I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 946

Otherwise, isn't that guy's attitude toward her, isn't it going to heaven?

"Yes, yes, the black Assassin..." Looking at Shirou's bright eyes like open flames, Saber hesitated for a moment, after all, he didn't ask what he really wanted to ask, and instead asked in a side-knock: "Mordley What kind of person is De's mother?"

She couldn't accept herself doing what Morgan Lefy did.

"Al..." Shirou said with a smile, "A person who can easily hurt himself."

Saber: "?"

Shirou looked at Saber's sacred cyan eyes and said, "I can't describe it. If you have a chance to meet her, you should learn about it yourself."

Saber nodded.

If she does meet, she will definitely ask that "she" why she did such a disgusting thing!

Shirou communicated closely with Saber, while Mordred understood Shirou's purpose in the exchange with the lion robbery from the rear.



And, her world.

Mordred was a little surprised. Under the skin of this Holy Grail battle, there was actually a shady hidden behind.

Of course, she is not surprised that there will be shady in this Holy Grail war.

In fact, when she first met with Gonmine Shiro, she was aware of the shady scene in this Holy Grail battle, but she always thought that the shady party was Gonmine Shiro.

"Right," said the Lion Jiejieli: "The King of Eternity said that if the Holy Grail is finally obtained by us, he will give it to us."

Hearing that, Mordred was like a wild cat with its tail trampled on, and subconsciously shouted: "Who needs him to let it go!"

Shirou turned his head, looked at Mordred, and said, "Mordred, wait until you see other people, don't recognize them randomly."

"Huh?" Mordred frowned.

Shirou said, "There are many people who look alike to Al, so don't admit the wrong person."

"Are you talking about Joan of Arc? Humph. Are you blind to me?" Mordred asked.

"Of course not."

Shi Lang is not easy to explain, can't say, your mother has an average face, right?

"Anyway, you don't want to misrecognize it." Shi Lang said.


Mordred snorted, what do you think of her?

Would she not recognize Joan and her mother?

Even if you underestimate her, there should be a limit, right?



Shilang took the three people to the Civic Square.

At this moment, there is a huge crowd of people here, and it looks like a sea of ​​people from a distance.

No wonder other places are sparsely populated, and they are all crowded here.

Shilang hasn't found Matthew and the others, but Matthew first passed the contract and noticed them.

"Mr. Fujimaru."

Matthew, who was on the border of the sea of ​​people, waved to Asashiro.

Shi Lang heard the sound, turned his head slightly, and saw Ma Xiu.

While he nodded to Matthew, he brought the three of them together with Matthew.

After greeting one by one, Shi Lang introduced Mordred and Lion Jiejieli to Matthew and Grey.

Mordred looked at Grey in surprise.

Are you kidding me?

Why does this guy look exactly like her?

Do not.

It's almost exactly the same.


The tail of Mordred's eyebrows was shaped like a lightning bolt, and Grey did not.

Of course, Mordred was not surprised.

But a smile on his face.

Because if you are surprised, you will definitely be laughed at by the Eternal King, right?

After all, that guy has been staring at her face since the beginning.

You must want to see her jokes, right?

For this reason, Mordred covered his surprise with a smile.

And Grey was also very surprised.

But unlike Mordred, Grey was surprised not that Mordred looked exactly like her now, but because she saw the daughter of the Knight King.

Can't help it, Grey asked Mordred in a panic, "Your Highness, do you have a master? If you don't have a master, can you consider me?"

Mordred: "?"

She was dumbfounded at the time, who is this?

Lion Jiejieli gave a dry cough and said, "Sorry, ma'am. I am her master."

"There is already a master..." Grey sighed disappointedly.

"That's right!" Grey's eyes lit up and said: "I have a call sign here, I can call another rider... So, sir, would you like to exchange a follower with me?"

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