I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 998

Arjuna stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the silver light rushing through the air was held in the palm of his hand by Arjuna.

Shi Lang turned his head and saw that it was an arrow.

A Zhou's palm tightened slightly, and only heard a "click", the arrow in his hand was blocked by him and dispersed like a spirit.

Shirou said: "It's the Archer of Red."

Arjuna nodded, he naturally knew it, and at the moment the arrow flew, Arjuna sensed the position of the red Archer Atalante.

Arjuna opened the bow, and his eyes were completely dark, but he seemed to have locked Atalante's position and shot seven arrows one after another.

Atalante is running wild.

Demonized her, not only has her ability parameters become stronger, but most importantly, her biological instincts have been amplified.

In this situation, her instinct is far above reason, and her control of the body has reached an extremely sensitive level.

It can be said that, under the control of instinct, she can feel danger for the first time and can almost avoid all attacks.

When Arjuna's arrows came like a meteor, Atalante dodges three of them in an instant.

However, Arjuna seemed to have already calculated Atalanta’s instinctive avoidance action. After Atalanta instinctively avoided three arrows, the next four arrows could not be avoided anyway. Moreover, Garna's arrow was shot with the bow of the god of destruction, and it was very powerful, even if Atalanta was transformed into a demon, it was shot through the body.

Blood dripping.

However, she failed to defeat her spiritual foundation in an instant.

Atalanta clutched his wound and fled in the darkness.

Shilang and Arjuna chased after him.

Arjuna's breathing was slightly short.He knew that since the Red Archer had already appeared, then Garna must not be far away.

Shilang and Arjuna shuttled into an area of ​​lake water.

Just about to cross this area, the lake water churned, waves blooming, and it was turbulent.

A huge sea monster monster emerged from it.

Shi Lang was about to deal with this sea monster, but A Zhou shouted, "Get out of here!"

He was full of restless anger, the Destroyer God's Bow in his hand activated without hesitation, and released [Flaming God Roar], killing this brave sea monster directly to death!

The poor sea monster, without his head coming out completely, was blasted to pieces by Arjuna who was in a frenzy!

Looking at Arjuna who was full of anger, Shirou couldn't help but said, "You have a temper... irritable..."

"He's coming!" Arjuna said, "I can feel him! That disgusting sun breath!"

A Zhou was restless, both excited and manic, as if to welcome what he had been waiting for.

Shilang frowned, and the surrounding air became a little anxious and hot, like a huge heating element approaching.

A Zhou Na could no longer hold back that mad heart, and ran straight ahead.

Shi Lang followed closely behind.

Because of this road, it is also his road to the central area.

This is a rain forest.

But the air is not humid at all, but rather dry.

The earth began to crack like a cobweb.

Atalante was hiding in the rainforest, leaning on a dense tree, licking his wounds with his tongue like a wild cat.

Suddenly, Shilang and Arjuna broke in.

Like a frightened wild cat, she jumped up and fled away.

Her instinct told her that these two creatures were on the food chain and above her.

Shi Lang stepped out, just about to chase.


His instinct yelled inwardly.

I only felt that the surrounding air was drier and hotter. Shilang instinctively surrounded himself with [evil].

next moment--

"Rumble, rumble, rumble--!!!"

The surrounding rain forest burned without fire, and the endless sea of ​​fire swept toward Shiro like a vast ocean.



The destructive thunder was densely covered like a spider web, directly hitting the vast sea of ​​fire.

Thunder and fire are intertwined.

The power of the destructive god is intertwined with the brilliance of the sun god.

Suddenly bright, it is difficult to distinguish the outcome.

Shi Lang took the opportunity to condense the [evil] into a group, gather it in his hands, and then violently throw it out like a thread, directly cutting the interweaving of the sun and thunder.

The infinitely extended line is like...

Haitian line!

Shilang retreated to Arjuna's side, looking forward.

In the endless sea of ​​fire, a white-haired young man with the scorching sun breath walked out slowly.


The taciturn Arjuna looked at the white-haired young man and laughed wildly, revealing a wild smile like an evil villain.


Arjuna shouted the name.

Yes, this white-haired young man is Arjuna's destined enemy, his brother, his mortal enemy, Garna, the son of the Sun God!

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