I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 914

As King Arthur, she has a holy heart and a solemn spirit, and can't tolerate herself relying on the trust she has gained because of her other self to attack Mordred.

She really couldn't harden her heart to play with black-hearted methods.

Saber couldn't help but smile.

Besides, does this really look like war?

Seeing Mordred who was holding her, Saber was very distressed.

At this time, she extremely hoped that her master could use Lingshu to summon her back, or she could find a chance to run away.

But it is a pity that her lord seems to have not noticed her difficult situation so far, and this Mordred also sticks to her like brown sugar, without a chance to escape.

"What's wrong, my dear mother. Are you thinking about your lovely daughter?" Mordred holding Saber raised his head and looked at Saber's face.

Saber's head hurts even more.


Lion Jiejieli frowned, and suddenly made a sound, attracting the eyes of Mordred and Saber.

"What's the matter, Master?" Mordred asked.

Lion Jiejieli sat aside, with his back to Mordred and Saber, but frowned tightly, showing an expression of incredibleness, as if he had seen something incredible.

Before the start of the Holy Grail War, the lion robbery was under the command of Mordred and deployed numerous envoys on the national highway between Bucharest and Tolifa, the capital of Romania, to detect foreigners. The magician and the Servant can obtain information without being blinded.

And this is the reason why they saw Garna and Arjuna decisive battle before.

However, now that the followers of the Holy Grail War have appeared, these arrangements seem to have no value.

But now, the Lion Jiejie Li couldn't help showing an unbelievable expression.

"Do you believe it,'Galahad' Qing?" The Lion Jie Jie Li said solemnly, "Another group of Servant and Master appeared!"

Mordred smiled and said, "What's so surprising about this? It should be our Red Caster and Master who appeared."

Saber frowned.

When Mordred said this, he didn't avoid her.

Is this underestimating her, or is there no defense?

Lion Jiejieli said solemnly: "The priest has notified me before that the lord of the Red Caster has already joined him."

"What do you mean..." Mordred's smile gradually narrowed, and his eyebrows frowned. "Black's servants and masters are all of the Thousand Realm Tree clan and have arrived. And Ruler has also appeared... Master, you mean this is a redundant group?"

"Yes." Lion Jiejieli nodded.

"Where did the master and servant come from?" Mordred frowned.

And this is not just a problem of Mordred's separation from the lion's robbery, but also a problem of other people who have observed this reaction.

From where... the new masters and followers emerged?

Chapter 58 Coming

The Holy Grail battle, this is 7V7, plus a Ruler, a total of fifteen rides.

Compared to the normal Holy Grail War, this is bizarre enough.

But now, something even more bizarre has happened!

There is another combination!

Neither black nor red, the sixteenth rider appeared!

What's even more outrageous is that the sixteenth rider still has a Master!

Mordred's smile had disappeared, and he showed a look of thinking.

"What are you thinking,'Galahad' Qing?" The Lion Jie Jie Li turned his head, looked at Mordred, and asked.

Mordred thought for a moment and said, "I'm wondering if this is someone's blindfold."

Lion Jiejieli showed a puzzled expression.

Mordred said: "The Battle of the Holy Grail has happened very bizarre, and now there is the 16th rider. This really makes people have to think about who is in a blindfold for what purpose. Of course, it may be true. Sixteenth ride."

"Then what should we do?" The Lion Jiejieli asked.

"Do nothing." Mordred laughed and said: "I don't believe it, only we have discovered this. Wait, wait for the red and black to make a move, we just wait for the result."

Lion Jiejieli nodded.Indeed, neither the Thousand Realm Tree clan on the defending side nor the red side could not be aware of this.And their group of people who do things, observe in secret, and wait for the result is the best choice.

And things are just as Mordred said.

They were not the only ones who noticed the appearance of the Sixteenth Cavaliers. Whether it was Kenmine Shiro who had high hopes for the Holy Grail battle, or Danic who had been eyeing the Holy Grail, they all discovered this.

Templar church.

Yanfeng Shiro frowned deeply.

The appearance of the Sixteenth Cavalry made him feel that the battle had gone completely wrong.

"What do you think, Garna?" Yanfeng Shiro looked at the taciturn Garna.

Although his servant is Semiramis, but to be honest, he really thinks that he is reliable, it is Garna.

Although Garna is not his follower, and always tells the truth, people can't help but irritate.But as long as there is an inquiry, Garna is bound to give his reliable opinion, and his request is only one, don't hurt his master.

This guy probably belongs to the kind of person who has a very good personality, a strong force, and a unique vision...Thousands of praises are added to the body, but there is no emotional intelligence.

"It may be some strategy of Black, but it cannot be ruled out that the sixteenth rider actually appeared." Garna really calmly gave his opinion.

And this caused Semiramis's great dissatisfaction.

His lord does not ask her, but asks Garna. Doesn't this mean that she is not as reliable as Garna?

This was very annoying for the extremely high-spirited Esemiramis.

Especially, the object was the Garna who always made her angry, but she just couldn't fix it.

Yanfeng Shiro is not a person like Garna who has no emotional intelligence. To put it bluntly, this allowed Semiramis to hold back his anger.

Yanfeng Shiro asked Semiramis and Atalante for their opinions, and the answer was nothing more than who was in the strategy for what purpose, or what accident really happened. In this battle, the 16th rider appeared. .

Yanfeng Shiro thought about it, and said, "Let’s stare at the sixteenth ride first. If it is someone’s strategy, Assassin’s fortress has been completed, and it is not afraid of other heroic spirits except the eternal king who does not know the depth. And if it is true On the sixteenth ride, I believe that Black will definitely go and investigate. We just need to keep an eye on it."

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