I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 983


She was terrified, she flinched.

she was……

Let the predecessors be hurt.

As a result, she could no longer stand by Senior's side.

She knew that Senior had never blamed her, but...

Don't want to force her anymore.

And now...

No, it will die.

Voices kept telling her that it was the survival instinct of creatures.

But how can one repeat the same mistakes?

I have regretted the withdrawal at that time for half a year.

No more regrets at all times, no more blaming yourself at all times.

As a Shielder, as a shield soldier, as a guardian, how can she injure someone who needs to be protected?

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Matthew actually yelled, and Yingdun rushed forward!

"Is she crazy?" Jeanne looked stunned.

This is not just the thought of Joan, but the thought of all bystanders.

[The flame god roars]!

This is Arjuna's [flaming god roar]!

Everyone present, who dares to hold on?

Even if Shilang dare not insist on it, how can someone dare to do it?

Everyone thought Ma Xiu was stupid and crazy, but Shi Lang was the only one.

Only Shirou shouted: "Yes! That's it, Master! Let your thoughts go away and follow your inner voice!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Matthew shouted and charged forward.

She has given up her mind.

She didn't think about anything, she just... just regretted that she didn't protect her predecessor at the time, and now she just wants to protect the people behind her.


What is fear?

I have someone to protect!

——Who are the people you want to protect?

Someone is questioning.The voice of this question seemed to be Lingji's question, and it seemed to be her own question.

Matthew simply yelled, "Behind me is the person I want to protect! So, I can't take a step back!"

The shield in her hand exudes a faint light.

next moment--

Countless words emerged from the shield.

Ares, Ray Lance, he, Glenn...

This is the name of each person.

A huge, solemn city is slowly emerging.

Countless voices shouted: "We can't retreat. Behind us is Camelot!"

Countless people were shouting loudly, and countless names of people appeared on the city.

[Roar of the Flame God] Blasting it, it didn't even shake the city at all!

"How is this possible!?" The magicians of the Thousand Realm Tree Clan were shocked!

How is this possible?

[The Flame God Roars] Such a terrifying blow did not even shake the city at all?

What city is this?

Even Arjuna was stunned.

If Shirou blocked this blow, he wouldn't be surprised, but it was blocked by the unknown Matthew...

This, this is too ridiculous!?

However, the matter is not over yet!

Vlad III's eyes flashed with surprise, and he hurriedly shouted: "Arjuna! Don't be in a daze, run!"


Arjuna hadn't recovered from the shock, the glorious city shining with names absorbed all the energy of [Yan God Roar], then gathered into a ball, and bounced back towards Arjuna!

"how is this possible……"

[The Roar of the Flame God] The fire light reflected on A Zhou's stunned face, and it seemed to show that A Zhou was unbelievable [Roar of the Flame God] was bounced back.


The huge explosion engulfed Arjuna.

"Damn it!"

Vlad III cursed secretly, the situation was too unexpected, and Arjuna's [Fire God Roar] was actually attacked by the opponent's Master.

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