Facing Li Yongjin's problem.

Zhou Suzhen laughed foolishly.

She doesn't understand.

Because, she had never heard of this statement before.

What is orange, and what is orange?

She grew up near Sect as a child.

It can be regarded as a family of cultivation.

It’s just that I didn’t join Sect at that time, but I yearned for the blue sky at the top of the Qingshan Sect since I was a child.

Apart from cultivation, she doesn't care much about other things.

I have never seen the endless prosperity of the world.

For her puzzled expression.

Li Yongjin touched her hair and said:

"You look for it slowly, don't worry."


"Anyway... we have a lot of time."


Zhou Suzhen nodded without hesitation.


As spring went and autumn came, the elixir of Deadwood Peak matured one crop after another.

Regarding Li Yongjin's question, Zhou Suzhen never found the answer.

Li Yongjin is not in a hurry either, he has a lot of time anyway.

All that is needed now is time.

Every time he was asked, he always had a faint smile on his face.

Actually... Li Yongjin knew it well.

He can't do anything about the hidden illness on the senior sister.

Because the foundation of the senior sister has been completely eliminated in the experience of fighting against demons.

No matter how strong Zhou Suzhen is, how desperately she cultivates and practices her sword.

She has never been able to reach the other shore in her heart.

And what he can do is to accompany her to waste time slowly.


Li Yongjin once said that if Zhou Suzhen can find the answer.

Then they will meet in Baihua Valley, and go back to the day when they first met.

When that day comes, there will be surprises.

As for the surprise, Li Yongjin did not elaborate.

But Zhou Suzhen just believed him,

There is no reason to believe it.

Li Yongjin came from the secular world.

So Zhou Suzhen also went down the mountain and went to the world.

On the day the senior sister went down the mountain,

Li Yongjin stood on the top of Deadwood Peak and stood silently until the dawn of the next day.

It was dawn, and he was a little tired.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he looked in Sect's direction.

"You said that you will definitely come back again..."

Li Yongjin said softly: "Then I'll wait!"


Is this love?

He shook his head.

Said that he did not know.


On this day, heavy snow fell.

Crystal snowflakes fell on every part of the dead wood peak.

Li Yongjin suddenly wanted to hear the sound of snow falling, so he moved a chessboard.

Sitting alone on the patio, listening to the snow and playing by yourself.

The snow fell on the catalpa, and soon it attacked the sunspots on the chessboard.

"God, you made a foul!"

Li Yongjin sneered, and a burst of energy popped out from his fingertips.

Huh, like a breeze blowing by.

Gently brushed off the first snow.

Heizi regained his kingly demeanor,

Occupying most of the territory, killing Baizi to the point of defeat.

"Hey, Mr. Xiaolang is very elegant, come here to play chess in the snowy weather."

"Sister, I can also have a little bit, do you want to play together?"

An uninvited visitor came to Deadwood Peak, which rarely had visitors.

It was a lady in white with a dusty temperament, who called herself Bai Zhenren.

I saw her stepping on the snow, but there was no trace of where she walked.

The little green snake at the side sensed something strange, and suddenly opened its eyes.

it wakes up.

When Li Yongjin saw her, a raging golden flame ignited in his pupils.

But just for a moment, the flames dimmed.

Li Yongjin turned around with a smile and went in to make tea.

"The visitor is a guest, please sit down!"

Such a miraculous guest, let alone Deadwood Peak.

Even the Green Mountain Sect is rare.

Does Sect Leader Hu Qingshan know about Bai Zhenren's visit?

Li Yongjin didn't care.

Anyway, Master Sect Leader has always been free-spirited, even if he knew it, he would probably treat it as not knowing.

The less trouble, the better.

Cultivate together, do not fight for one day and one night.


"It's mine, you can't take it away."

Master Bai wanted to take the green snake away, Li Yongjin shook his head firmly.

Everything that I was familiar with before became less and less.

Now there are still people to take away.

is it possible?

