I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 970

Afterwards, she drew out the black and red holy sword and stared at Yanmine Shiro with cold eyes. Just as she was about to attack, the woman sitting on the throne slightly raised her palm, and the terrifying technique followed. An extremely terrifying light cannon blasted straight towards Mordred.

The power of the light cannon was extremely fierce. In an instant, the air burst and the earth was turbulent.

However, Mordred showed a contemptuous face, holding the black and red holy sword, she ran in the light cannon and rushed towards Yanfeng Shiro.


The woman couldn't help but snorted.

"You treasure... really difficult...!"

Yanfeng Shiro couldn't help changing his face, holding the black cup, and ran back.

Mordred sneered and chased him forward.

At this time, a strange wave began to interfere with the contract between Servant and Master.

Mordred felt this feeling very familiar.

Isn't this how it feels when the sound of heaven is assimilated?

She hugged her head quickly, looked at Yanfeng Shiro with an annoyed look, and said, "Are you controlling me?"

"It's not that I'm controlling you." Yanfeng Shiro shook his head and said: "It's the Cthulhu that controls you."

"Cthulhu... Ah...!"

Mordred screamed, and there was a touch of pain on that tender face.

The cold sweat on his face seemed to be resisting some huge interference.

"Damn... die... it can be like this..."

Mordred screamed in annoyance, and his holy blue eyes were stained with madness.

Yanfeng Shiro smiled and said, "From now on, we will be partners, Saber."

Mordred looked at Yanmine Shiro with a mad look, but didn't answer.

Yanfeng Shiro is used to it, whether it is Garna or Atalante.

This is a loss.

Yanfeng Shiro sighed, then asked, "What is your real name, Saber?"

"My real name is... Gareth..." Mordred replied with a mad look on his face.

"Gareth?" Yanfeng Shiro was taken aback, and asked: "The'Miss Palm' in the legend of King Arthur? How could Dame Palm be a woman?"

"This is not surprising...because King Arthur is also a woman. Also, I don't like the nickname of'Papa Palm'..." Mordley said dullly in German.

"King Arthur is a woman?" Yanfeng Shiro frowned. Without thinking about it, he asked instead: "If you are really the'Master Palm' in the legend of King Arthur, how can you escape and penetrate? Treasure? This... doesn't seem to be in the legend."

Mordred raised his palm, revealed the ring on his right middle finger, and said, "This is the magic ring Morgan gave me. After I defeated the Black Warrior, Green Warrior, Blue Warrior, Brown Warrior, and Red Warrior, The fairies of the Holy Land gave me blessings. Allow me to penetrate all abilities."

Yanfeng Shiro nodded.

The situation is clear, Lion Jiejieli is indeed a very cautious person, and he deliberately used Mordred's pseudonym to deceive him.Fortunately, Gareth is now his help.

Presumably, the lion who knows this situation will regret sending'Gareth' to explore the church, right?

Yanfeng Shiro shook his head, and then lowered his head slightly, looking at the black cup in his hand, revealing a solemn expression.

"Success or failure, in one fell swoop." He murmured.

Mordred's eyes were frenzied, and his facial expression was dull.There is no doubt that she is under control.

Mineshiro didn't doubt this either.

However, Yanfeng Shiro seems to have overlooked one point.

That is the rune on Mordred's face, with a slight change.

And the star cup she hid, the first eye has been closed, but the second eye has been opened...

Chapter 85 The leader has a pair of big horns![Third more]

After midday, Mordred had not yet returned, and the Lion Tribulation Jie Li was a little worried, but Shi Lang had already corrected his mentality.

Mordred is not a girl of normal age, she has her own thinking and thinking template, and the three views have been completely formed.

For the immature children of the Three Views, it is easy to be tempted by the outside world and go on crooked and evil roads, so parents will be disciplined by multiple disciplines. For mature children, parents can say nothing except nagging and paying attention to health Up.

Shirou's feelings for Mordred are more complicated.

At this time, the group of believers who had been driven away by Shiro came again.

This time, more people came from them, like a tide.

"It's there!"

"Yes! There!"

"Our leader is there!"


The believers came fiercely and surrounded the killing courtyard to pray for shortages, their eyes were both fanatic and greedy.

Qi Huang was accustomed to the killing house, and his small face asked calmly: "Excuse me, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Praise the wonderful world! Great leader!"

The believers enthusiastically looked at the killing courtyard and prayed for shortage, and offered hymns.

Kiara said with a troubled expression: "You may have admitted the wrong person. I am not your leader. I have not taken the mantle of my father. I cannot be called the leader."

"You are!"

The fanatical believers ignored the explanation of the killing house Kiara, but with a fanatical expression of the killing house Kiara.

This made Deshengyuan Qihuang somewhat distressed.

She is accustomed to the aggressive gaze of the believers, but she doesn't like being admitted.

When Ma Xiu saw him, he turned to Shirou and said, "Mr. Fujimaru, the lady of the killing house looks very troubled."

"Because no one wants to be confessed, right?" Shi Lang asked with a smile.

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