I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 930

Grey said patiently: "I am Grey. Have you forgotten it? Grey who was once received the neon from Britain by you, the physical reincarnation of His Royal Highness the Knight King. Do you not remember me?"

When I saw Shi Lang here suddenly, Gray was very surprised. She wanted to talk about the past, but Shi Lang's words were so thunderous that she was killed by lightning, and she had to explain clearly.

Shi Lang looked at Grey.

Around the age of twelve, a pretty childish and even baby-fat face with golden hair clinging to it makes people feel immature and a pair of holy blue eyes.

Shirou frowned.

It is undeniable that he is very nervous now, and his brain is in a mess.

However, he felt that he was treated as a fool by this little bastard.

At this time, Grey's Servant happily walked out of the violin shop, but when he saw Grey was tied up by Shi Lang.

She was shocked, and even the carefully selected violin in her hand fell to the ground.

She Gu showed a black and red strange long sword, ran towards Shi Lang, and said angrily: "Let go of Master Yu!"




pS: The third one is here~!Good night~!

I wanted to ask for a wave of monthly tickets, blades, etc., but suddenly I remembered that I still owe four chapters... QWQ

Chapter 66 No matter what, my cub, I will get it back!

Shilang originally thought he would not know how to interstellar.

But now he discovered that interstellar free is an irresistible trend.


It's really messy.

Just here, there are five faces that look exactly like Altria.

Saber, Joan of Arc, Grey, Mordred, and Servant brought by Grey, Nero, the emperor of the Roman Empire.

Five people!

It's like quintuplets!

Joan is best recognized because she has the iconic braid.

As for Nero...

She actually wore the costume of the lily knight when Altria traveled.

In her words, this is in line with her pursuit of art.

Fortunately, she possessed a beautiful body that Altria hadn't had at the age of fifteen, otherwise it would be easy to admit mistakes.

And Mordred and Grey at this moment...

Well, it's really exactly the same!

And Saber doesn't need to mention it, and Altria is the same person.

Now Shironte can understand the feeling of Kuang Lan and Blue Beard.

There was an urge to kill Takeuchi and sacrifice it to Billy.

Shiro caught the wrong person, and the association had a conflict with Nero, but fortunately, Grey seemed to have quite a bit of experience in being admitted, and she spoke quickly and explained clearly, avoiding conflicts with each other.

In addition, Saber and Matthew arrived in time, so avoid this conflict.

It's just that Shirou's heart is terrible, and his mind is even more muddy.

He felt that he was really messed up.

Taking advantage of Matthew and Grey's reminiscence, he went to the violin shop aside and borrowed the bathroom.

He buried his head under the faucet and turned on the faucet. The cold water fell on his head, dripping drop by drop along his face.

The cold and moist feeling immediately gave his muddy mind a moment of tranquility.

Outside the shop.

Grey asked about the current situation of Matthew and found out all the experiences of Matthew and Shilang.

Grey couldn't help but sighed: "Your luck is really good, Matthew. I actually met His Excellency Fujimaru here and signed a contract with His Excellency Fujimaru."

"Yeah. The doctor said the same." Matthew nodded and said.


Before Matthew got in touch with Romani, Grey was not surprised. Chaldeans was the terminal of the system, and the signal was better than the personal terminal.

It's just that Grey is a little surprised that Shi Lang has concealed his true identity.

However, she did not point out this point.

She understood that Shi Lang did not point out his true identity, he must have his own ideas, so Grey did not make any extra effort.

However, the matter of the Red Caster, especially the summoning of Laley and Cthulhu, made Grey's brows frowned.

She is no longer the inferiority girl thirteen years ago. On the contrary, she raised her head and chest, but exuded the confident sunshine of a young girl.

However, with her immature appearance of about twelve years old, there is a sense of vigor of a yellow-haired girl.

In fact, her current height is similar to Mordred, both about 1.2 meters, and she feels like a loli-type Altria.

Therefore, Saber looked at her, feeling a little speechless.

How many people have the same face as her?

Saber felt helpless, and now she can understand why Caster Gil de Rey of the last Holy Grail War admitted her wrong.

Too many people look exactly like her.

In this Holy Grail battle alone, Saber saw many people who looked exactly like her.

Such as Mordred, such as Grey, and now this Nero who has been staring at her with great interest.

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