I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 19 It's Really Boiled To Death

Dead Sea, black turtle.

The combination of these two images makes Li Yongjin feel weird.

Although from the big turtle, he didn't feel too strong malice.

But he still felt outrageous.

"For those who are destined, don't think about it."

The giant tortoise was obviously anxious: "Come up quickly, we should be on our way."

"Where are you going?"

Li Yongjin couldn't help asking.

If it wasn't driven by curiosity, he would turn around and leave now.

"Go... go where you want to go."

"Don't you want to know what's in the depths of the sea?"

The giant tortoise continues to lure.

This time, Li Yongjin smiled.

Something is wrong, very wrong!

If the other party didn't talk so much and was so secretive, he wouldn't doubt it.

Now, it can be said that everything is wrong!

The other party must have an attempt, although Li Yongjin doesn't know what it is.

Ever since, Li Yongjin nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Hahaha, that would be great..."

"Come up quickly."

The giant tortoise suddenly jumped high, and then plunged down suddenly.

It made the black sea set off bursts of waves.

When it got close, Li Yongjin also jumped on its back.

I want to see what this guy is going to do.

Maybe it's my villain's heart.

Anyway, he can't die.

It is already invincible.

After all, longevity is a very lonely thing.

If you don't want to look at other scenery more, find other things to do.

Li Yongjin can't guarantee it either.

Will I be crazy.


Taboo in the depths of the Dead Sea.

This is the center of the storm, but it is often the calmest.

Before coming here, Guigui was obedient.

But after coming here.

But it seemed to have found something to rely on, and it struck out in an instant.


The waist is hard!

"Hey hey boy, you've been fooled!"

The giant tortoise was very excited and almost broke his voice:

"I've been waiting for almost 20,000 years, you are the first outsider to break into this ghost place!"

"I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment, thank you..."

"Hahaha, the deity came here by mistake from the endlessly fallen Minor World, and has been trapped in this ghost place for countless years."

"Do you know how tormented I am? Hahaha, daddy is finally through."

"From now on, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for fish to leap."


It can be seen that the tortoise is quite tormented.

Even the words have become much denser.

Moreover, the title of a few words has changed several times.

It's all gibberish.

Hey, poor.

To be able to force a seemingly honest tortoise into such a situation.

It is also enough.

Thinking of this,

With a faint smile on Li Yongjin's face, he began to feel a little pitiful.

"But, you are a turtle, not a bird or a fish."

Li Yongjin is puzzled, are you confused?


Are you him?

Seeing that Li Yongjin's expression remained unchanged, the giant tortoise was immediately annoyed.

It's really, really serious.

At the same time, it's also really angry and angry.

However, Li Yongjin seemed to take this incident as a joke.

Doesn't he know that this vast sea can seal everything.

Anyone, no, any creature.

Can't get out from here.


Find a scapegoat!

As long as there is a replacement, it can go out.

However, the conditions are relatively harsh, requiring that the substitute cannot do anything to the replaced.

Can only cause the replaced person to die naturally.

That is to say, the death of the replaced cannot be caused by the replacer.

As for...how to die naturally.


Is there anything that lives longer than a black turtle?

What's more, a mere human race!

Look at me, Mr. Turtle, how I boil you to death.

Ever since.

In the vast sea,

On the back of the giant tortoise, the tortoise turned its head.

One person and one tortoise began to stare.

One two three, wooden people.

They dare not vent their anger, and they are more angry than anyone else.

It seems that whoever makes a move loses.

Although Li Yongjin doesn't know what rewards and benefits he has for winning.

But he is still willing to compete.

After all, he can't swim!

In the sea water here, there was an aura that he didn't like very much.

If Guigui doesn't want to take him, then Li Yongjin doesn't know how to go back.

In addition to not being able to swim, he is also a complete road idiot with a bad sense of direction.

And the Spiritual Qi around here is almost isolated.

He also couldn't sense any flow of Spiritual Qi by relying solely on luck.

Therefore, it is impossible to rely on the previous method.


Only by tortoise.

Just like that, the two stared at each other.

After half a day, Li Yongjin was the first to get discouraged.

"Turtle, I said, what are you doing?"

"If you have nothing to do...can you take me back? My mother told me to go home for dinner."

Actually, Li Yongjin lied.

Here he is, without a mother at all.

However, it seems that this big tortoise should not have any malicious intentions.

Even if it spoke nonsense, it did not attack itself blindly.

Otherwise, it will know the dangers of the world.

You will also understand what true despair is.

"Hahaha go back?"

The giant tortoise snorted, not knowing what he would experience, and mocked: "You, you can't go back!"

"Oh, what do you say?"

"Don't worry about it so much, while Mr. Gui is in a good mood, hurry up and say any last words. I owe you, and I will finish it for you when I go out."

"is that true?"

Li Yongjin's eyes lit up instantly.

Turtle is a good person.

His greatest wish is to ask for death.

Anyway, this life is worth it, and what should be experienced is almost experienced.

