I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 9 Are You An Orange Or A Orange?

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through 10,000 years and reaching the achievement of ten thousand years. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the top-grade pupil art of the sky rank——Fiery Eyes (castrated version)]

that day.

Li Yongjin's pupils shot out golden light, heading straight towards Xiaohan.

The demons around were trembling, and the accompanying people were amazed.


"Close the team."

Elder said in a dry hoarse voice.

Li Yongjin followed at the end of the line, holding a box of ashes in his arms.

On the ashes, a broken dark red cloak was covered.

The ashes belonged to Li Shu, and the cloak belonged to the elder brother.

"Brother, sister-in-law..."

"Go home."

After more than a year and a half, the demon has never been able to please.

In the end, the formation supported by Canglan Sect landed.

The formation is completed, guarding the town is impenetrable.

An imperfect end to the story.

A return to Sect, not exactly triumphant.

All the newcomer disciples of the Green Mountain Sect lined up on both sides to welcome their heroes.

"Five elite teams, should get twelve people, actually arrive..."


Li Yongjin lowered his eyelids, feeling that the elder brother has turned into a cold number.

All hearts are heavy, but this is a cruel world.

When someone comes, someone will leave.

Wang Mo quietly came to the team and stood beside his apprentice.

Patted Li Yongjin's shoulder lightly, without saying a word.

Wang Xiaoyao also followed curiously, carefully tugging at the corner of Li Yongjin's clothes.

"Jin big brother, I will never trouble you again, don't be sad, okay?"

Li Yongjin smiled and hugged Wang Xiaoyao: "Okay, what's wrong?"

Suddenly, he saw an ornament on Wang Xiaoyao's neck.

"Longevity Lock, I went down the mountain to ask for it."

Wang Mo smiled innocently: "I can bless this child with no disease or disaster in his life..."


Return to Witherwood Peak.

Li Yongjin felt uneasy.

Afraid to see, but also afraid not to see.

"Hey, guess who I am?"

A pair of jade hands quietly covered her eyes from behind.

Who is it that blinded my eyes?

The fragrant wind is still there, and the human face has passed away.

There is no one who doesn't know where to go, only peach blossoms are still smiling at the spring breeze.

Li Yongjin turned around and suddenly hugged Zhou Suzhen: "Senior Sister Azhen, long time no see."

Zhou Suzhen hangs her hands, froze on the spot, bewildered.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

She choked up, with tears in her eyes.


The senior sister will not retreat half step in the face of demons, and she must rush to the forefront in everything.

In Li Yongjin's view, it's all about bravado.

But at any rate, he also saved his life.

Wang Mo said that she might stop practicing Qi in this life.

What's more, if the foundation is damaged, I am afraid that the lifespan will be less than the normal Qi refining period.

But she is still like a normal person, practicing sword all day long.

Even more diligent than before.

It's just that Li Yongjin is really not used to not shouting at each other every day.

His left and right ears always say that something seems to be missing recently.


"Master, is there really no way?"

"Well, the wound is too deep for Celestial Immortals to save."

"Then why is she still practicing sword so diligently?"

Li Yongjin was puzzled.

"Maybe, I want to break something open."

Wang Mo scratched his head and took a while to respond.

Ten years passed by in a hurry.

Since ancient times, beauties are like famous generals, and the world is not allowed to see gray hair.

Li Yongjin opened his eyes, and there were two groups of golden flames burning in his pupils.

He let out a long breath, and his eyes gradually dimmed again.

With a flick of a finger, I haven't seen my senior sister for a long time.

Wang Xiaoyao was eighteen years old and had grown into a strong young man.

In terms of cultivation, he is also very powerful, and seems to be somewhat similar to the peak Wang Mo.

At a young age, he reached the middle stage of Qi refining.

The first-hand dead wood Sword Technique is even more superb.

Only one day, he and Li Yongjin took a long, long family leave.

