I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 938

This made Texan had to mobilize a part of the army to defend Scotland for the time being.

Mordred took the opportunity to push the army forward, oppress the front line, and create pressure on Shiro.

In this situation, Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised.

Playing this kind of game...Finally, it is not playing with humans and machines, but with players!

As Saber watched this situation, his eyes narrowed sharply.

The war is finally about to begin!

However, things backfired.

Shi Lang played a trick.

He transported his arms to the border, and he was going to fight Mordred desperately, so that Mordred quickly contracted his defense.

At this time, Shi Lang pushed the real army to the Scottish border, and the brilliant army of Picts and Saxons waved the flag and beat the drums like thunder, making the invading Irish surprised and uncertain.

At this time, Shiro dispatched envoys to the two countries closest to Scotland and achieved friendly relations.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mordred checked the domestic spies, and after inspecting the domestic land situation, he dispatched people to start the construction plan.

The two did not fight directly, but raced against time to improve their national strength.

And this looks extremely boring to the lion robbery world.

Of course, compared to the direct riots of war, construction is so boring.

However, Saber showed an extremely solemn expression, and even borrowed paper and pen from the lion robbery to record the key points.

She saw the wonderful place.

Different from the king she knew.

Both Shirou and Mordred are kings who attach great importance to domestic construction, and their political sense is very keen.

For example, controlling domestic public opinion... she had never done this before her lifetime.

If she also controlled public opinion during her lifetime, would she still be betrayed?

And this, Saber has gained a lot.

In addition, whether Shiro realized that Mordred’s control of public opinion was very good, he immediately let the spies change the target, or Mordred discovered the folk rumors, he noticed that there were spies working on his ministers, and he hardly hesitated. The bid to buy off the Irish attack.

This is all the result of a high political sense.

Moreover, the game between the two is really wonderful in her opinion.

It's like two sword masters with superb swordsmanship in a martial arts contest.On the one hand, it is consolidating its own defense, while the other is looking for a breakthrough point for the other side.

There are many things that Saber has not done before, or even thought about it.

Among them, such as this dispatch of spies, and public opinion control like white terror...

She really didn't even think about it.

Saber has benefited a lot.

At this time, the situation has changed again.

On the one hand, Mordred assigned candidates for the infrastructure plan, and on the other side began to build a counterintelligence mechanism, and began to train spies to invade Shiro's kingdom.

and this……

It was already within Shirou's expectations!

Chapter 70 Father and Daughter Bureau [Second More]

"Sure enough, the spy was sent in." Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

Because Mordred's actions were predicted and a counter-espionage mechanism was constructed in advance, Shiro knew the true identities of these spies before Mordred's spies started their activities.

Shi Lang did not eradicate these spies, but circled them. He carefully arranged the places where they started their activities.Let these spies send the wrong information to Mordred.

In the classical era, there were no other channels for information dissemination. To learn about the other party's domestic news, one could only rely on the confirmation and dictation of spy eyes.

Shiro used these spies to convey wrong information to Mordred, and Shiro launched a counter-espionage campaign with great momentum but little rain, and imprisoned those spies who wanted to start impeachment, smear generals, and ministers.

Such a powerful counter-espionage activity made the spies who had mixed into Shilang's country started to settle down. They did not dare to act rashly, but passed back the news Shilang wanted Mordred to know.

The news that Shilang asked these spies to send back was actually very simple. It was to praise how fast he developed, how good the living environment of the people was, and how mighty the army was.

It's just a pity that Shirou's move failed.

Mordred had long guarded against his tricks, so when she met the spies, she met alone.Only she knew the news, and every time she received the spy who returned, she put the spy in prison and changed to another spy to go to Shilang's country.

Shirou is not given a chance to create domestic public opinion pressure.

Moreover, Mordred also intimidated and lured Shiro's spies, brainwashing, and wanted to use these spies to output wrong information to Shiro in reverse.

However, she is always one step away.

Because of the territories, Mordred was always a step slower than Shiro, causing Mordred to build a counterintelligence mechanism a step slower, allowing the first batch of spies to mix into her kingdom, and she did not know the list.

The most important thing is that after her initial strikes, the first surviving spies are lurking.

This made her a little distressed.

In fact, Mordred can control this illusion and turn the situation into a situation that is beneficial to him.

This is the so-called cheating.

But in this game, especially in the face of Shirou, Mordred would never allow himself to cheat.Because even if you win that way, you don't have any sense of accomplishment, but you will feel completely inferior.

This is something Mordred would never allow.

Facing Shirou, Mordred had a strong challenge mentality.

However, now she was also faintly depressed that she had just chosen King Arthur's side with anger.

Whether Votigung and King Arthur are stronger or weaker, Saber, the Shilang of the party concerned, and Mordred, who later read the history books, knew clearly.

Mordred had been agitated by Shirou before, so he chose King Arthur's side with anger, and without a doubt directly gave up his advantage.

In fact, as long as Fu Tigeng managed it properly, Shi Lang couldn't make a comeback even with divine help.

Similarly, in such a situation, as long as Shiro does not reveal flaws in his management, even if Mordred rushes, the national strength cannot keep up with Shiro's accumulation speed.And this is the advantage of the site.

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