I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 996

So far, Shi Lang has produced too many treasures, which makes people very curious and amazed.

Saber felt that Shirou’s treasure reserve could be as long as the hero King Gilgamesh.

And Joan especially wants to see Shirou's panel attributes.

However, it is a pity that because of the evil thoughts of [The Evil of This World], Joan of Arc's [Real Name See Through] could not see through Shirou's attribute panel and real name from beginning to end.

Shiro used [The Evil of This World] to erode the barriers of [Vanity's Sky Garden], thus opening the way for entry.

Under his leadership, the crowd broke into the temple church where the Red Fang base was located.



The moment Shirou and others broke into the [Vanity Air Garden], Semiramis, who was in control of [Vanity Air Garden], immediately noticed the abnormality, and those slender eyebrows couldn't help but raised slightly. .

Upon seeing this, Yanfeng Shiro couldn't help asking, "What's the matter, Assassin?"

Semiramis frowned and said, "A mouse has broken into Yu's courtyard again. And this time, there are many mice!"

Semiramis waved his hand, and she, who had the control authority of [Vanity's Sky Garden], revealed the whole picture of the [Vanity's Sky Garden], including several people who broke into the [Vanity's Sky Garden].

Upon seeing this, Yanfeng Shiro looked stunned and said, "Black...how did they break in? And...there is also the Eternal King! They actually partnered!"

"It's not surprising that when Garner went out to hunt down that woman, didn't he meet Assassin of the Black? They obviously learned about our situation from Garner, so they would join forces to break in. Not surprising," Semiramis said.

Yanfeng Shiro nodded.

"Huh." Semiramis raised his smooth chin, proudly like a white swan, and said: "Since they broke in, don't even think about leaving! It's also good to teach them to know how good they are! "

A divine light flashed in Semiramis's eyes.


The moment he entered the [Vanity Garden in the Sky], Shirou felt that the space was spinning, very similar to the feeling he felt when he was trapped inside the false god seat and transferred.

The next moment, he appeared in a classical castle.

Not surprisingly, there was no one around him, and it was clear that they had been broken up.

Shi Lang looked around. It was a classic castle with rows of steel armors displayed around it, a bit like a medieval king's court.

Shi Lang took out a roll of parchment from his arms, and it was a map drawn by horizontal and vertical lines.

This is what Shilang troubled the Thousand Realms Tree Clan to copy according to the map Mordred left on his sword in the stone, and everyone has it.

The map information left by Mordred is quite detailed. Although it is not depicted, it has an explanation of the general situation of each area.

Therefore, Shirou quickly determined his position.

"Area 21?"

Shiro stroked his chin.

The map information left by Mordred showed that [Vanity's Sky Garden] had a total of 49 areas, which was exactly seven times the number of seven.And this is also related to the area where Semiramis lives.

The worship of "Seven" originated from primitive astronomy. The ancient Assyrians believed that Qi Yao were gods and worshipped them all.And convinced that they take turns in power, dominating the vicissitudes of the world.Therefore, "seven" has become a solemn symbol, which has a wide and profound influence on all aspects of ancient Assyrians.

And [Vanity's Sky Garden] is exactly seven times as many areas as seven, which is also due to this influence.

Determined his location, Shiro began to find the area he needed to go to.

According to the map information provided by Mordred, Semiramis and Yanfeng Shiro should be in the area of ​​Sequence 1, which is the central area.

As for the possible existence of demon bodhisattvas, they are not marked on the map.However, if the Demon Bodhisattva also exists, it is probably in the central area.


To enter the central area, you must pass through that area.

The red one...

Area 7!

Shi Lang took a deep breath, put the map away, and was about to leave, but at this moment, "buzzing", the steel armor displayed around moved strangely.


There was no one inside of the armors displayed, but they moved by themselves.

The surroundings are dark, if it were in a horror movie, this should be the time for ghosts to appear.

However, [evil] emerged from Shilang's body, and he swallowed all these armors directly, and dissipated them into spirits.


The other party’s style is a horror movie, and Shirou’s style...

It's a disaster movie!

Shi Lang cleaned up these things and walked out instead.

And in the [Vanity Garden in the Sky], dragon tooth soldiers like skeleton soldiers began to appear, patrolling everywhere.

This kind of...

Shi Lang saw one kill one, and saw two kill one pair. He didn't change his way, and directly killed them completely, and walked straight towards the Sequence One area.

However, it is clear that Semiramis and Yanfeng Shiro have discovered that they have invaded, and [Vanity's Sky Garden] has also begun to operate.

It's just a pity that if it's just like Dragon Tooth Soldier, no matter how many come, it's just a gift.

As for the control of [Vanity's Sky Garden], Semiramis apparently discovered this situation, and [Vanity's Sky Garden] began to appear large monsters.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

Suddenly a deafening roar resounded, and the whole [Vanity Sky Garden] was hummed.

This is not the roar of Warcraft, but the roar of Hercules.

The roar was deafening, exuding a strong sense of war.

Obviously encountered some powerful opponent.

Shi Lang frowned and hurriedly chased in the direction where the roar resounded.

Passing through the area of ​​the mountains, Shirou soon saw a muddy area, and from inside came the loud roar of Hercules.

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