I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 971

Matthew nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Then, Mr. Fujimaru, you said that the lady of the killing house is the Master of the Red Caster, is this true?"

"It's just very likely." Shi Lang replied with a smile, and did not tell Ma Xiu his previous inferences and guesses.

Hearing this, Matthew smiled and nodded, and said, "I'll go and help the lady at the killing house resolve the misunderstanding."

She stepped forward, reasoned with the believers, and helped Qihuang explain the killing house in an attempt to resolve the misunderstanding.

It's just a pity that to explain clearly to these fanatical believers is no different from explaining to the fanatics in the Cthulhu mythology, and it is useless.

Shi Lang shook his head and stepped forward.

As Shiro stepped forward, the fanatics who had been dispelled by Shiro subconsciously trembled and took a step back.Only the newcomers are still chattering with fanaticism.

Shi Lang smiled and walked forward, and Ma Xiu and Qi Huang closed their eyes.

The next moment, Shi Lang hit a fanatic in the abdomen with a punch, causing him to take a few steps back. The fanatic spirit was sober because of the pain, and he repeatedly asked: "What are you doing?"

Shi Lang pointed to the killing courtyard and said with a gentle smile: "She is not your leader."

"She is!" said the believer.

Shi Lang punched him again, and the new followers around him saw Shi Lang bullying their compatriots, yelling forward, and then being knocked to the ground by Shi Lang, wailing constantly.

Shilang turned his head to look at the believers who had come before. Those believers shrank their heads and dared not come forward or speak.Because they were dispelled by Shirou before.

Shiro patted his palms.

Matthew asked hesitantly, "Mr. Fujimaru, is this not so good? They are not heroic spirits, just ordinary people."

"Then what do you think should be done?" Shi Lang asked with interest.

Matthew said seriously, "Of course it is explained! It must be explained!"

Shi Lang smiled and patted her slender shoulder.

"What, what's wrong, Mr. Fujimaru?" Matthew asked.

"You need to pay attention to methods. The right method is effective, the wrong method may not be useful at all. If you explain to a fanatical believer, it is tantamount to playing the piano to a cow." Shi Lang said with a smile, "You have a lot to learn. Well, Master."

Matthew was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry...I'm just an immature Master..."

"Don't fall into an inferiority complex so quickly. I don't hate you as a young man." Shi Lang said with a smile.

At this moment, a cultist raised his head, staring at the killing house and praying for the wilderness, and said with a look of grief: "Master, if you wait and die, our sect will be over! Our world will return to darkness again. Up!"

Kiara said with a troubled expression: "I have said, I am not your leader. Don't admit the wrong person anymore."

Unfortunately, these believers don't listen at all.

They recognized that Qihuang in the killing house was their leader, and cried out sadly one by one: "The leader, if you don't do anything, our sect will be destroyed!"

Another cultist cried out: "There is a god slain demon who is destroying our sacred sect! You can do it!"

Kiara in Seishiin was very embarrassed, but Shirou frowned.

He is quite sensitive to the things of the killing house praying for abode, not because of the person in the killing house for praying, but because of the deeds of the third beast.

Shi Lang took his heart to this matter and asked Kiara of the killing house to go with the followers.And he followed.

Shilang originally thought that the god-killing demon that these believers were talking about was, but he followed them to a village on the border of Tolyfas City, and he couldn't help but shook his head when he watched the familiar people gather the believers together for preaching.

It turned out that this person was Joan of Arc.

Joan, who was trying to get his followers back on track, turned her head, looked at Shirou, with a surprised expression, and said, "Huh? Black Assassin, why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you. Didn't you say that you want to stay in Vassar? Why did you come to Tolifas?" Shi Lang asked.

"Ehhhhhhhhhh? Is this the city of Tolifas?" Jeanne said with a strange look: "I thought it was within the city of Vaasa."

It turned out that since Shirou and the others separated from her, Joan has caught the cultists preaching along the way, trying to get rid of them from the cult's thought control and regain the light of the Lord.

And just like that, she ran here.

Shi Lang really didn't know what expression to put on.

At this time, a cultist pointed to Joan and said: "Don't be proud, you the devil who is trying to destroy our heaven! Our leader has arrived! Your end is here!"

"The leader?"

Jeanne repeated these two words, her eyes that were originally very soft tightened in an instant, and she looked cold, exuding a terrifying aura, she became like a saint.

She asked, "Who is it?"

The believer turned his head and pointed to the killing house to pray for shortage.

Kiara in the killing house looked dumbfounded, and then Joan looked murderously at Kiara in the killing house and asked: "You created this cult, the master of the black magician?"

"I am not," Qihuang in the killing house shook her head quickly. She didn't understand what had happened, but the murderous look of Joan made her frightened.

"Master! How can you deny it?" A believer said with grief: "This sect, but you have worked so hard to pull it up bit by bit! No matter the wind or rain, you always pull us to praise the beauty The world. Ah... a beautiful world!"

Joan stared at the killing house with murderous aura.

Religious wars cannot be forgiven!

Qihuang in the killing house was almost crying, and said in a panic: "You really admit the wrong person, I am not, let alone created any sect. This is my first time out, and my father kept me locked at home before. , I really haven't created any sect."

"Impossible!" said a believer: "You are our leader, and I will not admit it!"

Jeanne turned her head and looked at the killing house Qihuang again.

Kiara was anxious in her heart, but she didn't know how to clarify.

At this time, a believer who had been brainwashed by Joan said: "Look carefully, it really doesn't look like the leader."

"What are you kidding? Have your eyes been stained by the devil? Can you not even distinguish the true face of the believer?" a believer asked.

The man sighed and said, "I have retrieved my soul, so I remember clearly. Although this woman looks exactly like the leader, don’t forget, the leader’s head has a pair of big horns. Decorate!"

Hearing this, Shi Lang's eyes shrank sharply, he turned his head and looked at the person, and asked, "You say it again!"




pS: That's it, good night~!

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