This makes Li Yongjin very strange.

Wang Xiaoyao grew up in Sect.

I haven't heard of any relatives under the mountain that my junior brother has.

But this batch still has to be approved.

After all, it is a big Sect with a head and a face.

Holiday benefits and so on are all leveraged.

The younger brother joined the sect for 18 years at the age of 18, and his working years are ridiculously long!

After the Master found out, he beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"Oh, why didn't you stop him?"

Then the Master hurried down the mountain without reporting to anyone.

Li Yongjin's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought it was bad.

Could it be that he got into a big disaster?

The junior brother left.

Died at the foot of the mountain seeking Taoism and longevity, not yet halfway up the mountain.

At least that's what Li Yongjin wrote in the Sect report.

However, from Wang Mo's mouth, Li Yongjin knew the truth.

He died on the way to find his relatives.

After all, Grandpa Wang Mo did not do well!

At this moment, Li Yongjin was shocked!

Whoa, is that grandpa?

How could I have misunderstood him for so many years?

When Wang Mo climbed the mountain with Wang Xiaoyao's stiff body in his arms, Li Yongjin knelt down to greet him.

There is repentance, and there is guilt.

If I had asked a little more at the time, wouldn't such a thing have happened?

Wang Mo helped him up, turned and left without saying a word.

I do not know how long it has been.

A night without stars.

Wang Mo took two jugs of wine and found Li Yongjin as usual.

"Jin'er, have a drink with Teacher Wei."


After a few glasses of wine, Li Yongjin was slightly tipsy.

"Master, why did Junior Brother die?"

Wang Mo pondered for a moment, then exhaled smoke rings.

To say one sentence, shocked Li Yongjin's life-long wise words.

"When people are killed... they will die!"

He smiled wryly: "It doesn't matter how long you live, so what if you live longer? So, you must protect yourself well. Anyone can see that your world in the future will not be in the Green Mountain Sect."


Li Yongjin choked up: "But I don't want to part with you, and I can't forget your cultivation."

"No, I didn't teach you anything, all of this is your own hard work."

"I have the most, I have given you an admission ticket."

That night, the master and apprentice talked all night long.

Li Yongjin knelt down and kowtowed to his teacher.

It is an admission ticket, but it is also the only precious ticket in a limited amount.

Opened him, the door to a new world!

Wang Mo finally went down the mountain.

Li Yongjin knows that this is the Master's path, and no one can walk it for him.

The road ahead is dark, and the mountain sword is bright.

That January.

A cultivator who had exhausted his Blood Essence and completely insane, bloodbathed Jukuzhou Moku Cave.

Rumors spread everywhere, and the surrounding Sect bosses could not come out.

Wang Mo left.

Died on the top of the mountain seeking Taoism and longevity, and saw the dawn of dawn.

Regarding that battle, Li Yongjin didn't know what happened.

Only later.

They all said that Wang Mo is the strongest Gold Core cultivator in mainland China.

Li Yongjin thinks so too.


"Junior brother, when will you go down the mountain?"

When I saw Zhou Suzhen again, it was a beautiful day full of mountain flowers.

Sect Baihuagu, Li Yongjin fell in love with wearing plain clothes.

"I... Me?"

Li Yongjin smiled: "Probably not leaving?"

"But, you will leave eventually, the Master said...you don't belong here."

Zhou Suzhen didn't believe it.

He lowered his head and gritted his teeth.

Li Yongjin looked at the faint wrinkles on the senior sister's face, with infinite regret in his eyes.

"I really don't want to leave, because there are more important things here... There are people."

Zhou Suzhen blushed.

Her beautiful eyes were the same as back then, only full of inconceivability.

How could this word come out of your mouth?

Suddenly, it rained.

The red rain rippled, reminding Li Yongjin of Jiangnan in that poem.

They found a cave to hide from the rain.

"Senior Sister..."


"I said, so you are orange or orange?"

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