I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 924

And this imaginary enemy is not someone else, it is the source of these wisdom, the Eternal King.

In the eternal dynasty, all knights worship the wise eternal king, but Mordred does not think so.

What she wants is beyond!

Isn’t the wisdom of the ancestors inherited to surpass the ancestors on the basis of the ancestors?

Inherit and develop.

If future generations can't surpass the ancestors, wouldn't it disappoint the ancestors?

With this idea, Mordred had extremely mixed emotions towards the King of Eternity.

Especially the eternal king, she had only met once and had never been close to her father.

Longing, respect, understanding, sadness, hostility, disgust...

This emotion is too complicated to describe.

Now that she met this old man here, she definitely couldn't give up this opportunity.


She wants to defeat the old man.

And this is also the key to her getting the Holy Grail.

Shiro walked out of the coffee shop, looked at Mordred, and said, "Hold on. Are you Altria?"

Shiro guessed that this might be another parallel of Altria.

There is no way, the person with Altria's face...

It's too much!

As far as he knows, there are Grey, Nero, Okita Chief...Even here, Black still has a Saber, a parallel entity of Altria.

Therefore, Shi Lang must have a question.

However, facing Shirou's question, Mordred did not answer, only licked his lips, his small face looked a bit mad, the black and red holy sword in his hand exuded brilliance, and terrifying energy was brewing in it.

"rest in peace,--"

Looking at Mordred's holy sword that gradually lit up with black and red light, Shi Lang quickly said, "Wait a minute!"

"——Let’s sleep here!"

The black-red holy sword exuded the ultimate black-red light, as if it were thick black blood, and blasted towards Shilang.

Upon seeing this, Shi Lang waved his hand, took out the [Shield of the Gods (pseudo)] from the [Infinite Sword System], and erected several [Evil] shields, which made it like black blood. The light cannon stopped.

Shi Lang waved his hand to remove the [Evil] shield, frowned, looked sharply at Mordred, and asked, "Do you mean you don't want to communicate with me?"

Mordred did not speak, but looked at the black and red holy sword in his hand with a strange expression.

"You attack me, I won't keep my hand."

Shi Lang's gaze condensed, and four [evil] arms gushing out of his back, one after another picked up the sword in the stone, and slashed towards Mordred.

Mordred held the black and red holy sword in his hand, waving a wonderful arc in the air, blocking the offensive of the four [evil] arms.

The trajectory of swordsmanship was very familiar, causing De Shilang to frown slightly: "Lancelot's swordsmanship."

Shirou saw that the swordsmanship belonged to Lancelot.Lancelot used to ask Merlin for swordsmanship, and Shi Lang has seen many times Lancelot and Merlin's swordsmanship competition, so he remembers Lancelot's swordsmanship.

And there is no doubt that what this "Altria" displayed was Lancelot's swordsmanship.

Shi Lang stretched out another [evil] arm, holding the sword in the stone, and slashed towards Mordred.

Shi Lang did not realize the giant arm of [evil], nor did he take out the 60-meter-long [opening up the green horizon of a thousand mountains (pseudo)], because it couldn't be used at all.

Facing Shirou's fifth [evil] arm, Mordred couldn't bear it.

Her swordsmanship is actually not good.

They are all painting cats based on tigers, and they have only learned a lot of flowers, and have not yet reached the state of Saber or Lancelot.

Facing the offensive of Shiro's five [evil] arms, the airframe was a little awkward, and his hands and feet seemed a little flustered.

Shilang's mind moved, and the five [evil] arms stab at Mordred with swords in the stone.

However, Shi Lang was taken aback at the next moment.

I saw Mordred escape directly into the ground, letting the five swords in the stone fall to the ground.

"Escape?" Shi Lang was a little surprised.

At this time, the earth buzzed and Shilang instinctively took a step back.

The next moment, black and red light cannons gushed out of the earth, almost wiping Shiro, and shooting towards the sky.

"Interesting... It's actually a treasure of escape."

Shi Lang murmured.

"There is something more interesting."

There was a muffled voice from the ground, and the next moment, one hand grabbed Shiro's ankle.

Using the [Unknown Flower of Rebellion] to hide in the ground, Mordred showed a playful smile on his face, and was planning to repeat the old tricks and drag Shirou into the ground like Saber.

A happy smile appeared on her face, but when she was about to implement it, a huge palm suddenly grabbed her body.

Mordred didn't have time to be surprised. The next moment, this huge palm dug her out like a sweet potato.

"This, this is..." Mordred looked surprised.

After being dug out, she was stunned to discover that Shilang's body was surging with black mud, and it was this black mud that formed a huge palm, mixed into the mud, and dug her out.

"Surprise? I think it's a pleasant surprise, but it's really interesting." Shi Lang said with a smile.

Shilang put on the armor of [Evil], which sticks the evil of this world to his body, which can effectively enhance the power he lacks.

Shi Lang lifted her with the giant hand of [evil] so as not to hide her, but he stretched out his hand to control her, and asked, "Tell me, who are you?"

Mordred did not struggle, motionless.

However, he did not answer Shirou's question.

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