I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 961




pS: The third one is here~!Good night~!

Chapter 80: Not Deeply Involved in the World, Killing House

The beast is a catastrophe rejected by human history.

It is also called human evil, which refers to various disasters that threaten human history and destroy mankind.They were born from the civilization of mankind, and become stronger and stronger with the development of mankind, but they destroy civilization from the inside of society, and they are cancerous.

There are a total of seven human evils in the Moon World. One is the Demon King Gaetia holding the principle of compassion, and the other is the God Mother Tiamat holding the principle of return...

Shi Lang once thought that when he swallowed the [God's Evil] on the false god's spirit seat, he would become a [Beast].

Fortunately, the false god spirit seat disappeared.He only swallowed part of the [God's Evil], and has not reached the upper limit of the container.

BeastHow terrible it is, no need to repeat it.Just a demon king Gaetia is enough to make things like human beings burned and creating light years in the original world line.Moreover, in the original "FGO" world line, if it were not for Romani to sacrifice himself, the demon king Gaetia could not be defeated.

And the existence of the crowned hero is to deal with the beast.

However, the beast is very powerful.According to the setting of Xingyue, only seven crowned heroes can match one [beast].

Therefore, Shi Lang would never want to deal with [the beast] if he could.

But things backfired, he met [the beast].

In the dilapidated camp, Shi Lang stared at the nun closely, his eyes full of vigilance.

The killing house prays for shortage.

Or in other words, it is the third bodhisattva of beast and demon nature holding the principle of eros.

Shi Lang really did not expect that here in Romania, he would encounter the Killing Yuan Qifeng.

In the original "F/A" world line, there are not so many crooked ways.Obviously, this is again affected by the connection point.

and many more!


Shiro suddenly realized one thing. According to Romani, the Demon King Gatia was a member of the [Council].As one of the evils of mankind, the Demon King Gatia is only one of the key members of the [Council], then will this [Council] be composed of all members of the beast rank?

If this is the case, it would be too desperate.

The most important thing is, is this killing house Kiara also one of the important members of the [Parliament]?

At the same time, what Gray said, the [Council] Guardian of the Holy Grail at this connection point?

Shi Lang stared at the killing courtyard and frowned.

To be honest, the moment he recognized Kiara in the killing house, he was intent on killing him.But he couldn't tell the state of the killing house at the moment, if it was an ordinary human state, if it was the state of the third beast, he would go up and send it.

Kiara, who was thanking Adam and others for accepting her, sensed Shirou’s gaze, turned his head, that beautiful face exuded a holy light, and asked softly: "Excuse me, what's wrong with my face Place, Mr. Assassin."

Shiro didn't tell him who he was, but Shiroin Kiara saw that Adam and others called Shiro "Mr. Assassin", so he called.

Shi Lang thought for a while and asked, "Miss Mortality Academy, why are you being pursued and killed?"

"This... I don't know." Kiara said with a troubled expression on his face, "In fact, I don't even know why I am here."

Shi Lang frowned.

Matthew asked with a strange look: "Miss Killing House, didn't you know you would appear here?"

"Yes," Qi Huang nodded and said with a troubled look: "I remember, I should read Andersen's fairy tales in the neon mountains. Why did it appear here, I really can't figure it out. mind."

"In the deep mountains of neon?"

"Yes." Kiara nodded and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, because it's the first time I have contact with outsiders, I forgot to say, I am the sect master of the "Yingtianliu" of Tachikawa Stream of Shingon Buddhism. Daughter. My father does not allow me to contact the outside world, so I should stay in the mountains, but why I am here, I really don’t know."

Kiara in the killing house looked troubled.

Shi Langzai carefully observed several times, and was very sincere, and could not see any flaws.There are two conclusions. One is that Kiara in Seishinin really doesn't know it, and the other is that Kiara in Seishinin's disguise is so powerful that even Shirou's eyesight cannot be seen.

Adam asked curiously: "But, why would someone hunt you down, Miss Killing House? And it's a hero."

"I don't know." Qi Huang shook his head and said: "I just remember that I should read Andersen's fairy tales in my room, and then I appeared in a forest, and then... the lady was chasing kill me."

"Atalante...no. Why is she chasing you?" Shi Lang frowned and asked.

"do not know."

Qi Huang shook his head.

Kiara in the killing house is asking three questions. What’s even more outrageous is that Kiara in the killing house lacks common sense of modern life. Just like a little girl who has just walked out of the old forest in the mountains, many things can cause her surprise. Phew, I will forget about being chased by Atalante in a blink of an eye.

But Shirou remembered it in his heart.

There is no way. In Shirou's understanding, the other party has become a [beast], so he can't help but care.

The clue to the burrowing monster was broken, and as a result, there was now another killing courtyard.

Shirou's head was in a mess.

Kiara in Seishiin is very happy to get along with Adam and others.

Although Adam and others were engaged in the activities of the uprising, their xinxing was like white paper.And Kiara in the killing house is also like a newly born child, full of curiosity about the outside world, but not like the third beast that Shirou knows about [the whole desire for this matter].

The two sides talked very happily, and after a short while, both sides told their own affairs.

Kiara in the killing house was surprised by what happened to Adam and others, but Adam and others were also worried about Kiara in the killing house.

It turned out that although Kiara in Killing House was the daughter of the "Yingtianliu" Sovereign of Lichuanliu, she suffered from an incurable disease since childhood and was said to not live to be 14 years old.

Adam and the others felt like they felt the same, each comforting the killing house and saying that everything would be fine.

Kiara said, "You are so pure."

"Pure? Why are we pure?" asked an artificial life form.

"Um...I just thought of this word. The look you look at me is very different from the look my father's disciples look at me. I like it very much." Kiara said with a smile, "Is this the outside world? I like it very much." It."

Adam and the others showed puzzled faces, but Shirou frowned.

Kiara in the killing house claimed to have had an incurable disease since childhood, but the graceful body in front of him didn't look like a girl under fourteen, right?

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