I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 942

Shilang entertained the warlord general who had taken refuge in him, and Mordred followed her confidant general, hiding his murderous intentions.

Shirou stepped down from the throne and toasted one by one to the generals who had taken refuge in him, and then walked towards Mordred.



Mordred had a murderous heart, suppressing his excitement.

She deeply understands that at the moment of self-proclaimed success, people have the greatest flaws.

Twenty steps.

Fifteen steps.

Ten steps.

Five steps.

Three steps...

Seeing Teshiro getting closer, Mordred became more and more calm and calm.


At this moment, Mordred's eyes flashed a ray of light, and he stretched out his palm and quickly pulled out the dagger from the belly of the fish.

The cold dagger exudes the cold light of stars.

Everyone present was shocked.


"Protect Your Majesty!"

"The thief is so presumptuous!"


Panic voices sounded one after another, endlessly.

The cold blade reflected the panicked faces of the others, Mordred held a dagger, strode forward, and stabbed Shi Lang.

However, when she strode out, the confidant general beside her slammed his foot and stopped her in the direction of advancement.

Damn it!


Mordred yelled, she was tripped and dumped toward Shirou.

Shilang stretched out his palm, grabbing her slender wrist with the dagger in one hand, and the other palm extending out of her arms to embrace her waist, and embrace her to prevent her from falling down. .

The surrounding soldiers later realized that they rushed up with weapons in their hands and surrounded Mordred.

Shirou embraced Mordred's thin waist with one hand and clasped her wrist with the other.

Mordred was obviously very sensitive at his waist, and at the moment he was hugged by Shirou, his lower abdomen shook subconsciously.

After being taken into his arms by Shirou, Mordred was taken aback for a moment, but soon recovered and wanted to continue assassinating Shirou.

Mordred is indeed a dragon, with great strength.

With the strength of the light wheel, Shirou was not her opponent, and when he was about to be countered, the so-called soldiers who surrounded them all put their weapons on her neck.

Shiro's black eyes looked at Mordred's stubborn sacred blue eyes, and said in a gentle tone: "General, Mordred."

Mordred: "..."

Mordred glanced at the confidant general who put the knife on his neck, sighed heavily, and said, "You really bought him..."

Shirou smiled at this and said, "Of course."

Mordred looked at the gentleman with a gentle smile. He was not angry, and said angrily: "Next time, I won't be caught in your tricks!"

Mordred knew that his failure this time was completely exhausted by the rhythm.

Being always one step ahead by Shirou, she could not develop at all.

"Do you still want to play? Okay. How many times do you want to play afterwards, I will play with you." Shi Lang said in a gentle tone without feeling angry.

Looking at such a gentle Shi Lang, Mordred instinctively felt a chill.

She was accustomed to seeing her, and the most unbearable thing was the kindness of others.

Especially this man.

"Let go, let me go. You still want to catch me, when will you catch me? Could it be that... you are actually the kind of pervert who is very interested in little girls?" Mordred asked.

"I can't say anything...but it's better to say less of such vulgar language."

Shirou let go of Mordred's wrist, then placed it on Mordred's head and touched it.

"Ah, ah...you, you...!"

Feeling the warmth on his forehead, Mordred looked at Shirou with a trembling face.

She was touched by someone.

Moreover, it feels so tender.

It's just like……

It was like the temperature that touched her at first.

So warm.

Mordred, who often walks in the cold world, couldn't help shaking.

She can't stand it.

She can't stand the kindness of others.

Because she has long been used to malicious treatment.

Therefore, if someone confronts her maliciously, she can also fight back maliciously.However, if someone treats her kindly, she will be very unaccustomed.

People who have stayed in the glacier world for a long time have long been accustomed to coldness, and warmth has become something extremely unaccustomed to.

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