I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 936

Mordred: "..."

"Don't, don't be kidding!" Mordred was like a cat with its tail stomped on, and its hair exploded in an instant, "Who wants you to let it! Good! I'll let you know how good I am!"

The others are not important anymore. How can Mordred endure it when this guy is underestimated?

Mordred gritted her teeth, she stopped the change of form and switched to the second form again.

The star cup exudes a weird light, and the weird star pattern slowly crawled onto Mordred's face.

that is……

Seeing the strange star pattern, Shirou's eyes couldn't help condensing.

He didn't know what it was, even Mordred did not know anything about it, but there is no doubt that the strange lines and the strange star cup are proof of Mordred's birth. .

A divine light flashed in Mordred's eyes, and the next moment, strange fluctuations occurred in the surrounding space.


Saber yelled in his heart.

In the next moment, two vast kingdoms appeared under several people.

"It's this again..."

Saber looked solemn.

Because she lost herself to Mordred in this game.

At this moment, with the appearance of this illusion, Shirou and Mordred's attire changed.

The two wore gold and silver, and crowns on their heads.

"this is……"

Mordred suppressed his impatience, and when he was about to explain, Shi Lang said gently: "No need to explain, I know. This is the British Isles, recreating the competition between King Arthur and the Under King, right? "

"Huh! Right!"

Mordred snorted, then squinted his eyes, smiled, and asked: "Your kingdom should go to the south, and I will go to the north. How about? But rest assured, I will definitely not cheat, nor Will take advantage of you."

"You decide, it's okay." Shi Lang said gently: "Don't worry, I will let you."

The north is the territory of Vodggen, while the south is the British.

This illusion simulates the early stage of King Arthur's appearance. Naturally, Votigeng's territory is large and the materials are abundant.

It can be said to be an advantageous place.

Although Mordred looked like a cat with blown up fur on the surface, as if she had lost all rationality, in fact, she was full of vigilance towards Shirou.

Facing Shirou is naturally not as easy as facing Saber, and even wants to release water.

But pay attention!

Great attention!

Therefore, Mordred was greedy for the northern land.

However, as soon as Shirou said that he would let her, Mordred exploded and said bitterly: "You don't need to let it!"

After turning around, Mordred went directly to the south.


What's so greedy?

Isn't it just a little more land?

See how she can kill this guy!

However, Shiro smiled at this moment and couldn't help shook his head, saying: "For me, it's really a complicated emotion. This way, it's easy to be used."




pS: I thought I could finally go to bed earlier today!QWQ

In short, the third offer, good night~!

Chapter 69 The King's Game

With the unfolding of the illusion, Shi Lang fell into the territory of Votigeng.

The capital lies in the city of Lundinium.

The illusion created by Mordred is very real.

Shi Lang commanded Scotland and the northern part of England, covering a large area.The race is Saxons and Picts, as well as some Britons.

However, Mordred's illusion is still flawed.For example, when Shi Lang fought against Fu Tigeng, Fu Tigeng's army of monsters did not appear.

This can be regarded as a minor omission in Mordred's illusion.

In order to realize the complete situation of Britain, it is estimated that it still needs to be like the Red Caster——, like the Libao tool.

The British illusion that Mordred illusioned was about the early stage of the confrontation between Vottigung and the kings of Britain.

However, sitting on the throne and looking at the people below him kneeling towards him, Shi Lang couldn't help but rekindle the blood and pride of when he was a king.

Think about it carefully. Although the main time has passed more than ten years, in his senses, time has only passed more than two years.

Shilang originally thought that he would not miss his past, but when he sat on the throne again, he discovered that his king's blood had never cooled down.

Only this time, he was no longer King Arthur, but a humble king who was hostile to King Arthur!

Shi Lang thought for a while, and instead of directly attacking Mordred like Altria, he placed the army on the border and then set up his own infrastructure.

Shirou knew his strengths and weaknesses.

His level of military strategy is actually not high. Without Warcraft, it is difficult to copy Votigeng's strategy.

And in Saber, and in the dictation of Altria, the self-taught Mordred is obviously not mediocre.

Before there is an absolute crushing force, it is difficult to push quickly, but instead will plunge oneself into the quagmire of war and drag down the rhythm.

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