Finally, Li Yongjin saw the purple dress.

She is still the same as in the impression, and has not changed at all.

Whether it's hair or clothing, it's the same.

Only then did Li Yongjin realize that she seemed to like wearing purple clothes very much!

It seems, every time there is a big event in Sect.

I have never seen her wear clothes other than purple.

But there are no Elders who make things difficult for her because of such trivial matters.

After all, she is the pride of heaven.

Tianjiao people have had privileges since ancient times.

"Hi, long time no see."

After Ziyi was discovered, she was a little embarrassed.

She came out from under a big tree and greeted Li Yongjin timidly.

At first, she thought that she hid it well.

Now it seems that he has been discovered long ago.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Li Yongjin nodded with a smile and waved to her.

At this time, Zimei really has changed from the past.

That is a bit more, dusty temperament.

Her Cultivation Base has reached the Gold Core early stage at this time, and her whole body seems to be glowing.

Such a speed of progress really surprised Li Yongjin slightly.

He knows that not everyone can do without cultivation like him.

Zimei has made such rapid progress in just over a hundred years.

The effort behind it can be imagined.

What a motivated girl.

He secretly sighed.

After greeting each other, the two were a little embarrassed.

In fact, the two of them didn't know each other very well.

At most, even in Sect, there was a little intersection, and I didn't even know if they were friends.

People often say that you don't know each other without fighting.

They haven't fought yet, so they can't be considered acquaintances, right?

"What a coincidence, you're here too..."

Perhaps the atmosphere felt a little awkward.

Zimei came over and took the initiative to say hello.

However, the more she spoke, the less confident she became.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more awkward.

It's like a thick layer of gray mist is shrouded.

After all, it was no coincidence that she insisted on following Li Yongjin.

"Um, that... where's your senior sister?"

She found another topic.

At this time, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, now it's finally not an awkward conversation, right?

"Well, she's gone." Li Yongjin replied lightly.

"Let's go, where are you going?"

"Go to the sky and become the brightest star."


Come on, I still don't speak.

Zimei wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know what to say.

After all, she had only heard about Zhou Suzhen.


Seeing this, Ding Cangtian on the side couldn't hold back anymore, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

These two dolls are really interesting.


Finally, it was Li Yongjin who spoke again: "So, what are you doing here?"

Mokudong is a magical place, Li Yongjin has not yet understood it.

He didn't think that Zimei could understand.

After all, she's just a purple Little Sister.

"I... I really don't want to follow you."

Zimei explained: "I just happened to come here to investigate something, and I happened to meet you. I also know about Wang Elder..."

"So, are you afraid that I will do something stupid?"

Li Yongjin felt a little warm in his heart, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not that impulsive."

The water in the Devil's Cave is very deep, and he still can't grasp it now.

Before you fully grasp it, doing anything will only startle the snake.

Farther and farther from the truth.


When the chat between the two was getting better, a golden flame flew from the west.

The roiling heat wave also followed the flames.

The scorching heat burned the surrounding air into a distorted shape.

As it got closer, the golden flame gradually turned into a bird.

"It's Golden Crow, the Monument of Shocking Talents is here."

Ding Cangtian explained.

"Don't worry, just chat with your old friend a few more times."

Li Yongjin waved his hand, but didn't put the strange Golden Crow To put in one's eyes.

On the contrary, Zimei raised her head, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

In her eyes,

Every feather of the Golden Crow is as bright as a star, exuding a golden luster.

"Is this the legendary ancient species—Golden Crow? It's so beautiful!"

"It's just a bigger roast chicken."

Li Yongjin doesn't have any animal complex.

What he likes are mostly unpretentious and ordinary things.

For example, he likes the turtle who looks silly and silly.

Golden Crow is not annoyed, nor is he in a hurry.

It stayed on top of Li Yongjin's head, quietly waiting for Li Yongjin to leave.

Not rushing at all, very polite.

This time, Li Yongjin had a slightly better impression of it.

It seems that it is not bad to have such a big and polite bird.

"You were selected by Jingcai Monument, so can I go and see?"

Zimei grabbed the corner of her clothes, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Because, I'm really curious, never seen it before," she said.

When she went down the mountain, the Master had instructed her.

Don't just focus on cultivation on weekdays, you should also see more of the world outside.

A lot of experience has been gained, and Own's horizons have been broadened.

These things seem useless in the early stage.

But in the middle and late stages of cultivation, they are all incomparably precious treasures.

She remembered.

Now, this is a great opportunity to increase your experience and broaden your horizons.

"Okay, one more person also has more companions."

