I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 945

How could she make such an unbearable speech?

Saber's brain was in a storm and was very confused.

She now has an impulse, an impulse to confront herself in the eternal dynasty!


In the cafe.

Shi Lang told the Lion Jie Jie Li about the connection point.

"Connecting points? Parallel worlds? Chaldeans?"

The lion robbers the world with a dazed look.He originally thought that the 7V7 holy grail battle he had participated in was shocking enough, but he didn't expect that this was just the surface!

The real thing is actually related to the interference of the parallel world!

This, this is a major event related to the Second Law!

The lion's robbery was in a cold sweat. This kind of thing shouldn't be the involvement of a small necromancer like him, but it should be the magician and the monarchs of the clock tower...

and many more!


The Lion Tribulation Realm remembered that before he left the clock tower, the magician who commissioned him on the Holy Grail War incident had mentioned this organization.

Moreover, the magician said at the time that Chaldea came to...

The lion Jiejieli turned his head slightly, his eyes passed through the window, and looked at the dark ring in the sky.

After thinking about it, Lion Jiejieli looked at Shi Lang and asked, "Is it the ring of darkness?"

"There is a certain relationship. I don't know the details. However, the experts sent by Chaldea have contacted me before." Shi Lang smiled, and then said: "My purpose is to solve the connection point. Then go to Chaldea. So you don’t have to worry at all, I am not interested in the Holy Grail."

Lion Jiejieli nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, let's end the information interaction." Shilang pushed aside the chair, got up, and said: "I have to think about what I should do to get along well with that child."

"Oh. By the way, as a meeting ceremony for the alliance, these two coffees are just as you invite me. Pay the bill." Shi Lang pointed to the two cups of coffee on the table and smiled.

"Ah? Is this the meaning of the meeting and meeting ceremony?" The Lion Jiejieli was taken aback.

Shirou smiled and turned around, waving his hand while leaving.

Chapter 73 Come, sit on Dad’s lap [second more]

Shirou walked out of the coffee shop, and saw Mordred hugging Saber, a little surprised.

"What are you doing holding Saber?" Shi Lang raised his eyebrows and asked aloud.

Mordred lifted the small head buried in Saber's arms, glanced at Shirou, and said, "I hold my mother, what's wrong with it?"

"Although it is the same individual, Saber is not your mother." Shi Lang said.

Mordred buried his head deeply in Saber's arms, and muttered, "That doesn't matter to you!"

Shi Lang was not angry, but shook his head helplessly.

He understood that Mordred was using Saber as a substitute for Al.

Shirou could understand Mordred's thoughts. He didn't have any special thoughts. He just said softly: "You do this, Altria knows it, and it will probably be very sad."

Just such an understatement made Mordred's body froze.

Saber asked with a strange look: "Am I not Altria?"

"It's not about you, Saber." Shirou said gently.


It is she who is passionate.

However, Saber looked at Shirou at this time, really embarrassed.

After paying the bill, the lion robbery walked out of the coffee shop with a depressed look.


Mordred called the lion robbery, and then released Saber naturally.


This is not to believe the eternal king's nonsense, but the Master is here. As a Servant, you must be close to the Master.

Yes, exactly!

Mordred said heartily.

Shirou saw it, but didn't break it.

He took a few people to find Grey, Matthew and others.

Shi Lang doesn't have any searching ability or treasure, but [Flower of Evil]'s capture of evil thoughts can be used as a small search ability.

Except for those like the Enlightened One, King Solomon, and François Prellatti, who either have no evil thoughts or have unique means of concealment, ordinary heroic spirits can be searched by him.

For example, Shi Lang sensed the evil thoughts of Grey and others and found their place.

Shi Lang led the three of them towards them.

Shirou and Saber were walking together, in front.

Mordred walked beside the lion robbery, falling behind the two together.

Seeing Mordred and the Lion Tribulation Jie Li talk normally, Shi Lang felt a little wrong, and his eyes when looking at the Lion Jie Jieli felt a little gloomy.

Seeing the lion robbery, there was a chill behind him.

Turning his head, Shiro looked at Saber and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Saber. She is causing you trouble."

"No. No trouble." Saber shook his head and said.

To be honest, Saber wouldn't really hate him if he didn't look at the King Modred without the tinted spectacles against the "rebellious knight Mordred".

However, compared to the rebellious knight Mordred, this king of Mordred is too good at tricks.And this is the source of Saber's headache.

Of course, Saber would not tell Mordred about this.

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