Life is farewell, death is farewell.

Marriage, love.

Regret, work hard.

What else did he never have?

He is not a greedy person who feels that he is almost done.

If Guigui could grant him death, he would definitely accept it.

He stretched out a finger: "I only have one wish, that after I die, you can raise my ashes into the sea."

"What's the matter, do you still have to wave after you die?"

The giant tortoise rolled his eyes at him, and instantly saw through his tricks.

Li Yongjin's eyes widened: "Ah, how do you know? Unexpectedly, you are still a surfing turtle?"

"Tch, daddy has lived for more than 100,000 years, what foreign land has he not been to?"

"I don't know how many sons of fortune, self-proclaimed extraordinary. Shouting all day to ride the wind and wave against the thousand layers of waves, didn't they turn into a handful of loess in the end?"

It shook its head and sighed: "Hey, it's so sad. Mortals are corrupt, Heavenly Dao is unfair..."

"Poor world..."

this moment,

Guigui seemed to be transformed into a great philosopher, and began to be compassionate.

Li Yongjin nodded in agreement.

Well, what people said is indeed reasonable.

As expected of an old tortoise who has lived for so long, his way of seeing things is different from ordinary people.

Now, he doesn't want to go out for a while.

Anyway, Juku Island has been found, and Mokudong will not run away with long legs.

At most, it was the Master's indestructible golden body, which made him a little worried.

But thinking about it, you shouldn't be in a hurry right now?

The most urgent task now is to persuade Guigui to take him out.

It is best to take it with you.

This guy is well-informed and can save himself a lot of trouble along the way.

Afterwards, Li Yongjin sighed again: "Guigui, since you are so frank, I won't hide it from you anymore. Actually, I really won't die for a while..."

"How about you find the next lucky one?"

"Hey, why don't you say that you are a person of destiny? You can't die yet."

The giant tortoise looked indifferent, as if looking at a dead person.

Since this kid doesn't know how to flatter, then he doesn't say much.

It simply closed its eyes and retracted into the turtle shell.


Spring goes and autumn comes, and another fifty years have passed.


The wind blows and the rain beats.

Windy, lightning.

Li Yongjin sat cross-legged on his back, standing still.

He was not affected at all, as if he had turned into a fossil.

He entered a state of deep hang-up, and his consciousness drifted away.

At first he thought it would be boring.

But in fact, watching the ebb and flow every day is not too boring.

He is very talented when it comes to being in a daze.

The main reason is that the tortoise has not moved for a long time, and Li Yongjin has no choice but to leave.

And Xuangui had a dream, a long, long dream.

In the dream, it has escaped from this nightmarish cage and lived a happy life.

"Hey, I'm afraid this kid has already turned into a corpse fan?"

"Ordinary people... are fragile, really rotten."

It stretched out its neck, turned its head and opened its eyes.

Turning its head, it was almost terrified.

Li Yongjin also slowly opened his eyes and greeted it with a smile.

"Morning, Guigui, long time no see!"

Seeing his appearance, it has not changed at all.

At this moment, the giant tortoise's heart skipped a beat.

No, I must have read it wrong.

It yawned: "I'm sure I'm still in a dream. If I sleep for a while, I'll have hallucinations."

Ever since, the giant tortoise shrank its neck again, and soon became silent again.

Li Yongjin: "..."

Are you OK?

The dream in the world is separated from the west wind, and it is counted as a moment in the sky and years.

A moment later, another hundred and fifty years passed.

During the period, Li Yongjin got up and jumped up and down from time to time, walking on the turtle's back.

The back of the turtle is very big, like a small island.

There are many barnacles on it, and some strange companions.

When Li Yongjin feels extremely bored, he will help Guigui clean up the barnacles.

He felt relieved.

During these days, he even opened up a small garden of his own on the back of the turtle.

Dressed up very carefully, Guigui should like it very much.

he thinks.

At the same time, his life yuan also officially broke through 200,000 yuan.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through 200,000 years and reaching the achievement of 200,000 years. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the stepless Taoism—the Tao follows nature. 】

Under the influence of system rewards, his performance is getting closer and closer to that of a mortal.

The breath on his body became more unpretentious.

"Hmm, this sleep is really comfortable."

The giant tortoise woke up completely.

It was in a trance, thinking that he had a nightmare before.

In the nightmare, that damn kid didn't die.

It's just ridiculous.

However, when it turned its head away, time stood still.

Still the same nasty guy, only he seems younger.

Moreover, it is still so underwhelming.

this moment,

In the mind of the giant tortoise.

Suddenly an ominous premonition flashed across.

He won't be real, he can boil me to death, right?

"Good evening Turtle, nice to see you again."

Li Yongjin smiled happily.

After two hundred years of self-cultivation, he feels that his mentality is better.

Everything faded.

I don't care about anything, I don't want to argue about anything.

It's just a little... I don't want to live anymore!

Thank you so much, Turtle.

Gradually... Li Yongjin's smile,

To let this old monster who has lived for countless years,

tremble with fear.

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