"Then what if I insist on taking her away?"

Master Bai was not annoyed, he just giggled.

"Then you win me, and you are eligible to raise conditions."

Li Yongjin didn't want to do anything unless necessary.

Then he gave in and offered Wendou an invitation.

Just like the literati in ancient times.

On this beautiful day, a big fight spoils the beauty.

What's more, Li Yongjin doesn't like her ability.

"it is good."

Master Bai has no idea of ​​the dangers in the world.


"Come again!"

"I don't believe it anymore, come again!"

"Come on, let's fight until dawn tonight!"

At this time, Master Bai, how can he still have the so-called demeanor of a master?

He directly stepped on the stool with his feet, quite domineering like a countryman.

That way, it doesn't look like a real person.

It looks like... a pungent lady!

Li Yongjin didn't care either, and kept nodding to restore the chessboard.

No matter how many times Mrs. Bai wants to play, I will accompany her to play as many times.

In these boring days, it is very happy to have someone to accompany and have something to kill.

Finally, a spring rain melted the ice and snow.

The Elder of Qingluo Peak cast a spell, and it rained a spiritual green rain on the whole sect.

The vitality is rippling, and the Spiritual herbs are passing by.

The pouring green rain gave Li Yongjin a fresh start.


To live longer is to be able to see wonderful scenery that has never been seen before.

It's a pity that some scenery can only be seen by one person.

Li Yongjin raised his eyes and suddenly saw a wonderful hand.

He thumped in his heart, secretly thinking that he was in a trance.

He was negligent.

"Hey, I won!"

Madam Bai pointed at the chessboard and looked at Li Yongjin showing off.

This is her first win in months.

"Well, you won."

Li Yongjin pouted: "And then?"

The rules are mine.

Is it too hasty to just rely on a game of chess to take away my pet?

After all, this is something I have raised for decades, and I already have deep feelings for it.

Need to add money!

"Ah, you are really rare, young gentleman."

Li Yongjin is the first one who dares to raise such a condition, and the lion speaks loudly.

Because, he doesn't want spirit weapons and treasures.

There are only gold and silver treasures in the secular world.

That's really hard to find for those who practice the Tao.

Madam Bai hesitated for a moment, and finally took out a jasper finger wrench.

"This thing is priceless in the mortal world."

she says.

"Well, take it away, I don't want to keep it for a long time!"

Seeing Qian's eyes open, Li Yongjin put away his finger with a smile.

That fast speed left Madam Bai dumbfounded.

This kid, seems to be afraid that he will go back on his word?

Moreover, you have sold Xiaoqing...

Not so good?

Xiaoqing left.

On a spring afternoon, it is worth going out for a walk.

The sun is just right.

Two figures, one green and one white, were going down the mountain along the mountain road.

Li Yongjin waved his hand to Mrs. Bai: "Goodbye, Mrs. Bai."

Mrs. Bai said it countless times, but Li Yongjin still did not change her address.

"Goodbye, Mr. Xiaolang."

Madam Bai shook her head helplessly: "You are an interesting guy. If you miss me in the future, you can come to Donghu Town to visit me."

"If given the chance, yes."

Li Yongjin agreed.

Madam Bai turned around and was about to go down the mountain.

Li Yongjin suddenly remembered something, and shouted at their backs: "By the way, Mrs. Bai, let me remind you again, remember to be careful of a monk after going down the mountain."

Beware of the monk?

Madam Bai felt it was funny, but she still nodded: "I will."

They meet each other in mountains and rivers.

It's time for her to go.

Li Yongjin watched them leave, feeling empty again in his heart.

But he remembered that night and smiled again.

That night.

"Xiaoqing, are you willing to go with Mrs. Bai?"

"I can feel that I have a destiny with her."


Li Yongjin replied disappointedly.

Goodbye, Mrs. Bai.

Goodbye, Xiaoqing!

Since then, there has been no poisonous snake attack on Deadwood Peak.

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