I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 939

Even if the god is like Zhuge Liang in the Romance version, he was trapped and died in Sichuan and Sichuan by Cao Wei who dominated the north during his whole life.

In the contest between nations, military power is only the most superficial and direct form of expression.The real competition is actually the basic national strength.

The accumulation of national power is related to policies, people's power, land, and productivity.

In this regard, the dominant one is undoubtedly the vast and crowded Votigeng side.

And now, it is Shirou's side.

Mordred was depressed that he had given Shirou a good advantage before, but he never regretted it.

Because isn't it just surrendering in disguise?

In Mordred's dictionary, there are no two words regret, let alone admit defeat.

The spy of Mordred Brainwashing Shiro wants to output wrong information in reverse.

But it is a pity that this routine was invented by Shiro, and Shiro would naturally not be fooled.

When he first became a king, Shi Lang didn't understand anything. He could only rely on the allusions he knew about the king, absorb all the classic cases of ancient and modern times, and add his own understanding and practice to integrate them, forming his own wisdom and thinking.

If Mordred is the master of the Camelot dynasty, then Shirou is the master of the kings, leaders, and generals of the past and the present, both at home and abroad.

And this might be why he was called the Eternal King by the heroes of the Moon World.

Mordred likes to follow tricks, but Shirou likes to be honest and king.

The kingly way is the upright crushing, that is, when Al was always talking upright during the Fourth Holy Grail War.But this does not mean that Shirou is not tricky.

Because flexibility is Shirou's core idea.

Shiro didn’t know Mordred’s actions, but Shiro did not underestimate Mordred. When his spies came back, Shiro did not listen to the news of those spies, but used them again and continued to report Mordred outputs an error message.

It's just that Mordred is very cautious, even these spies who have been brainwashed by her, she will not believe it all.

Facing Shirou, she was too cautious, cautious enough to doubt everything.

Looking at the actions of both parties, the lion robbery was really bored and said to Saber, "Saber, don't you feel bored?"

"No. Please don't disturb me." Saber said without looking back.

The lion Jiejieli sighed helplessly, sat down, didn't look at them at all, and instead deployed his own magic costume.

Saber keeps recording the actions of both sides.

To be honest, Saber couldn't understand the spy war between the two sides.

In her thoughts, the national competition is war.

Simply put, it is the prevailing stream of conquest in the barbaric classical era.

Simple, crude, and easy!

But neither Mordred nor Shiro came like this.

Instead, while working hard to improve the country's infrastructure, the other side is adding to the block.

But just don't fight.

Saber couldn't help it.

If she was changed to her, if Mordred or Shirou was so harassed, they would have sent soldiers to attack, but both sides would endure it and turn to tricks.

Saber understood that there must be something she didn't understand, so he was going to record it first and then slowly understand it later.

Logically speaking, as King Arthur, she should not have made such a gaffe.

But the object is really too special.

Mordred easily defeated her and made her lose herself.

Shi Lang is the eternal king who fulfilled her long-cherished wish.

In order to achieve her long-cherished wish, but also to understand where she lost, Saber recorded some things she felt needed to be recorded.

Shilang builds trade routes and deploys domestic resources.

In addition, he also sent envoys to the two countries that invaded Scotland before, to establish good-neighborly and friendly relations and to open up trade routes with each other.

In reality, Shirou had had contact with the kings of these two countries. It seemed that it was because of the level of fantasy. The vision of the two kings was not as good as the real person, and he did not see Shirou's true meaning.

Not bad.

This is the economic invasion Shirou is best at!

As if reality were repeating itself, Shiro used economic means to control the two countries.

And because the Shi Lang has already integrated the means at this moment, and this is just an environment, the speed and efficiency of the invasion are many times faster than in the past.

Shiro's economy controlled these two countries, grasped the economic lifeline of these two countries, and became the suzerain state of these two countries.

Shiro also wanted to invade Mordred economically, and wanted to end the game softly.

But it is a pity that Mordred saw it at a glance, rejected his business route, and instead disintegrated his strategy.

Shirou sighed regretfully.

Just as Mordred's feelings for Shiro are complicated, Shiro's feelings for Mordred are also complicated.

But there is no doubt that he just wants to take Mordred into his arms and touch her head well.

He wanted to end the game that didn't make much sense easily, but now it seems that it is not so easy.

Shiro has already controlled the two countries, starting from the northern part of the island of Ireland and gradually moving to the south.

Mordred sensed the crisis.

Because of the disappointment, she chose the territory of King Arthur, which caused her to fall behind one step at a time, and then step by step.

In addition to spies, Mordred also used many tactics, such as harassment by small units, bribing barbarians, spreading rumors and rumors, in an attempt to drag Shirou.

But they were all resolved by Shirou.

Seeing Shiro using economic aggression to make trouble in Ireland, Mordred felt anxious.

She has also developed very well, but because of missed opportunities, Shirou has been leading.

Shi Lang didn't give her a chance to overtake on a detour, and letting her before the start was obviously a lie to a child.

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