I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 937

Moreover, the competition between countries is not like a personal battle, where the level is determined by force, but the competition is based on overall national strength.

Shiro put the army on border defense, while he dispatched infrastructure tasks in the country.

In response, Mordred showed such an expression as expected.

In order to become a qualified king before his death, Mordred studied Shirou thoroughly.If anyone is the one who knows the routines and thoughts of Shilang as king, then this person is definitely her.

She didn't use the plague as she did against Altria, but, like Shirou, put the army on the border to form a confrontation with Shirou.

Previously used the plague and poets to deal with Saber, it was used to bully and beat Saber, but when dealing with Shilang, she knew that it was undoubtedly the old birthday star hanging himself-looking for death!

In the wisdom of Age's text, there is a saying: "A sword is a double-edged sword, and it hurts others and itself."

Using the plague and poets can form an advantage in rumors, but at the same time, Shi Lang can also buy her and send poets in the past to counter her.

And in history, her father used this trick to deal with Vodikeng who sent the poet.This allusion, Mordred backs down, how could he be stupid?

She gathered the ministers to the front, denounced Shilang's evil and her own justice, and slandered Shilang's domestic rule.She said that the confrontation between herself and the enemy is not the ambition of her own rule, but the struggle to liberate the people who were oppressed by Shilang, and to liberate people.

Is a righteous, benevolent king.

Moreover, she deliberately arranged for literati to write an essay about the thief. In the essay, Shilang was described as extremely cruel and evil, how backward and cruel the national living standard was, and how kind and generous she herself was.

This caused the domestic people to panic against Shirou and relied on Mordred.

And this is the control of public opinion!

Mordred often uses public opinion, so he knows how terrible public opinion is, so he first controlled his own public opinion to prevent Shi Lang from attacking public opinion.

Although she seems to only engage in conspiracies, but in fact it is not.Except for the two wisdom books of Altria and Skaha, her other wisdom books, the above sentence, context, and allusions are all back-to-back, deeply absorbed, and turned into her own wisdom.

In addition, Aggie, Bedwell, Guinevere... all the thoughts of the Camelot dynasty, she inherited.

If she insists, she is the master of the eternal dynasty heritage.

Maybe if she didn't encounter an alien incident, but grew up normally and inherited the throne, maybe she could become the emperor of the history.

The actions of the two were almost the same, neither started a war, but one was busy arranging infrastructure tasks, and the other was busy controlling public opinion.

In the eyes of others, it is very boring.

At least this is true in the eyes of Saber and the lion robbery.

Mordred's illusion did not exclude Saber and the lion robbery.

They are like viewers watching the live broadcast, floating outside, and they can see the actions of both sides.

Unlike the lion robbers the world, Saber is also the king, she can understand the actions of both sides.

"Do you control public opinion and infrastructure..."

Saber frowned. She could understand the purpose of their actions, but she didn't understand why Shirou had to develop in this situation.

Shi Lang was sitting on the site of Votigeng, with a large area and plenty of people and sufficient food. Why didn't he attack Mordred directly?

In fact, when she played the King's game with Mordred before, she was also sitting on the territory of Vottigung and attacked Mordred in the first place.

Between Saber's thoughts, the two sides had new actions.

After Shiro completed the layout of the infrastructure plan, he began to control domestic public opinion like Mordred, while Mordred began to work on the infrastructure plan.

Saber frowned.

The actions taken by the two are exactly the same, the difference is only a matter of order.

In fact, things are not as simple as Saber seems.

Because the land is larger than Mordred and the terrain is familiar, Shiro only roughly arranged the infrastructure plan, and then began to control the public opinion, so the speed is almost the same as that of Mordred.

Mordred could not do this.

Because the land she occupies is smaller than Shilang, she must carefully arrange the infrastructure plan to keep up with Shilang's output.

And this caused Mordred to be a step slower than Shiro in speed.

While Mordred was still deploying the land mechanism, Shiro had arranged for spies to sneak into Mordred's territory.

Shirou had originally intended to spread rumors against Mordred directly, but the news he received surprised him a little.

Mordred controls his domestic public opinion very well.

This surprised De Shilang a bit.

This kind of feeling is like thinking that I am playing PVE, and it turns out that I am playing PVP.

So Shirou became cautious and quickly asked the spy to stop spreading Mordred's rumors so as not to be exposed.

He asked the spies who had sneaked into Mordred to begin quietly targeting some generals and ministers.Either bribery or impeachment.

In addition, he carried out spy search activities in his own country and set up a counter-espionage mechanism in the army. After that, he began to build trade routes to connect the east, west, south and north of his territory, and began to deploy resources.

Because of the anger, Mordred chose a relatively small site for King Arthur. In order to keep up with Shiro's productivity, she had to arrange infrastructure work carefully.

And when she was busy with infrastructure work, it was always heard from the people which minister had done bad things, and who secretly took refuge in Shiro.

Mordred frowned.

She is not stupid, and of course she knows that this is Shirou's trick.

There are already Shirou's spies in the country!

But there are some things that you don't know in your heart, so you can ignore them.

Once the panic becomes excessive, it will affect production.

What was even more frightening was that she couldn't tell who among her subordinates had been controlled by Shirou.

As a last resort, Mordred allocated a part of his energy to quell this matter and eradicate the spies that Shilang had mixed in.

And this delayed her progress.

In order to avoid being widened by Shi Lang, Mordred bought the Irish country and attacked Shi Lang's borders.

The Britain modeled by Mordred is the pattern of King Arthur and Vottigung.Wales and southern England are under the control of Mordred, while Scotland and north-central England are under the control of Shilang, and of course there is also Ireland.

From this point of view, the illusion created by Mordred is a bit more advanced than the dream created by Merlin.

Mordred bought the Irish from two countries near Scotland to attack Shilang.

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