I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 931

"What are you looking at?" Saber couldn't bear it anymore, frowning, and asked Nero.

"Nothing, just counting the difference between you and Yu."

Nero nodded, straightened his chest, and said, "Mmm. We are still very different. And you are much more rigid than her."

Nero laughed.

Saber: "?"

She was dumbfounded at the time, what was going on?

Why is this Holy Grail War so messy?

In the small shop.

Shi Lang had already turned off the faucet, and cold water slowly dripped down his face.

"Tick, tick."

The sound of water.

Shi Lang raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror.

The cold water finally made him a little awake.

Wiping his face, Shi Lang thanked the shopkeeper and then walked out of the shop.

"Mr. Fujimaru!" Matthew saw him, and the retelling with Gray was temporarily suspended and waved at him.

Grey looked at it.

Shi Lang smiled and nodded at them, and walked slowly.

Grey Chao Shirou greeted him and said, "It's been a long time, Fujimaru."

"Yeah, it's been a long time, Grey. Your changes are really big." Shi Lang said with a smile.

Yes, Grey has changed a lot now.

The change in appearance is only secondary, the most significant change is inside.

Confidence from the inside out, with vigor and vitality, not as lifeless as he once saw.And most importantly, when Grey saw him, he was not cautious, but smiled freely, mature like a lady.

The changes are really big.

This can only be said to be growth accumulated over time.

Shirou could understand the changes in Grey's appearance.After all, Grey is Altria's reincarnation body, and the longer she is in contact with Altria, the more her body will change to Altria.

But changed into this loli look...

"Are you cursed by someone?" Shi Lang asked directly.

Matthew was taken aback.

Nero, who was studying Saber, turned his head and looked at Shirou in surprise.

She is Grey's Servant and naturally knows Grey's situation.Yes, Grey would become like this, indeed, because he was cursed while performing the task.

But Grey looked plain, because it was not surprising.

Grey nodded, then glanced at Matthew.

Shi Lang understood, Grey didn't want Matthew to worry.

This is really a trick used by adults.

Shirou said an excuse and took Grey to communicate with him away from Matthew.

Shilang asked, "Are Al and Lixiang okay?"

"Yeah." Grey nodded, then hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Your Excellency Fujimaru, are you a hero?"

"That's right. But, I'm not dead. If I insist on describing it, my condition is similar to Al." Shiro said.He explained everything at once to avoid Grey's misunderstanding and worry.

"That's it." Grey nodded.Shirou described it this way, and she understood Shirou's state.

Grey smiled and said, "I knew that Matthew had contracted His Excellency Fujimaru, so I don't have to worry about it."

Shirou and Grey talked freely, because Shirou had understood the general changes in his world after he left.

And Gray also believed that Shi Lang had already discovered the situation clearly from Matthew, so some unnecessary explanations were omitted.

"By the way, why didn't Al come with you?" Shilang asked.

Grey said: "His Royal Highness, I am performing tasks at other connection points."

Shiro nodded.

"Speaking of which, Lord Fujimaru. Who did you admit me to wrong?" Gray asked aloud.

"Although it is a bit difficult to explain, I do recognize you as my daughter." Shi Lang sighed.

"Is Mordred again?" Grey asked.


Shi Lang frowned.

"In fact, I have already contracted a Mordred before." Gray said.

Shirou asked: "That Mordred, did he call Al as his father? Then he mixed with Al?"

"Yeah." Grey nodded.

Shiro: "..."

Shi Lang felt a stomachache.

Grey said with a happy face: "I really didn't expect to meet a Mordred here, as well as an individual of His Royal Highness the Knight King. It's really lucky. If they don't have a master, it would be fine. I can collect it again...Oh, no. They are contracted."

Shiro: "..."

Shaking his head, Shi Lang looked at Gray and said, "Grey. I will help you with the connection point. However, before that, I will solve the matter between me and Mordred."

"It doesn't matter, sir. The depth of this link is E, and generally speaking, the strength is not high. I can solve it by myself." Grey shook his head and said, "Moreover, I am very interested in what happened in Vassar. I want to explore."

"Yeah." Shirou nodded and said, "In this case, you can go and communicate with Jeanne."

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