I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 960

Shirou has always thought about this shortcoming, and Joan of Arc's [Revelation] is regarded by him as an excellent ability to find enemies, but he can't copy it.

But now, Adam said he was aware of the follower.

Shi Lang couldn't help asking: "How did you detect it?"

"Uh... there is a feeling, and then I feel a voice telling me this." Adam scratched his head and said.

In fact, from the time of birth, he could hear a dim voice.

It was this voice that made him the first to awaken himself, and found the right direction, to escape the confinement room where Vlad III held him.

At the same time, it was this voice that allowed him to lead Spartacus in his madness, and his compatriots yearning for freedom, to find the hidden passage of the Thousand Realm Tree clan and escape.

And this voice, when he called himself Adam, he heard more clearly.

He was able to find Shilang and Matthew before because of the revelation of this voice.

Shiro didn't understand the reason, and Adam didn't explain it clearly.

Shiro didn't understand how Adam found the enemy, but he also believed in him and gave them a helping hand.

Shiro attached [Magic Release], [Continuation of Battle], and [Kalari Payat] from the Enlightened One to each of them.

With the three abilities applied, each artificial life form becomes very powerful.

This surprised Adam and thanked him.

People holding weapons, walked out of the dilapidated camp, their eyes were vigilant, and they were ready.

A dark forest, in which panicked footsteps kept ringing.


"Shoo, hoo--"

The sound of breaking through the sky resounded, several arrows pierced the night sky, gleaming silver light, and flew towards Shilang and others like a meteor.

The arrow is so fast, like a meteor of Mercedes-Benz!

Matthew instinctively stepped forward and blocked these flying arrows with a shield.

"Clang clang--"

The shooting star's arrow failed to pierce Matthew's shield and fell to the ground.

Shi Lang gradually raised an arrow, frowning involuntarily.

He was very familiar with this arrow, it was of the Greek standard, and it was this arrow that Atalante used to shoot him before.

"The comer... is it Atalante?"

Shi Lang's palm was slightly hard, with a "click", the arrow in his hand was broken by him, and dissipated like snow.

At this moment, a nun ran out in a panic in the dark forest.

He wears a white headscarf and a nun's gown.The outfit looks very old-fashioned, but it can show the soft curves of the body.

The nun fled in panic, while arrows flew from behind like a shooting star.

Very fierce, completely deadly.

The nun looked very sick and frail, she stumbled to the ground by an invisible stone under her feet.

Arrows flew towards him, seeing that he was about to take the life of the nun, Shi Lang couldn't help but raised his eyebrows.With his disposition, he naturally wouldn't watch others die. With a wave of his hand, a few shields intercepted him, blocking the flying meteor arrow.

With two sounds of "klang, clang", the arrows fell one after another.

Shi Lang took a leap and fell next to the nun, looking at a dark forest, and said, "Atalante, come out!"

Shirou responded with two arrows that looked like shooting stars, but Shirou resolved them one by one.

Shi Lang put on himself [Clairvoyance C] and looked into the forest.

In that dark forest, above a tree trunk, the silver-haired huntress looked at him coldly, like a hunting beast.

The icy sight, although thousands of miles away, is still clearly visible.

Shi Lang couldn't help frowning, Atalanta's condition was very wrong at the moment.

The long emerald hair had turned into snowy white hair, and the light green hunting costume on his body had now turned into a black uniform with a huge demon pig's head on his right shoulder.


p> More importantly, he could feel that Atalante's sanity was gone, but he had a very frantic feeling.

Not like Archer, but like Berserker.

Atalanta stared at Shi Lang and the nun coldly, his feet stared, his figure turned into a dark night, and disappeared from the forest.

The nun was relieved, looked up at Shirou, and said, "Thank you very much."

"You are welcome. Are you okay?"

Shiro turned his head while talking, looking at the nun.

At that moment, Shi Lang couldn't help being stunned.

And the nun couldn't help being taken aback.



More importantly, he could feel that Atalante's sanity was gone, but he had a very frantic feeling.

Not like Archer, but like Berserker.

Atalanta stared at Shi Lang and the nun coldly, his feet stared, his figure turned into a dark night, and disappeared from the forest.

The nun was relieved, looked up at Shirou, and said, "Thank you very much."

"You are welcome. Are you okay?"

Shiro turned his head while talking, looking at the nun.

At that moment, Shi Lang couldn't help being stunned.

And the nun couldn't help being taken aback.

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