I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 943


But she still remembers.

I still remember the warm manor and the warmth of my mother's palm.

For a while, Mordred didn't know what expression to show.

Shi Lang hugged her gently, and said gently, "Dad, I'm back."

Mordred: "..."

Mordred's body stiffened.

Stiff as ice.

She didn't know what the turbulent emotions in her heart were...

This is an emotion that cannot be expressed in words.

She didn't have any extra words, no extra actions, and no old-fashioned links of moving and running...

Indeed, when she died, she was indeed only thirteen years old.

However, she is not a thirteen-year-old child.

It is the king who bears the death of hundreds of thousands of people.

Since it is the king...

How can it be,

Are you crying?

A mature king...All the tears have already flowed clean in the suffering.

All that is left is the arrogance and the strong will of steel.

and so……

"Let go of me...you hurt me, Assassin of the Black!"'




pS: That's it for today~!By the way, ask for a monthly pass~!^_^

Chapter 72 This can shock Saber all year

Shirou and Mordred formed an alliance, and several people came to a cafe to exchange information.

Alliance with Shilang, this made the Lion Tribulation Realm feel inexplicable.

In the beginning, they teamed up with the red team to target Shiro, but now they are allied with Shiro.

And this may also be due to Shirou's relationship with his Servant.

From the beginning of this Holy Grail battle, the Lion Jiejieli handed over the leadership to Mordred.I thought that this time the matter of joining Shirou would also be handed over to Mordred.I never thought that this time Mordred went on strike and walked directly out of the cafe, leaving only him and Shirou.

The lion robbery sighed. As a Master, communicating with a Servant who is not his own, especially such a very powerful Servant, is very stressful.

After all, the opponent can easily hold his life.

The waiter brought two cups of coffee and placed them in front of Shilang and Lion Jiejieli.

Shi Lang picked up a cup of coffee, took a sip, and then looked at the lion Jiejieli, showing a gentle smile, and said: "First of all, I thank you very much for summoning Mordred, Necromancer."

"Um... this is nothing." Lion Jiejieli shook his head, then looked at Shi Lang and asked, "You are King Arthur, right?"

"Not bad." Shi Lang nodded and said, "I am King Arthur, and Mordred is indeed my daughter."

"To be honest... King Arthur will admit Mordred, which surprised me a bit." Lion Jiejieli said.

Hearing this, Shi Lang turned his head slightly, looked through the window and saw Mordred who was kicking the stone bored outside, sighed, and said: "I am different from the King Arthur you know. In fact, I am too. Only recently did I know that I have a daughter."

The tone was somewhat self-deprecating.

Shaking his head, Shi Lang said, "Let's not talk about this. My goal is not the Holy Grail. If it is the last Holy Grail battle, we will win the Holy Grail. It doesn't matter if the Holy Grail is given to you."

Lion Jiejieli looked at Shi Lang in surprise, and asked: "Don't you, who conformed to the Holy Grail's call, have no long-cherished wish for the Holy Grail, King Arthur?"

"No. In fact, I am not interested in the Holy Grail. The reason why I was summoned by this Holy Grail war is entirely due to fate, not my own desire." Shirou said calmly, "So if you want it, I am completely I can give it to you."

Lion Jiejieli frowned.

He felt a little untrue, but all the heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail naturally had long-cherished wishes that needed the Holy Grail to fulfill.

And this King Arthur, who is hailed as the eternal king by everyone...no?


Has he fulfilled his long-cherished wish?

The Lion Tribulation Realm thought for a while, and asked: "Then what about you? What purpose do you want to achieve?"

Shirou smiled and said, "My Master and I have other purposes in this Holy Grail battle."

"Other purposes?" Lion Jiejieli raised his eyebrows.

"Not bad." Shi Lang nodded, holding hands with both hands, and said: "My purpose is to remove the connection points."


Mordred lingered at the door, kicking the pebbles on the side of the road boringly.

Things are different from what she imagined.

In other words, her father gave her a different impression.

Although the memory is long, she remembers it clearly.

About the impression of the father.

Although there was only a hasty supervision, she remembered clearly how majestic her father was at that time.

From the moment he knew his identity, Mordred knew very well that he would not be recognized by his father.

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