I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 15 Peach Blossom Still Smiling Spring Breeze

Wind, wind!

Rain, heavy rain.

This year, it seems that some people disrespected the gods and provoked the anger of the gods.

At least in the secular world, mortals think so.

And they believe in it.

In short, this year's Misty Lu is misty and misty.

The wind is not adjusted, and the rain is not smooth.

At the beginning of the disaster, no one paid much attention to these things.

They just thought it was a bad start to the year.

As a result, the days passed by in January.

It turned out to be unsatisfactory in the middle of the year and unsatisfactory at the end of the year.

When it should have rained, the land dried up and cracked.

The peasants have no harvest.

But when the sun was supposed to be out, it rained heavily.

Flooding caused serious casualties everywhere.

All have had a, miserable year.

Among them, Li Yongjin's family is included.

Their cowshed has just been built, and the calf has just been brought over.

It encountered a once-in-a-century flood.

At any rate, both of them are cultivators, and they can fly in the air, barely avoiding this monstrous flood.

But the people in the town were not so lucky.

Wait until the flood recedes.

Li Yongjin looked at the rubble on the ground and the cowshed that was completely washed away, wanting to cry without tears.

I'm playing with you, this calf is still on loan from him.

Now it's all over, and it has cast a layer of wind and snow on the originally well-off family.

This is the sorrow of mortals.

Most of the residents of Xiaokeng Town were killed or injured immediately.

But Li Yongjin watched helplessly, but did not take any action.

It's not that he's ruthless, it's that he's really powerless.

With the title of his immortal, it became more and more resounding.

The entire Xiaokeng Town has actually become a medium-sized town, and it still looks like a big city.

There are no less than 300,000 residents among them!

Such a terrifying number of people cannot be influenced by Li Yongjin, a mere Gold Core cultivator.

In the end, he can only choose to keep himself.

Zhou Suzhen's physical condition is already very poor.

It can't stand too much toss.

Unfortunately, when the disaster was reconstructed, the angry residents did not listen to any of his explanations.

They have always believed that Li Yongjin has no virtue.

In the face of natural and man-made disasters, he stood by and watched cruelly.

Of course, these people dare not discuss it in front of Li Yongjin.

He only dared to curse behind his back, resenting why the immortal didn't make a move in his heart.

Is it really indifferent?

Since this is the case, what kind of Tao are you still cultivating?

However, they seem to have forgotten.

Long, long ago, this fairy had saved their ancestors and the whole town.

Of course they don't remember this.

Mortals have always been like this, with great forgetfulness.

Li Yongjin, who has five senses, is naturally aware of these things.

But he didn't care about it.

"Junior brother, I'm a little tired... let's go."

"For the rest of the time, I want to go outside and have a look."

One night, Zhou Suzhen took his hand.

She was gray-haired and said she would take him to wander.

"it is good!"

He said yes.

They moved out of the small town and came to a desperate situation called a paradise.

No one in the town mourned their loss.

Instead, they beat gongs and drums and set off firecrackers, trying to send away the bad past and usher in a better year.

So far, Xiaokeng Town has lost its immortality.


The weather in the second year seems to be more extreme than previous years.

In the end, Zhou Suzhen still couldn't survive that winter.

It is said that auspicious snow heralds a good year.

Li Yongjin looked up at the sky, only to find that the heavy snow seemed to have buried everything.

Take away everything old and usher in a new beginning.

"I love pretty..."

On her deathbed, Zhou Suzhen said a long, long speech.

At last.

"And I'm also, really happy."

"Junior brother... take me home."

"walk home."

Li Yongjin nodded and picked her up directly.

He knew where the senior sister's home was.


Qingshan sect.

Brother Jin is back.

Such news is equivalent to an extraterrestrial meteorite falling under the calm water.

There was a violent storm.

One hundred years.

The vicissitudes of the world have passed for more than a hundred years.

For cultivator, maybe a century is just a flick of a finger, but it is just a part of the excitement.

A mere hundred years is not worth mentioning.

However, for ordinary people, a century of dynasty changes is enough to affect their lives for several generations.

A hundred years of glory, the vicissitudes of life.

"Brother, are you back?"

Li Yongjin was in a trance when he heard these names.

Big...big brother?


He remembered.

It seems that the Sect Leader and Head Teacher once said that since the senior sister of Deadwood Peak announced her departure from the sect, he is the senior elder brother.

Because the brothers and sisters who were in the same batch as him have now gone with the Master.

Either leave Sect to find another place, or die on the way to slay demons and defend the way.

Or, die on the road of seeking Tao and longevity in the warmth of spring.

Oh, sad longevity.

After a while.

Only then did Li Yongjin associate this person with the junior in his memory.

I remembered……

It is the younger brother of Kumufeng who joined the sect later, but I don't remember the name Dao name.

Although, Li Yongjin never remembered.

The reason why the other party can recognize him, Li Yongjin probably is because his own appearance has not changed a bit.

