I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 997

Shi Lang was about to step forward, but just as soon as he entered, his eyes shrank suddenly!

Toxic gas!

Shirou retracted his feet again.

"Did you hear Berserker's roar, too, Eternal King."

Pingbo Wuqi's voice came from behind, Shilang turned his head and saw that it was Arjuna.

Shirou asked, "Since you will be here, you must have heard Hercules' roar, right?"

Hearing that, A Zhouna nodded and said, "I'm here one step ahead of you. I suggest that neither you nor I enter this area. The poison gas inside is very heavy. If calculated by level, I am afraid it is the highest level A. Level. You and I are not suitable to step into this area."

Shiro nodded, expressing understanding.

The A-level poison gas is enough to penetrate the cover of [Evil of This World], and it is indeed not suitable for his battlefield.

Shiro asked, "What monsters exist in it?"

Arjuna said: "It's Hydra, and Basium."

Hearing this, Shi Lang said with a surprised look: "The Greek monster Hydra once killed by Hercules, and the serpent Basium, one of the eleven monsters created by God Tiamat?"

"Exactly." Ah Zhou nodded.

"It turns out that, if this is the case, Hercules appears here, but it can be regarded as the cause of the Holy Grail." Shi Lang said.


With a "bang", the barriers in the quagmire area shattered like a spider web, and a huge snake head was smashed out of the blood.

The lower jaw of the snake head opened slightly, and a thick purple poisonous mist spewed out from it.

Shi Lang immediately covered his mouth with the mud of [evil], and moved away from the purple poisonous mist, while A Zhou also hurriedly left.

A huge figure leaped out of it and stood on the huge snake head.

It's Hercules.

His muscles were as strong as a rock, and he took the huge stone axe and smashed it on the snake's head.

"Boom, boom, boom...!!!"

The heavy voice is like thunder!

The snake head was smashed by him.

He held a huge stone axe, stepped on the snake's head with his huge feet, raised his head and roared.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"



With a "bang", the barriers in the quagmire area were smashed once again, and several snake heads popped out of them, roaring at Hercules and biting them.

Hercules battled with a giant axe.

Purple, dense poisonous fog spilled out of the area.

Arjuna said: "Leave it to the hero of Greece, this is his myth re-enactment!"

Shi Lang nodded and said, "Okay!"

With a wave of his hand, Hercules set up [Magic Release], [Combat Continued], and [Desperate Wisdom] to leave.

However, this time, [Desperate Wisdom] failed to dispel the [madness] of Hercules like Spartacus.

Obviously, Spartacus can dispel [Frenzy], except for [Wisdom of Despair], the most important reason is that his own will is firm enough.After all, if you want to control him, you need at least two spells.

Shilang and Arjuna left this area.

Hercules roared and wrestled with Hydra and Bathum.

In the end, the stone axe in his hand was broken, and he directly roared and wrestled with the two monsters with bare hands!

On the steel body, shattered and dripping with blood!

Hydra and Bathum were dragged by Hercules, and this result surprised Yanfeng Shiro and Semiramis.

"Who is the Black Berserker, who has such supernatural power?" Yanfeng Shiro was surprised.

"Don't care about them, there are already two-body heroic spirits, and they are killing us!" Semiramis said.

Yanfeng Shiro said: "It's time to dispatch our heroes, let them be buried here!"

Chapter 99 If you go, I will take him to go![Second more]

Poisonous gas has escaped from the area where Hercules fought with Hydra and Bathum.

The purple poisonous gas is as strong as substance, like a biochemical lesion.

In this situation, no one here can get close.

Shilang and Arjuna didn't look back. In this situation, the two poisons should be handed over to Hercules, the great Greek hero.

Shilang and Arjuna continued to rush towards the central area.

There are many monsters and monsters in the [Vanity Garden in the Sky] of Semiramis, but it is clear that these monsters and monsters, whether they are spoken by Shirou or by Arjuna, are all Vulnerable.

Shilang's [evil] surged past like a tide, and those beasts and monsters were easily wiped out and killed by evil thoughts, leaving A Zhou with no chance of getting rid of it.

Regarding this point, Arjuna is actually somewhat dissatisfied.

As a warrior, you can only see others taking the lead and exerting your abilities. This is really torture for warriors.

At least, Arjuna was seeing Shi Lang playing unparalleled among those monsters, he also wanted to get involved, but Shi Lang basically used the [evil] Tide this world-destroying AOE, and did not give him a chance to steal the blame.

Shirou said with a serious face: "You need to recharge your energy. Because your opponent is Garna!"

Hearing that, Arjuna felt very reasonable.

His opponent is Garna, before that, he really needs to save his strength.


With a sound of "shoo," I saw a gleam of silver light passing through the pitch-black space, shooting towards Ah Zhou at an extremely tricky angle.

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