I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 925

At this moment, she was a little depressed.

She really did not expect that she was dug out by Shi Lang!

Nothing has been played yet, even the star cup hasn't been taken out, so Shirou has taken control.

This made her very dissatisfied.

And the most important thing is why her [Rest in peace, sleep forever] will not work?

"You, are you the Eternal King?" Mordred asked.

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows and asked, "You attacked me because I am the King of Eternity?"

Mordred did not answer.

At this moment, Saber came after him from the other side.

Shirou looked up at her, and when he reached out his hand about to attack, Saber quickly said, "Hold on, Assassin. It's me!"

Shirou was taken aback, stopped, and asked, "Saber?"

Saber nodded.

This is the opportunity!

Mordred's eyes lit up and violently burst.

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, palms hard, trying to restrain her.

After all, Mordred is a dragon, and his muscle strength is not bad, but Shiro wears the [evil] armor and has an additional muscle strength bonus from [evil]. Although it is not as good as Saber, it can also control Mordred. .

Never thought that Mordred reached out and grabbed Shiro's wrist, and opened his mouth to bite Shiro's palm.


There was a sudden pain in his palm, Shi Lang let go of his hand subconsciously, and at this moment, Mordred got rid of the control of the palm of [evil], went underground and ran away.

Shi Lang subconsciously slapped it down and hit her on the back.


Mordred wailed in pain, did not dare to stay, and quickly escaped into the ground.

"I will be back!"

In the air, only her unwilling voice remained.

Shi Lang shook his palm and looked at the palm, and saw that the lower focal area of ​​his thumb was bitten severely, leaving a row of teeth marks.

"Do you belong to a dog? You bit so hard!"

Seeing the tooth mark on his palm, Shi Lang felt a little distressed about his hand.

Although it was not the main body, the pain was passed over without leaving any trace!

Chapter 64 My Daughter?[Second more]

Shirou held his palm and slowly drank, trying to relieve some pain.

But it doesn't work.

It hurts too much.

It was like being bitten by a giant dragon, even if the tooth mark was repaired with [evil], the pain was not eliminated.

Shi Lang gritted his teeth, bit him and still want to run?

Is there such a cheap thing?

Although he can't escape from the ground, but there are other ways to kill people from the ground.

Shilang lay on the ground, the evil of this world gushing out of his body like a tide, and then slowly infiltrated into the ground.

Shilang had no way to escape, but his evil could penetrate into the earth.

In the past, the black hands of [evil] emerged from the ground to arrest and kill, and that is why.

Therefore, thinking that you can run away?

It's so naive!

Shirou's eyes flashed with annoyance.

He is a very vengeful man. After he was bitten, how could he not come back with revenge?

Shilang couldn't see through where Mordred was running at the moment, but he posted [Intuition] and relied on intuition to catch people.

This is very weird to Saber.

"A, Assassin, what are you doing?" Saber asked.


Shirou said, lying on the ground.


Mordred was potentially underneath.

Although he was overcast because he didn't know the characteristics of Shirou's treasure before.

But it didn't matter, because she had escaped to the ground in absolute safety.

And the sentence she left behind "I will be back!" is actually just a cover!

A guise to let the Eternal King rest assured that she has gone!

And she, kill another carbine!

Standing in the underground space of the [Unknown Flower of Rebellion], Mordred stretched out his palm slightly, and a faint golden particle appeared in her hand. The next moment, the strange star cup appeared in Mordred Hands.

This star cup is something she has in front of her, so it has also become her treasure.

For Mordred, this star cup is like the evil of this world to Shirou, it is the core treasure.

The star cup itself does not have any powerful power, its only ability is to increase!

However, the increase of the star cup is different from Meilin's [Hero Shaping] or Shiro's [Dynasty Made].

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