Green Mountain Sect, the main peak.

Sect Leader Great Hall, parlor.

This is not Li Yongjin's first visit.

However, he is full of freshness to everything around him.

Because, it has completely changed here. It was hugely different from everything in his memory.

Every plant, tree, and even the laying of bricks and tiles on the ground are completely different from before.

Of course, the biggest change is Sect Leader.

Hu Qingshan resigned, and Wang Moran, a new generation of personal disciple, took over as Sect Leader.

It is said that the old Sect Leader laughed a few times after leaving office.

Talking about going to pursue the orthodox inheritance of the Qingshan Sect, he wandered away happily.

Perhaps when he returns, the Qingshan Sect will gain supreme orthodoxy.

Then, the tortoise skill will be upgraded to the big tortoise skill.

No, there is already a "Daqingshan Longevity Technique" suitable for Nascent Soul cultivator practice.

At that time, it should be the Big Turtle Kung Fu, which will be upgraded to the Super Turtle Kung Fu.

Li Yongjin thought so viciously, stepped forward and cupped fist said:

"Li Yongjin, a disciple of Deadwood Peak, meet the Sect Leader."

"Well, Junior Brother Li, are you here?"

Sitting in the hall, Wang Moran opened his tightly closed eyes suddenly.

Among them, black and white gas came out through the body, tightly entangled like a black and white green snake.

All kinds of mysterious and mysterious auras enveloped Li Yongjin.

In this breath, Li Yongjin suddenly felt the familiar seal air.


Under this method, Li Yongjin also felt a slight temptation.


Its voice was loud and disappeared in the void.

Moments later, black and white esoteric runes suddenly lit up in the void.


Li Yongjin sneered and stood there motionless.

With my hands behind my back, I felt like I would lose if I moved.

Ren Er turbulent waves, I stand still.


Seeing Li Yongjin's performance, the other party was surprised.

Then, I saw countless void runes disintegrate into billions of dust particles with a bang when they were about to touch Li Yongjin.

"It's really strange, as expected of Uncle Mo's valued person."

"Even the original rune of the Canggu seal of our Qingshan sect can't do anything to you, it's really a god-given good fortune!"

"It seems that what he said is right, it is really only you..."

Wang Moran smiled wryly, and with a wave of his sleeve, he dispelled all the means.

The next moment,

Everything returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

It's just that in his eyes, black and white light still flickered faintly, which looked extremely strange.

"Uncle Mo?"

"Your king is the king of my Master's family?"

Li Yongjin reacted quickly, and immediately figured out the context of the problem.

It seems that the new Sect Leader is not trying to give him a blow.

But looking for him, something really happened!

He should have thought of it earlier...

A Master who can create his own Secret Technique moves during the Foundation Establishment period.

How can it be an ordinary person?


The Wang family where Wang Mo lives has an unimaginable background in this continent!

So, is the Wang family a monastic family with a profound heritage?

Wang Moran didn't know how deeply Li Yongjin had thought in this short moment.

He just sighed and said:

"Congratulations, you have passed Uncle Mo's test. You are qualified to know some things about our royal family, and you can also get the relics and will that Uncle Mo left for you."

With a wave of his big sleeve, a storage ring engraved with the word "King" flew out of the cuff, floating quietly in front of Li Yongjin.

Li Yongjin nodded and accepted without hesitation.

Since it was left to him by the Master, he naturally wants to take it.

It seems that I was too naive before.

I don't understand the good intentions of the Master and senior sisters, and I don't quite understand the road they paved for themselves.

Perhaps, I will never be able to achieve what they expected.

"I...I owe Master too much."

Li Yongjin suddenly lowered his head, choking slightly:

"I haven't repaid him for his kindness, and Xiaoyao's death..."

The death of junior brother Wang Xiaoyao was the pain of Li Yongjin's life.

He felt that he had failed the Master's entrustment and failed to take good care of his junior brother.

If you were at the beginning, ask a little more.

Does that mean Xiaoyao won't die?

"Junior Brother Li, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Xiaoyao's death has nothing to do with you. Uncle Mo didn't blame you at all."


Mo Ran dodged, and instantly came to Li Yongjin's side, and patted his shoulder lightly.


Flash so fast!

Li Yongjin's pupils shrank slightly, and on the surface it was still calm.

This is a way of moving that he can't understand!

Is this the strength of Nascent Soul level?

I don't know the life expectancy of Sect Leader?

Just thinking wildly, Li Yongjin waved his hand.

It's all over.

Right and wrong, who will judge it?

Only time.

Maybe Wang Xiaoyao is still going to die, but after all, he watched him grow up.

It was also from his own hands that he asked for leave and went down the mountain.

Li Yongjin couldn't convince himself that he didn't take any responsibility.

In short, he must have owed the favor of the Wang family.

In the future, it will be paid back.

"Thank you Sect Leader, the disciple understands!"

After speaking, Li Yongjin turned around and was about to leave.

With the Master's last wish, leave!


Wang Moran struggled again and again, but stopped him: "The way of cultivation is not in a moment, so why fight for it?"

"Originally Uncle Mo didn't let me say it, but I think you should know. The Great Longevity Gong in it is only part of it."

"And the real Great Longevity Kungfu is in the Moku Cave of Juku Island..."

"Your Master's indestructible golden body is also there!"


Li Yongjin finally couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

The grief that was squeezed to the extreme burst out at this moment.

"Master, this disciple is not filial! To shame your body for a hundred years..."

"The villain swears here that he will not return it until he breaks Juku Island!"

"I'm really ashamed to come back."


Deadwood Peak.

Li Yongjin finished reading the relics and listened to the Jade Slip recorded by the Master.

He sees and understands everything.

This is, the teaching of the Master!

Today, Li Yongjin finally understands the deep meaning in Master's words.

He didn't want to ask some questions.

I totally understand!

For example.

Why didn't the old Sect Leader give him the Master's relic earlier?

Anyway, that must be what the Master meant too.

The Master worked hard and arranged everything long ago.

He didn't let him go because he was afraid that he would die in vain.

But he is always thinking about the orthodox inheritance of the Qingshan Sect in Jukuzhou.

Master has devoted all his life to it, and only hopes that someone will inherit his legacy.

It's not for putting gold on his face, nor for the glory of Deadwood Peak.

Just for the sake of it.

One day, the king will come to Juku Island!

Even if he himself, no one under his knees can die!

Because of practicing together, we don't fight for the day and night, but only for a long time.

Master, he never fights for the day and night.

But he completely gave up this day and night!

So Master, decided to do it himself.

Unfortunately, he still failed in the end...

But he may not fail.

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