"It is the most smoky atmosphere in the world, soothing the hearts of ordinary mortals."

"The most high-end ingredients are often cooked in the simplest way..."

In the kitchen, Li Yongjin was busy.

"Come on come on."

During decades of mortal life, he fell in love with cooking again.

So, the senior sister was rushed from the kitchen to the hall.

Zhou Suzhen always shook her head: "You, you, you are always so witty, do you want to trick other girls in the future?"

Hearing what the senior sister said, Li Yongjin instantly understood.

She is sour.

The strong desire to survive made him choose to remain silent.

Decades of Life experience told him,

In this case, it seems that everything is wrong.


The small town is precarious.

The slanting wind and drizzle blew gently, and looking back, it was already dimly lit.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was a rare past again.

On the day of his eightieth birthday, the neighbor's child was born.

At that time, the neighbor brought the child with great courage and dared to ask Li Yongjin for a name.

Li Yongjin refused.

He's not very good at naming things.

Li Yongjin watched the neighbor's kid grow into a seventy-year-old man.

The little old man has four generations under the same roof, and his children and grandchildren are around his knees.

Both Zhou and Li are very envious of this.

Others in the town are even more envious of the virtues of their neighbors, and they can be neighbors with immortals.

The old man passed away a few days ago, and he even wrote an elegiac couplet.

The family was naturally flattered and framed it.

Li Yongjin is a fairy, they have known it for a long time.

Immortal bestowing characters is naturally a supreme blessing.

After writing the elegiac couplet, Li Yongjin sighed and began to think about the meaning of life again.

After 70 years of experience, Li Yongjin is more than 150 years old.

Zhou Suzhen has also officially entered her twilight years and is no longer what she used to be.

Their huts were upgraded and turned into brick houses.

With blue bricks and red walls, it feels like a deep house.

Li Yongjin was in charge of overseeing the work, and he was also very satisfied after watching it.

Well, just one word style.

It's a bit in line with the temperament of a fairy.

This little day is getting better and better.

And in those years, there was nothing big to talk about.

At most, it is the story of a military god, following the wind to Xiaokeng Town.

Sweeping the eight wastelands and leveling the Liuhe.

Xuan Jiuzhou's world in the secular world has only one family from now on.

And that military god is said to be surnamed Sun.

Li Yongjin was relieved when he heard the news.

Both Zhou Suzhen and Zhou Suzhen had a few extra drinks.

After drinking too much, Li Yongjin always stares blankly in one direction,

The pupils are unfocused and the eyes are empty.

[Remaining lifespan of the host: one hundred and thirty-eight thousand years. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching a hundred thousand years of life, and obtaining the quasi-immortal technique—the art of misty luck. 】

Zhou Suzhen only thought that he was drunk, and started to clean up the mess with a smile.

My little junior brother, but he is still the same as before.

It was the white moonlight in her heart that was right.


Xuan Jiuzhou, seal the magic secret realm.

Central Territory, Plain of Troubled Times.

Dead bones piled up into mountains, and dirty blood flowed into rivers.

All kinds of unpleasant bloody smells and the rotten smell of corpses mixed together to smother people's eyes and ears.

This is a hell of a place.

A haunted place in every sense of the word.

As a hidden secret realm, it is said that a terrifying demon was sealed here in ancient times.

Because the vitality is cut off, the lifelessness is exhausted.

No grass grows around, let alone Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Therefore, this place is inaccessible all year round, and almost no cultivator will come here.

Even if they enter by accident, they will leave quickly.

Damn, it's very penetrating.

However, this night, something strange happened.

A group of people moved forward quietly, breaking the calm here.

Heijiaxuanjun, the air is filled with a chill and solemn atmosphere that makes people feel uncomfortable.

Each of them wore a hideous ghost mask on their faces.

The leader is the red ghost, whose eyes are blood red under the night.

I don't know how long I walked.

Until they came to a low-lying basin, they stopped.

In the center of the basin is a huge lotus platform.

Around the lotus platform, talisman papers were pasted up, like a seal for parking violations.

Charms, scriptures, and various Spirit Power fonts.

The fonts above all originated from ancient times, and the atmosphere of vicissitudes and antiquity enveloped the audience.

Together they form a huge seal formation.

"See my ancestor..."

"Following the order of my ancestors, I am here to meet the promise of a hundred thousand years."

When they came here, they all knelt down.

Behind, a child looked up.

A pair of curious eyes hadn't finished looking at them before they were pressed down by a hand next to them.

Such a serious atmosphere does not allow any blasphemy.

Inside the lotus platform, there was no answer.

This is also very normal.

After finishing speaking, the red ghost took out a jade Ruyi Scepter from his arms, and walked up tremblingly holding it in both hands.

Come to the eye of the formation,

He took a deep breath and dropped it heavily on the ground.

There was a snap.

Jade Ruyi Scepter was broken into pieces of jade, and there was a jade key inside.

"Sure enough, the legend is true..."

"The blood ancestor of Heavenly Devil in the ancient taboo legend is indeed sealed here."

He no longer hesitated.

In order to achieve the wish, for the glory of the sect.

He is willing to give everything.

So, he cut his wrist and dripped blood.

The key was psychic, and he escaped into the top of the lotus platform.


The blood surged, and the Devilish Qi was monstrous.

The ancient seal was already at the end of its strength, and it couldn't bear it completely, so it collapsed and disintegrated directly, returning to heaven and earth.

"Jie Jie Jie... After more than 100,000 years, this deity has finally returned to the world."

"Those old ghosts back then, where are you? Do you think you can kill me?"

"Demons are immortal!"

