I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 995

Shiro Amakusa smiled.

This time, he will definitely win!



In a blink of an eye, the last sunset glow of the western sky had melted into the dark twilight, and the sky gradually dimmed.The surrounding mountains showed a blue outline.

The dusk was thick and the earth was in chaos.

Black has adjusted and is ready to go.

Matthew hasn't recovered yet.

The release of King Galahad's treasure before was obviously exhausting her, and she is still asleep.Of course, Shi Lang did not intend to let her go.

He asked Grey to stay with Matthew, while he took Nero and others to prepare for a surprise attack on Black.

However, because of the message left by Garna, Shirou took the killing house to Kiara.

Kiara in Seishiin was very panicked, but she was not about to rush to the battlefield in a panic, but the information about the third beast revealed by Shirou.

"Mr. Assassin...really, there will be me, will it be a bad person?" Kiara asked with a troubled face.

Shiro said, "Maybe there, maybe not."

"Then, I--, will I become a bad person? My father said that bad people are wrong." Kiara said with an embarrassing expression.

Shirou said, "As long as you smile happily, it won't go bad."

"Happy smiling..."

Kiara thought for a while, stretched out her hand and smiled, and asked, "Is that right?"

Shirou smiled and nodded.

Qiarai said with a smile: "If it won't go bad in this way, I must tell the one who has become a bad person!"

"Really," Shi Lang smiled and said, "Then you have to work hard. Because bad people generally don't listen to good people."

"Is that so..." Qi Huang tilted his head and said with a smile: "Then I will work very hard!"

Qihuang in the killing house had a firm face. If there is a woman who has gone bad, then she must tell her that the bad guys are wrong.

As for why...

Because my father said it!

In this battle, Shirou and Vlad III decided not to take any Master.

Because [Beast] is really too dangerous!

Even these heroic spirits, facing the greatest possibility of Beast, they just die.

Moreover, Vlad III did not let Avisbronn go.

Because he is really inappropriate.

Vlad III asked the Master of the Thousand Realm Tree clan to release a spell for them to boost morale.

Except for Arjuna's refusal, everyone else was inspired by two enchantments from the Master.

"lets go!"

Shiro said.

Everyone nodded.

The fiery sunset shining on their cheeks stretched their shadows very long...




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Without the hasty codeword, the state is good.It’s just a bit late today and I can’t exercise anymore, which is a pity.By the way, please ask for votes. Friends who have votes and guaranteed blades please vote for me, thank you~!^_^

Chapter 98 May we all succeed in our lives!

The sun is setting.

On the red-hot horizon, the earth is in chaos.

Shilang led the crowd all the way to a wood next to the stronghold of the red side.

Shi Lang glanced at the crowd and said, "The topographical map has basically been assigned. After you enter, you must be more careful. Try to converge and act."

According to the information provided by Mordred, once they enter Semiramis’s [Vanity's Sky Garden], they will be randomly assigned to various areas by [Vanity's Sky Garden], so they cannot go forward together.

Therefore, Shi Lang first distributed the painted topographic map to everyone, and then told them to act carefully.

Everyone nodded one after another.

Shi Lang was not worried in his heart.

At this time, there is not a single Master standing here, they are all heroes who shine in human history, and they are extremely reliable teammates.

"Then, let's go! May this battle, we can all succeed!" Shi Lang said.

Everyone nodded, their faces serious and serious.

[Vanity Garden in the Sky] is the treasure of Semiramis, a great treasure of the inherent barrier type.In the inherent barrier of this [Vanity Sky Garden], Semiramis is like the lord of the world. If Semiramis does not open the barrier, it will be difficult to break in.

Of course, piercing treasures such as Mordred's [Pole Star Unknown] are exceptions.

And Shiro...

It is also an exception!

Shiro eroded the inherent barrier of [Vanity's Sky Garden] with his evil thoughts of [evil], opening the gap in the barrier.

Although Shirou had long said that he had the barriers to destroy the inherent barriers and erode the barriers of the inherent barriers, everyone was still amazed when they saw this scene.

Many people are even more surprised as to how many treasures Shirou possesses.

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