At this moment, the giant tortoise wanted to cry.

I really want to cry, when my mother beat it when I was a child, it is not as sad as it is now.

It knows how much it can sleep.

Almost every time, it has to sleep for nearly a hundred years.

That is.

Almost every time it opens its eyes, it can witness the great changes in the secular world.

The dynasty fell, and the mighty emperors of the past turned into loess.

Bustling buildings, everything is like a castle in a dream, a phantom in the air.

As long as it wakes up, it will all fall apart.

Nothing can stay.

Because they... have no enemies in the first place.

Only time!

Time is the mortal enemy from which all things cannot escape.

From its point of view, Li Yongjin's aura is very weak and very ordinary.

Anyway, it is definitely not a powerful cultivator.

Even if he can fast, he shouldn't be able to live for too long.

It is estimated that maybe...

Would it be possible to live a few thousand years longer?

Thinking of this, the giant tortoise's shocked mood returned to normal.

Hmph, it turned out to be a little cultivator, almost cheated by you.

But even if you can swallow the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, what about living in the world?

In a few thousand years, I'll see if I still beat you to death!

Li Yongjin's mood at the moment is very calm.

Yes, very peaceful.

He has been tortured for two hundred years, but he really has a good mentality.

Just a little boring.

But Li Yongjin feels that he can withstand it if he comes back for another few hundred years.

After all, he has nothing to do with being dependent on others.

If Guigui didn't want to take him away, he really couldn't leave here.

During these two hundred years, Li Yongjin successfully broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm early stage.

Although he didn't really want to breakthrough all the time, he was always in a daze.

But after so many years, he was still in a thunderous night.

Feeling the thunder and lightning, successful breakthrough.

It was originally because of boredom, but later I found that something in my body seemed to be broken.

That night.

He who condenses Nascent Soul feels like he has entered a new stage.

The endless thunder and lightning brought him a new life.

After the breakthrough, Li Yongjin's spiritual level was purified once.

Purified the resentment accumulated in my heart due to boredom, and became more indifferent.

So although he smiled strangely, his mood was unusually indifferent.

Since nothing can be changed, he chooses to lie flat.

"Hmph, I admit that the deity is mistaken."

The giant tortoise let out a breath of foul air.

On the extremely far sea level, a huge storm suddenly surged.

Seeing the power of this breath, Li Yongjin was shocked.

This tortoise has a really loud tone.

I don't know how long I haven't brushed my teeth.

He smiled mischievously, and didn't care about the giant tortoise venting his anger.

What's so angry about it?

Shouldn't he be even more angry after being isolated here for so long?

Seriously, I don't understand what it's thinking.

After so many years of longevity, is it still impossible to cultivate one's body?

"You kid fooled me... a cultivator."

"However, it is also a not very strong cultivator, you know?"

The giant tortoise suddenly became sad, and the whole tortoise also became proud.

"It's a will die! You should understand, right?"

"In the remaining one thousand years, I can continue to suffer with you."

"But, do you want to spend the rest of your life in this dark and desperate place?"

It began to persuade with earnestness.

So Li Yongjin nodded and smiled, "So, what do you want to say, Guigui?"

It seems that things are getting more and more interesting.

"I kill yourself."

"It's good for you and me, isn't it?"

this moment.

The black turtle finally showed its own fangs and revealed its true purpose to Li Yongjin.

Li Yongjin also suddenly realized and nodded.

"Oh, so you always wanted me to die."

"But I don't, so just spend it."

Anyway, it's been so long, Li Yongjin is not in a hurry for a while.

He has completely looked away.

"Hmph, the big deal is to wait a few thousand years, I have a lot of time to wait for you."

The giant tortoise snorted coldly.

He took another deep breath and prepared to go back to sleep.

The big dream is thousands of years old, what year is this eve?

Anyway, it sleeps most of the time, and it has a lot of experience in sleeping.

The longest time, it remembered that it had slept for more than two thousand years.

This time, the giant tortoise hopes to break the own record.

"That's it. I hope that after a thousand years, you can still stand and talk to me."

"The giant turtle's breath technique of this deity is not in vain. Do you know how long the turtle can hold its breath?"

The giant tortoise is very proud.

"I know," Li Yongjin nodded and said, "I'm suffocated to death!"


The giant tortoise closed its eyes and retracted back into its shell.

For this annoying boy, he didn't want to stay any longer.


In a blink of an eye, another twenty years have passed.

Li Yongjin sat cross-legged on the back of the turtle, with his eyes closed tightly, as if he was not asleep.

At this moment, he has reached a very mysterious stage.

When the cultivator reaches the Nascent Soul Realm, it can condense the Divine Sense into a divine soul, making the Divine Sense more condensed.

A cultivator with a divine soul is almost immortal.

As long as there is still a trace of soul, there is a chance to resurrect the dead body.

Nascent Soul Immortal, the cultivator is immortal.

It's not just talk.

Above his head, a little golden figure jumped out.

The villain seems to be coming to this world for the first time, and he is very curious about everything in this world.

He ran and jumped around, touching this and that.

Everything around him is different to him.

This is the incorporeal body of Nascent Soul transformed by Li Yongjin's soul.

Nascent Soul early stage cultivator, you can cultivate into an incorporeal body.

And the cultivator of Nascent Soul Dacheng, Nascent Soul can even become a huge dharma image phantom.

Every move carries surging heavenly power, and its power of Taoism has already made a qualitative leap compared to the cultivator in the Gold Core period.


Li Yongjin "saw" there were countless golden bubbles under the endless black water.

Out of curiosity, the little golden man popped a bubble.

There was a crisp bang.

Bubble wrapped the villain, and everything returned to calm.

On the spot, Li Yongjin's eyelids moved.

But soon it was motionless again,

As if dead.


Endless sea, billions of Minor World.

Poetry heaven.

Dense forest, forest path.

Li Yongjin was teleported here suddenly.

He got up from the ground and looked around curiously.

"I'm going, am I time-traveling again?"

He scratched his head, thinking about everything just now.

No, it shouldn't be time travel.

He clearly separated the so-called Nascent Soul just now, and then jumped into the bubble in the sea.

Then it was sent here.

So, here is Minor World?

Li Yongjin thought of what Guigui said, and instantly realized it.


"The great me has come, so there will be poetry in this world."

In the distance, there was a burst of passionate recitation.

A scholar, holding a book in his hand, came from the forest path.

Seeing someone, Li Yongjin hurried up and asked, "Brother, where is this place?"

"Hey, you're not from here?"

The scholar looked at Li Yongjin strangely.

"Hey, how do you know?"

"Because if it's local, no one can keep calm after hearing my poems."


"Brother, do you dare to ask your name?" Li Yongjin was convinced.

"The name is just a code name. If you have to have a code name, you can call me..."

"travelling poet!"

He closed the book with a snap, and it read "Great Poetry Merit"!

Actually, I'm a bard.

Do not know why.

Hearing this, Li Yongjin suddenly felt aroused.

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