"Seal? It's just a group of stupid garbage, it's just a helpless move that came up with."


With the sound of a terrifying low roar, a group of mysterious evil cultivators turned into blood foam and merged with the Demon Ancestor.

It was as if they had never been here before.


Hold on to the soul of the child, reborn with the devil!

You have me I have you.

After this night, the nightmare of Misty Continent officially began.


In the days that followed, the mortal world was not peaceful.

Whenever the dark night falls, there are always bloody things happening on this continent.

After some tossing, Xueye gradually receded.

The puppets of a whole town were left behind, surviving in the world like walking corpses.

However, such a terrifying event did not attract the attention of anyone or any force.

After all, everything in the secular world is trivial.

In the eyes of the cultivator, it is nothing but worthless.

Not even a fart.

Dawn finally comes.

"Let's go."

The ghost-faced man said softly.

"Go to the next place and continue the deployment."


They were favored by the demon ancestors, reshaped their bodies and gained new lives.

In their minds,

Demon Ancestor obviously has the courage and strength to swallow mountains and rivers, but he seems to be overly cautious.

He always said to be careful when sailing for thousands of years, and he didn't want to capsize again after seeing the sun again.

Scatter the entire evil cultivator of the Devil's Gate, scattered into a sky full of stars, and integrate and control like a guerrilla.

After the operation was successful, the red ghost quickly led the team away.

Muttering repeatedly in his mouth, a fresh instruction from the Demon Ancestor.

"The countryside surrounds the city, and the town swallows up the Sect..."

"Miaozai, Miaozai. The Demon Ancestor is really a god-man."

Is this the wisdom of the ancient demon?

as expected,

After executing this low-key development order, the operation went surprisingly smoothly.

Until now, they have devoured hundreds of mortal towns.

The Demon Ancestor's Realm has been restored to its Gold Core peak.

It is only one step away from cultivating a devil baby, and from then on, it has the insurance of the devil's immortality.

All of this happened in silence.

Those so-called dignified cultivators are even more unaware.

When other teams are in action.

A haggard old man in black robe quietly arrived near a border town in Xuan Jiuzhou.

Just one step away, you can reshape your immortal body.

He can't wait!

"After tonight, Patriarch, I will let the whole world know what a real devil is!"

"It's coming, it's coming..."

At dusk, the setting sun hangs feebly low.

The old man dug a hole for himself, and he was not in a hurry under the black robe.

Even if there is only the last step left, he still maintains full patience.

Caution is the boat.

ancient times.

He just doesn't know the dangers in the world, and his actions are too high-profile.

In the end, he became jealous and was hunted down by cultivators across the continent.

In the end, it was sealed in the secret realm of Fengmao, so that he still has the branding of the seal on his body.

But that's okay,

He had long wanted to give up this crippled body.

As long as tonight is over, the cultivation will become the Supreme Demon Infant.

Immortal and immortal, the more you fight, the stronger you become.

He will be completely at ease and start devouring the entire continent directly with the Nascent Soul Realm.

Use the souls of a continent as fuel to help him ascend to the upper world and create an inexhaustible legend.

Out of Samsara, out of The Three Realms.

While he was still conceiving his dream, it was dark.

Boundless gray blood light permeated his body.

In an instant, the entire town was enveloped.

Such blood, with the power of the ancient seal, completely cut off the town from the outside world.

What happened inside, no one outside can know.

"Jie Jie Jie, the night of ascension, how wonderful it is!"

"Mortals, you should be proud of your humble life helping me practice."

He turned into a black light and rushed into the last mortal town.

The auspicious day has come, and it's time to hunt.


In the tile house.

Li Yongjin covered Zhou Suzhen with a quilt, ready to sleep.


He frowned, and the golden light in his pupils danced.

No, there are chicken thieves!

The next moment, he soared into the sky.

Zhenkou, San Niang's chicken coop.

Li Yongjin looked at the old man in black who wouldn't even spare a chicken, and fell into deep thought.

Demon, the astonishing demon!

The Death Qi and Devilish Qi on his body were condensed to the extreme.

Definitely the most terrifying opponent I have ever encountered.

But now, this monster doesn't even pull out its hair.

One in each hand, holding a fat chicken is Gagaxuan.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect such a small place to have a cultivator like you."

The old man dropped the chicken and laughed loudly.

like a villain.

Li Yongjin sighed when he saw the feathers all over the chicken shed.

He knew that it seemed that there was nothing to talk about.

The two sides are already bloody enemies.

After all, even he has never taken a single needle from the townspeople.

You foreign evil cultivator, why?

But before doing it, Li Yongjin asked casually: "Old guy, how long can you live?"

The other party was obviously stunned by the question, turned his head 720 degrees, tilted his head and said uncertainly: "Probably, you can still live for eighty or ninety thousand years?"

Not sure, and he really wasn't sure either.

However, as long as after ascension.

You can be at ease.

It doesn't matter anymore.

"What an old monster..."

Li Yongjin laughed, and then cursed angrily: "I'm the old Throwing Thunder, daddy really doesn't want to breakthrough!"

After scolding, Li Yongjin was surprised.

Myself, is this a curse?

It seems that the mood is not mellow enough, you still have to practice!

"Hmph, I won't play with you anymore."


Heavenly Devil energy surged from Mozu's body, turning into a black sun in the dark night of the town.

After this night.

The nightmare of Misty Continent fell.

This night, Li Yongjin Dan Cheng.

During the real death, the old man's eyes were empty.

"Is this... the taste of Death?"

"Is this deity...not cautious enough?"

"Damn it, daddy refuses to accept it!"

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