He nodded with a smile and touched Own's face.

Feels like before, still the boy.

"By the way, if I have time..."

"Send it off to your big sister."

Suddenly, Li Yongjin stopped the little junior who turned to leave.

When the little junior brother heard this, his nose and eye sockets felt sore.

He hugged the cupped fist and nodded heavily.

If you have time, please come and see off Senior Sister Deadwood Peak.

Li Yongjin's words were blown to the entire Green Mountain Sect by Hefeng's drizzle.

Hundred Flowers Valley.

Another year of spring is here, and the peach blossoms are still smiling at the spring breeze.

Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom here, just like the scenery back then.

Unknowingly, the world finally ushered in good weather.

The disaster year seems to have passed.

Li Yongjin came here, looked at Zhou Suzhen who was sleeping among the flowers, and smiled brightly.

Looking around, he was filled with emotion.

In fact, the Green Mountain Sect is still the same Green Mountain Sect, and the Hundred Flowers Valley is still the same Hundred Flowers Valley.

It's just that Mingyue at that time, another group of people went to see it.

Not long after, the Hundred Flowers Valley was full of people.

Almost the entire Sect is free, and they all came.

Sending off to the big sister, the last ride!

Wait until almost.

Li Yongjin turned around, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar people, and said with a smile: "Today, thank you for coming to join us. Senior Sister Ah Zhen once said that she loves beautiful people, and at the same time she loves to laugh..."

"I hope everyone can be happier today and send her off with a smile."

However, I don't know why.

At this moment, Li Yongjin was keenly aware of it.

I don't even feel particularly sad?

It's just that my heart is empty, as if a piece is missing.

But the whole person breathed a sigh of relief, as if some kind of restraint had been lost all of a sudden.

"It turns out that this is not love... but touching."

"But Senior Sister, thank you for teaching me a lesson."

At this moment, Li Yongjin finally knew.

Why Zhou Suzhen, she never wants to have children in this life.

She didn't want to drag herself down.

In fact, in her heart, she is like a bright mirror.

And, especially worship the Master.

"Jin'er, my condolences."

"Yongjin, look away."

The Elders are all persuading.

Li Yongjin thank you for your concern.

In my mind, I couldn't help but think of what my senior sister said when she was dying.

"Junior Brother, I know that you are very salty, and I also know that you have a better future."

"My last wish is that you fly freely and see the outside world."

"Let me see, what kind of heights can the peerless genius in the Master's eyes... the talent of a fairy go to?"

"Master, he can't judge people wrongly, he has never judged people wrongly!"

At the last moment, the senior sister was still worried about him.

I take my life as a greeting card, and respectfully invite my younger brother to join Rivers and Lakes!

Like the Master, pave the way for him.

I am afraid that he will sink and lose the courage to seek the way.

they all wish,

The heights they have never reached, the scenery they have never seen, are all experienced by the juniors for them.

Everything is left to the younger brother.

"Okay sister, I heard it."

Li Yongjin nodded.

Under the witness of everyone, Zhou Suzhen was buried in the depths of flowers.

Everyone shouted in unison:

"All comrades of the Qingshan Sect, welcome Zhou Daoyou home!"

"Welcome back!"


Go to Deadwood Peak again.

Li Yongjin took out the letter that the senior sister had left behind.

That, the thirty-eighth letter forever.

It is also my first letter ever.

At the beginning, he didn't dare to look at it, because he was afraid that his heart would be moved.

Now he dare not read it, for fear that after reading it, he will really lose it.

Each letter is very thoughtful, and there is a small card attached to it.

"May you go through thousands of sails, and return without losing the courage of your lover."

That night.

Li Yongjin sat alone on the hill with two jugs of wine, and there was no one around.

He wants to have another drink with Master.

Perhaps, the last cup.

"Master... I'm back."

"Master, I discovered a secret."

"Changsheng, I'm so lonely..."

He didn't touch a drop of wine, and sprinkled all the wine, returning to the earth.

Because every time Wang Mo said to accompany him to drink, in fact, most of them were finished by Wang Mo himself.

Wang Mo is a wine Calabash.

After drinking, I like to open my clothes and bump into the mountain wind.

Suddenly, there was a sound of small footsteps behind him.

Li Yongjin trembled all over, and turned his head abruptly.

Is it Senior Sister?

"Jin... Brother Jin!"

The person who came was a beautiful woman, in her prime and full of charm.

She saluted, and Yingying said: "Brother, the new Sect Leader, please go over and have a talk. I have something important to discuss with you."

Feeling lost, Li Yongjin nodded: "Okay, I understand, this will pass."

Qingshanzong has a new Sect Leader, he has not seen it yet.

After the beautiful woman finished speaking, she also stood there and looked at him.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"Brother, you really haven't changed at all."

The beautiful woman covered her mouth and suddenly mustered up the courage to laugh.


"You may not remember me..."

She smiled shyly, laughing out the best youth in the cultivator's life.

"I think back then, I wrote you a love letter."


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