I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 944

However, in fact, it was quite different from what she thought.

She thought that after her father knew her identity, it was disgusting and murderous, and would not recognize her.

Isn't this a matter of course?

The sleeping eternal saint king, one of the biggest stains in his life, may be her.

However, Shirou admitted her.

Moreover, the attitude is very gentle, unlike the memory, when he was in the capital of Camelot, the majesty of a hastily supervised.

This made Mordred somewhat unacceptable.

how to say?

When I was with Shirou, I felt uncomfortable.

So Mordred ran out.

Maybe, just like Shirou, I don't know how to face each other.

"Ah... so annoying...!"

Mordred scratched his hair, very irritable.

If it's just a purely competitive holy grail relationship...

How easy is that?

Mordred was distraught. Not far away, Saber was looking at it with a notebook.

She walked over, reached out and hugged Saber's waist.

Saber, who was looking at the notebook, was suddenly hugged by Mordred, his slender body stiffened subconsciously.

She raised her head slightly, her sharp eyes staring at the person hugging her like a lion. It was Mordred, and she showed a headache.

"What are you doing?" Saber asked helplessly again with a headache.

"Hug you." Mordred laughed.

Saber asked with a headache: "What are you holding me for?"

"Didn't you say it before? In this Holy Grail War, you will be my mother." Mordred said with a grin.

Saber asked with a strange look: "Isn't the Eternal King here?"

"Don't mention him, I can't get close to him." Mordred said.

"Why?" Saber asked puzzledly.

Although Saber thinks he doesn't understand people's hearts, he still feels other people's hearts.She could see that Shirou was very gentle with this Mordred, why couldn't he get close?


If Shi Lang, that is, Genieville is King Arthur of the Eternal King, then she of the Eternal Dynasty should be the princess of Gneville, right?Isn't this a normal relationship?What can't you get close?

Could it be said that she of the Eternal King is separated from Gurneyville?

This shouldn't be it. Even if the same individuals in the parallel world have different experiences, they are still the same person, so she should have the same personality as her in the Eternal Dynasty.

"You... really want to know?" Mordred asked, narrowing his eyes.

Saber frowned without answering.

Mordred smiled and asked, "How was I born in your world?"

Hearing that, Saber's face became a little complicated.

Unlike the King Mordred who is a king, the rebellious knight Mordred... is a hurdle in Saber's heart.

The birth of the rebellious knight Mordred was also extremely disgraceful. It was the product of the revenge of her sister, the witch Morgan Leffe.

It was the witch Morgan Lefé who fascinated her with magic, and obtained the dragon factor from her, the revenge weapon cultivated.

In the end, the Kingdom of Camelot also died in the hands of the rebellious knight Mordred.

However, did King Mordred mention this matter so much?

Saber knows very well that there is a huge difference between this King Mordred and the rebellious knight Mordred, and the biggest difference is that this King Mordred always acted with deep meaning, unlike her rebellious knight. Mordred went straight like that.

In other words...

No, no?Saber's eyes widened, and she guessed a truth that made her very disgusting.

"That's right, in your history, how my co-identity was born, then how I—, was born." Mordred laughed, his eyes narrowed.He smiled and couldn't see the slightest emotion.


How could this be?

Saber was so startled that he couldn't speak.

For example, if that is the case, then it is no wonder that Mordred can't get close to the Eternal King.

Isn't it of course?

Besides nausea, how can this feeling feel?



I...no, she...nor.

In short, how could'she' do such unremarkable things to a man?

This, this is impossible!

Saber looked shocked.

"It seems you understand." Mordred smiled, then took a deep breath, hugged Saber tightly, buried his head on her chest, and muttered: "Stay with you... more comfortable ."

Mordred was at ease, but Saber was messed up in the wind.

How could she not believe that there is a "she" who would do the same thing as Witch Morgan Lefy?

How is this possible?

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