"What did you go for?"

Inside the house, Zhou Suzhen sat up.

He folded his arms and looked at it.

"There was a thief stealing a chicken, and I caught it."

Li Yongjin hesitated for a moment, and said with a little guilt.

"I thought... Next time, let's ignore such a small matter."

"it is good!"

"Hey, it's a pity, San Niang's chicken coop has lost a lot."


Zhou Suzhen was amused by him, her stern face melted into ice and snow: "Yo, I can't tell."

"You small town fairy, why do you still care about these trivial matters?"

"Is it trivial?"

He shook his head: "I don't think so, this is your world."

"Oh, I'm so bored. Go to sleep..."

Zhou Suzhen blushed rarely.

After Zhou Suzhen lay down again, Li Yongjin narrowed his eyes.

Recalling the prompt words just now.

[Ding, since the host's lifespan is longer than that of the other party, the conditions for stealing are met. 】

[Congratulations to the host, successfully stealing the Heavenly Devil Swallowing Shoufa)! 】

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking the achievement of severely injuring the ancient great demon, and meeting the standard of 100,000 years of longevity, you have obtained the passive immunity to all seals! 】

Heavenly Devil seal Dafa...

Heavenly Devil Shouyuan Method!

Ignore the seal?

Forget it, in fact, these are not very important.


Early the next morning, Li Yongjin got up early, feeling exhausted all over.

After becoming a pill, he felt his own Divine Sense, which grew countless times in an instant.

Now it has been able to leave the body, stretching for tens of thousands of miles.

And within this tens of thousands of miles, every move of everything in the world is under his control.

It feels so amazing.

Originally, his Realm was still in the Foundation Establishment middle stage.

After becoming Dan, he reached the peak of Gold Core in an instant.

The gap between the two can be described as heaven and earth.

It is very normal for him to be unable to adapt to such a surge in power in a short period of time.

At the same time, the most fundamental difference of the Gold Core cultivator is that there is an extra Gold Core in the lower abdomen.

It exists between the virtual and the real, and can store the Magic power concentrated to the extreme.

Possesses a semi-entity, but is not yet completely unreal like Nascent Soul.

Therefore, every move during the Gold Core period can affect the general trend of the world through the Gold Core in the body.

When Gold Core gets angry, it's easy to shake mountains and urge cities.

Cultivator breakthrough Gold Core, lifespan up to 3000 years.

In the cultivator group, it is also considered to be very long-lived.


He exerted a little force, and the iron ax in his hand turned into dust.

"Still... can't control this kind of power?"

Last night, he barely slept.

Sitting cross-legged in Meditation all night.

Against the power of the riot, dare not use the slightest force.

In this way, the house and building were not demolished, and Zhou Suzhen's sleep was not disturbed.

[It is detected that the host currently has a large amount of unrighteous longevity, please find the carrier as soon as possible. 】

[Please be aware of the host, this longevity cannot be refined and devoured, if it disappears on the host, there will be a lot of unprovoked Karma. 】

There is nothing in Mingtai, so why bother to stir up dust?

Not belonging to own Karma, Li Yongjin doesn't want to be involved at all.

However, the big demon last night seemed to have an extremely terrifying background and origin.

The mind is also very clear, and the means are extremely decisive.

Seeing that he couldn't beat himself, he went crazy.

Without further ado,

Directly activate the supernatural power and secret method, it will turn into a big blood-black sun, and it will completely devour its own life essence.

Seeing this, Li Yongjin also repaid him in the same way.

After stealing the ability, it is a palm shot.

Afterwards, the old devil's life essence was drawn by him instead,

temporarily stored in the system.


This kind of life essence is the unrighteous longevity essence that the old devil took away people's life essence by cruelly devouring it.

Li Yongjin cannot be used or refined at all.

Of course, he didn't even bother to use it.

It is insignificant to be so evil and heretical.


What is a carrier?

He didn't want to get so much unprovoked Karma.

Therefore, it is necessary to transfer life yuan as soon as possible.

[The host's current longevity method is combined with the sealing method, plus the virtuous Black Tortoise blood. 】

[The combination of the two can seal the life essence in any dead thing, and it can be perfectly integrated by refining. 】

The system prompt is very simple.

It never tells Li Yongjin what path to take, just the way to solve it.

So, what to look for?

Suddenly, he set his sights on another iron ax on his waist.

Their family is in good condition. They are considered a big family and own three axes.

Two iron axes and one copper axe.

In these ten miles and eight villages, which fellow countryman would not be envious when he sees it?

One was broken just now, and one is left.

Then, take another gamble!

Originally, he also had a mahogany sword.

It was the sword of Deadwood Peak.

Li Yongjin didn't want to insult Master's kendo, so he chose the ax after much deliberation.

Once the carrier is selected, everything is simple.

Step by step will do.

Finally, he survived an autumn.

After a whole season passed, he looked at the dark red ax in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

The life essence of more than 80,000 years has been completely refined into the axe.

Today, this ax should be considered an extraordinary thing.

But it doesn't matter, whatever it is.

It's just owning an iron ax.

In addition to chopping firewood, there is no other use.

So Li Yongjin put away the iron ax and went into the house to drink a cup of hot tea.

"Brother Jin, are you done?"

Inside the house, Zhou Suzhen was lighting a fire with a bundle of firewood in her arms.

He said it was today.

If he didn't succeed, he wouldn't have come in so early.

Li Yongjin nodded, and said with a smile: "Well, it's over. I didn't expect that troubles would still come to me in this secular life. But, I'm done."

"It's okay Brother Jin, you and I are not from the same place..."

Zhou Suzhen seemed to have completely looked away, and smiled sweetly:

"We, we were not on our way."

"It's just that you were forcibly tied to a boat by me, and we partnered with each other to cross the journey together."

"When the ship docks, you will still return to your own Great Thousand World!"


At this time, she is a beauty in her twilight years.

Moreover, it seems a bit forgetful, and even changed the name of Li Yongjin.

Li Yongjin doesn't care either, as long as the senior sister is happy.

Love whatever you call it.

"Look at you, here we go again."

Li Yongjin didn't want to discuss this topic: "I really don't like to hear what you said."

"In the future, don't talk!"

He scratched her nose, affectionately.

"Alright Brother Jin, are you hungry?"

Zhou Suzhen laughed and stopped talking.

She thought to herself: "Jin big brother, it's really hard for you to follow me this way..."

"I'm afraid I will send you here?"


It rains heavily, and the vegetation in my hometown is deep.

The rain in Qingming is always continuous.

It reminds pedestrians that they should do things in line with the festive atmosphere and use appropriate eo.

The residents of the small town are busy enjoying the refreshing atmosphere of the heavy rain.

only when they look up,

I was surprised to find out.

This year's rain.

It seems to be much bigger than in previous years.

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