I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 929

Shirou's [Intuition C] has expired.

This thing is very reliable in terms of combat, but it is used to find people...

It is indeed not as good as Joan's [Revelation].

Shirou only vaguely felt one direction, and chased it all the way in that direction.

Not long after, he saw a parking stop.

But this is not the point. The point is that he saw the girl in this stop.

She was about twelve or thirteen years old, with blond hair and a dull hair like her mother.

Except for her petite body, it can be said that she looks exactly like her mother.

And this is her stronghold, right?

Shi Lang did not hesitate, and directly waved the hand of [evil] and grabbed the girl.


"Isn't it okay?" Grey looked towards a violin shop not far away and sighed heavily.

Her Servant is good in everything, obedient and cute, but only one thing is unacceptable.

That is her pursuit of art.

Before the gasoline was consumed, they came to the city of Vasha.

As a result, as soon as the car was parked, her Servant was attracted by the violin shop next to her. It was useless to pull it, so she ran to the violin shop to choose the violin she wanted.

There is no way, Grey can only stand in place and wait for her.

At this moment, Grey felt a chill instinctively.

Only hearing the whistling wind in her ears, Grey turned her head fiercely, and saw a huge hand of pitch-black mud grabbing towards her.

not good!

Grey made a violent heart, and then stretched out his hand, only to see a flash of silver light, and a holy sword appeared, cutting the huge black mud hand.

With a "click", part of his palm fell on the ground.

Grey was about to call her Servant, but the palms that fell on the ground turned into mud tides, swallowing them towards her.

Grey frowned and showed a solemn expression. The holy sword in her hand exuded a faint light, and was about to be liberated. The next moment, a black hand stretched out from the ground and grabbed her ankle. .


Grey yelled, the bottom plate was unstable, and she was about to fall to the ground. As a result, the mud tide came and cushioned her body, and then tied her up like a rope and pulled her to the past.

Grey yelled badly.

She was careless!

She was attacked!

The guardian of this connection point must have been staring at her from the moment she entered Romania, waiting for the fighter.

And now, her Servant has left her, it is the best time to fight!


Really careless!

Thought it was a connection point for novices, and ended up letting go.

Is it going to capsize the gutter now?

Grey was nervous, ready to use Lingshu to transfer her Servant over.

However, at the moment she was dragged by the mud and saw the operator, she couldn't help being stunned.

Shi Lang looked at the twelve or three-year-old girl in front of him, with blond hair and holy blue eyes, almost exactly the same as Altria.

There was emotion in my heart, I wanted to say something, but I couldn't tell it.

There is a nervous, but inexplicable emotion.

But men, shouldn't they stand up and behave?

After taking three deep breaths, Shi Lang said with a serious face: "Your name is Mordred, right? You may not know, I am your father, Gnivale!"

Grey: "?"

Grey was dumbfounded.

Do not.

The moment Shirou saw Shirou, she was dumbfounded.

And now...

It's a fool!

Gray couldn't help but said, "I'm sorry. I know many people look exactly like me, but... you have admitted the wrong person."

Shilang shook his head and said, "I will not admit my mistake."

Shirou was very sure that he did not admit his mistake.

The eye contact just now, although it was only a short moment, Shirou had already imprinted Mordred's appearance in his mind.

She looked exactly the same as the twelve or thirteen-year-old girl in front of her, even her hairstyle was the same.Except for Mordred who wore blue silver armor, and this girl was wearing a white shirt with plaid group and black stockings.

Although the clothes were different, Mordred did not rule out returning to the stronghold. He felt at ease, so he took off his battle clothes and changed into everyday clothes.

Although there were many people who looked exactly like Altria, the Mordred he had just met looked like the twelve or thirteen-year-old Altria. Simply put, it was Lori Al.

And such an Altria species, except for his naturally grown Mordred, does not exist.

"His Fuji, Fujimaru...I, I'm Grey!" Grey pointed to herself and couldn't help but said.

Suddenly being said to be his father, Grey's heart was broken.

She must correct this mistake.

Shi Lang, who was full of chaos, heard these words, at the time he was stunned: "Huh?"

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