like this?

"Mr. Fujimaru...!"

"Anyway, you can just understand it like this." Shirou laughed and stepped out.

Matthew didn't know what expression to put on.

She felt helpless towards her Servant.

Taking steps, she followed Shi Lang.



Saber is thinking about one thing now.

How long does it take her Master to think of summoning her away with Lingshu.

She really can't stand it!

Do not.

If you want to get rid of "some", you really can't stand it!

This Mordred is like a piece of brown candy. She will follow where Saber goes.

When sleeping, Saber was asked to hold her to sleep.

The most important thing is that when this guy is sleeping, he actually stretches out his hand to hug her waist.

That strength...

Almost broke her waist!

Saber is really too much.

In fact, when Mordred fell asleep unsuspectingly last night, she considered whether to start.

From a strategic point of view, this is an excellent opportunity.

But in the end, Saber still didn't start.

Saber probably already understands the existence of this Mordred, and how she is related to this Mordred in this world of Mordred.

Probably a very close mother and daughter.

And this is the main reason why Saber can't start vilely.

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