Li Yongjin nodded: "Let's go."

Golden Crow flapped its wings and turned into a golden sun again.

In this way, there are two suns in the sky.

Li Yongjin's team grew stronger again, and the group headed west.

Where the sun sets is the destination of their trip.

Zimei felt that she could see the real arrogance in this world during this trip.

It's good to know where the own gap is.

"To be honest, do you have any other purpose for following me besides worrying about me?"

On the way, Li Yongjin suddenly looked into Zimei's eyes.

The girl holding the double rings was constantly evaluating herself with the double rings in her hands all the way.

It seems to want to strangle him?


Zimei also nodded resolutely: "I want to fight with you, and finish the unfinished fight!"

"I don't like fighting."

Li Yongjin shook his head.

He is lazy and doesn't like duels where you come and go.

He likes spikes.

This is the romance of a man.

"And you said you don't like fighting..."

Zimei sneered and said, "Back then in Xiaokeng Town, I don't know who killed millions of soldiers in seconds with a sword!"

Li Yongjin's eyes widened: "No, is it so outrageous in the secular world now? Even you know it?"

He also thought that a guy like Zimei, who doesn't care about world affairs, would not know.

It's over.

Isn't that the image of her own cruelty, which has penetrated into her heart?

Ever since, Li Yongjin quickly explained: "And how can there be millions? It's just tens of thousands. I didn't kill the others, they ran around by themselves. It was purely accidental."

it a accident.

Zimei was speechless.

Why can you say such cold words with your mouth at more than 30 degrees?

However, this is the cultivator.

Apart from cultivation, everything is meaningless.

She sneered, "Do you know what they call you in the secular world?"

Li Yongjin shook his head.

But thinking about it, it must not be a good reputation, after all, he didn't do anything good at the beginning.

He has always been open-minded, looking at the mortal world from the perspective of an outsider.

However, he doesn't care either.

I hope this infamy can stay with him longer.

It is best to last forever, adding some traces and fun to his lonely and boring road of eternity.

However, mortals are always forgetful.

In a few hundred years, who will remember Xiaokeng Town?

Time is always the greatest enemy of the world.

"They call you Shura, and they call you Ren Tu and Xie Jian Xian."

Zimei laughed.

Li Yongjin almost didn't come up in one breath.

What an evil sword fairy!

Might as well kill God.

"But..." Zimei said again: "I regard you as invincible!"

"So, let's fight."

At this moment, she is very serious.

"Did you come to me to fight?"

Li Yongjin was helpless.

He thought it was an infatuated story, but did he think too much?

"Yeah, we need a fight."

"Why, are you just itching?"

"No, because I practice the path of invincibility. If I can't defeat you, you will become my Hearts Demon sooner or later."

This reason is sufficient.

In this practice world, there is really such a saying.

But Li Yongjin still shook his head.

"No, you can't beat me."

"I can't beat you, I have Gold Core!"

Zimei raised her head proudly.

As if to say, who do you look down on?

"I'm Nascent Soul, if there are no accidents, I won't stay in this Realm for too long."

Li Yongjin didn't give her any face.

Go fuck and practice!

The atmosphere became low again in an instant.


that's it.

A little girl's dream of being invincible was snuffed out before it sprouted.

"But, I won't give up."

She thought to herself: "I will definitely defeat you, there will be such a day!"

In this world, there has never been a shortage of stories about latecomers overtaking.

After all, it is possible to ascend by day.

Why is it impossible for her?

After three and a half years, Li Yongjin finally reached his destination.

The Restrictions ahead are so many mountains that you can't see the end at a glance.

Even when Ding Cangtian came here, he clamped his tail tightly and looked around very nervously.

It's time for Zimei to leave.

Because of the forbidden area of ​​the Devil's Nest, only selected people are allowed to enter.

She is not qualified enough.

"I'm leaving."

"Well, I hope you get your wish as soon as possible."

Li Yongjin didn't hit her again, and gave her another thoughtful suggestion: "But I still think you'd better change your target."

Girl, it's really not that I don't give you a chance.

The main reason is that my brother is invincible.

"No, I'm not a quitter."

Zimei shook her head firmly.

From the moment she put on the purple clothes, she was destined to be above the mortal world, and she was destined to achieve extraordinary things.

And if Li Yongjin is still so foolish, he will only be caught up by her, and then he will be thrown farther and farther away.

Cultivate together, do not fight day and night.

It lies in the late stage.

"That's fine, whatever you want."

Li Yongjin nodded.

As for this, she can only do it on her own.

at the entrance.

Clouds are lingering together,

People walk at both ends.

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