I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 984

This is so funny, so ridiculous!

However, Vlad III did not give up the opportunity to attack. He used his [Capital Punishment King] to the extreme, gathered more than 20,000 wooden piles into a ball, and bombarded Shilang!

Looking at the wooden stake that came from the bombardment, Shirou was about to act.

His goal has been achieved, and he is about to deal with Vlad III, Saber, and Hercules.

But this time, Mary was holding a shield repair shouted: "ah ah ah ah ah - !!!"

The magic power was injected desperately, and the faint phantom of the city around her, at this moment, like an inherent barrier, appeared around the mud giant.

The holy chalk city, countless names emerge in it.

A firm will emerged in it.

Show the will of people.

Vlad III’s wooden stake bombarded the phantom of the city. In an instant, the wooden stake was held by a terrifying will, and then "Ka Ka Ka——" turned into a rain of flowers, and headed towards the opposite Vlad III. Shot over with Hercules!

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!!!!"

Overwhelming, all over the sky and rain!

Vlad III hid behind Hercules, and Hercules's strong body was directly shot into a sieve by the stake, and he died!

Vlad III was about to take action, but Shiro seized the opportunity, and the timing realized the holy gun Lungominiad, blasted in front of Vlad III, and said: "It's over, Lancer!"

Vlad III looked at the Holy Spear Lungominiad who blasted in front of him and sighed.


He lost.

But he didn't lose to Shi Lang, but to Matthew's shield and the shining city!

The phantom of the city gradually disappeared, and Ma Xiu was sweating profusely as if dehydrated, and was about to fall weakly from the mud giant. Fortunately, he was caught by the fast-eyed Shi Lang.

Ma Xiu fell into Shi Lang's arms with a weak face, and asked with a vague consciousness: "...Did I do it?"

"Yeah. We won, Master. You did a good job," Shiro said.

"This time, I finally took care of you...Master."

Whispering, Matthew fainted.




pS: That's it for today~!By the way, I must be doing indoor sports, and now I dare not run outside.

Also, new January, please ask for tickets~!Everyone who has votes, please vote for me, thank you~!

Chapter 92 Until I got an arrow in my heart

Although Hercules was only killed for one life, Arjuna stubbornly managed to hold onto his [flaming god roar], and he had not lost his combat effectiveness.

However, the moment when Shi Lang bombarded Vlad III with the holy gun Lungominia's light, the battle was over.

However, the outcome of this battle was unexpected.

Guessing the direction of this battle is nothing more than Shilang defeating Vlad III, Arjuna and other four people, or Vlad III and other four people strangling Shilang.

But no one thought that the one who really decided the outcome of this battle was Matthew, whom everyone ignored!

A Master who should be protected by the Servant actually decided the outcome of this battle!

To be honest, even Shirou didn't expect this result.

He just wanted to force Mathieu's potential so that she could release King Galahad's treasure, but what he didn't expect was that Mathieu actually bounced back all the attacks of Arjuna and Vlad III, and Or kill Hercules.

Such a record...

It is indeed beyond everyone's expectations!

And the projection of the shining dynasty capital Camelot is also shocking.

The white and sacred chalk city resembles the ideal capital of human ideals, and it is really shocking and arousing yearning.

Among them, Saber has the greatest impact.

She was King Arthur, and she naturally saw the truth of this chalk city.


She knew that the chalk city projected by Matthew was not the city in her memory, but the capital of the eternal dynasty.


Is the difference too far?

There is no level of scale and momentum alone.

And on the walls of the Camelot city of the Eternal Dynasty, the names of those people were engraved on the walls, which were never seen in her city.

The key is……

That will.

That firm will that has been substantively formed into protection is really shocking!

What does that show?

Explained, what people want!

So, how is the eternal king who created this city loved by the people?

——Wang, I don’t understand people’s hearts.

Recalling the knight's evaluation, recalling people's disappointed or hateful eyes, Saber's hands clenched tightly.


Why are they all King Arthur, but the gap is so huge?

Saber pressed his lips, feeling both shocked by the eternal dynasty and lonely for himself.

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