I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 32 He Is Gone, The Great World Is Coming

On the occasion of parting.

Zimei couldn't help but asked, "So, you won't go to your world anymore?"

"I have always been in the world, but you are destined to be in the sky."

Li Yongjin had a half-smile, and said some vague words.

Zimei nodded.

She understood.

She thought she understood.

The sky and the world are actually the difference between mortals and immortals.

But she failed to understand, the faint sadness hidden behind these words.


Forbidden place.

Li Yongjin finally saw it, the so-called stele of shocking talent.

I have to say, it was really shocking.

The inscription is perfect, with countless names on it.

It is densely packed like a heavenly book, recording peerless geniuses from all walks of life and their past terrifying experiences.

If these data are used as a resume, it is enough to choose any top sect in Misty Continent.

After he came to the stone tablet, the stone tablet clicked a few times.

It actually split from the middle, and the two stone slabs on both sides moved.

Not long after, a dragon head appeared inside.

The dragon head looks like it was cast in bronze, with a lot of copper rust on it.

Judging by the rust, it looks like it has been around for a while.

Suddenly, the stone eyes of the dragon head became brighter, and the whole thing came alive.

Finishing touch, good fortune!

The dragon's head began to emit a faint blue light.


The stone powder on it continued to fall off, gradually revealing pieces of blue scales.

It spoke out, and even opened its mouth:

[My glory is no longer what it used to be. 】

[Young man, seeing you again reminds me of the glorious past. 】

[I am the guardian of the stele of Jingcai. If you can leave your name, you can get a ray of good fortune from me, and my lord can also grant you a wish. Are you willing to accept my supervision? 】

Regarding this remark, Li Yongjin regarded it as an npc task term.

He nodded and agreed naturally.

Why did you come here?

It is to find the answer, and by the way, find the Master and the inheritance of the Qingshan Sect.

According to his current information, the so-called orthodox inheritance of Patriarch Qingshan.

It is very likely that it was regarded as a bet by Mokudong, and I don't know which prodigal son lost it.

As for the indestructible golden body of the Master, he doesn't know where it is.

But as long as you leave your name on the stele, you can get a wish.

So when the time comes, everything will be revealed.

【Please choose the project you want to challenge. 】

[Challenge is successful, you can replace it! 】

[After the start of the challenge, the time limit is to complete it within 500 years. If it expires, it will be invalid and will never be on the list! 】

Without hesitation, Li Yongjin chose to accept the challenge of the greatest cross-border killing.

He felt that the Master should have chosen this challenge in the first place.

Slaying Zifu with Gold Core set a big record, and it was originally on the list.

If the Master wants to be on the list, it must be to get back the orthodox Longevity Kung Fu of the Green Mountain Sect.

So follow the Master to choose, that's right.

[The challenge begins, the current record creator: Wang Mo... Please do it yourself! 】

[I will watch you silently, may the devil be with you! 】

The next moment.

On the stone tablet in front of Li Yongjin, the densely packed inscriptions disappeared.

Only a few lines of text remain.

[The biggest cross-border kill: Wang Mo. 】

[Record: Gold Core early stage, against Zifu University late stage! 】

[Challenge remaining time: 500 years! 】

When he came out, the Dingcang Heavenly Horse who was waiting outside stuck out his head.

It climbed fast and soon came to Li Yongjin.

"How is it, how do you feel?"

The list of amazing talents is a legend in legends.

Only the existence of the so-called son of fortune, the protagonist of destiny, can be touched.

If it weren't for Li Yongjin, Ding Cangtian wouldn't even be able to come to this forbidden area of ​​the Demon Cave.

those people.

It is an existence that this old dog can't understand.

After all, for the protagonist, it takes the least amount of time to achieve the highest Realm and combat power.

All the way pretend to slap in the face, awesome with fireworks.

The not-so-good word "gou" cannot be found in their dictionaries at all.

Because their dictionaries are pirated.

"I don't feel anything, just keep it simple."

Li Yongjin smiled slightly, a little pretended.

In fact, just now, he had some ideas.

If you want to do better than Master, you cannot use conventional methods.

After all, he is now in the Nascent Soul stage.

Although he also beheaded a purple mansion cultivator, it is already a masterpiece of the past.

But compared to Wang Mo, it is still a lot worse.

Li Yongjin knew that his Nascent Soul was already the limit to defeat Zifu.

To go further, it is impossible to rely on Cultivation Base alone.

he is so lazy...

He will choose obtuse angles for any multiple-choice questions that require hard work.

In Sword Technique, I haven't achieved too much profound attainments so far.

And I never like to fight, and I have relatively little fighting experience, and I basically kill my opponents in seconds.

So things have come to this, he has only one way to go!

That is to pin your hopes on the stepless Taoism - [Tao follows nature].

According to this Taoism, Li Yongjin learned.

He has not started yet.

For this Taoism, it is only the roughest application.

But even so, he killed the old monk with one sword, its power can be seen.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairy art from the sky.

In order to perfectly master Taoism and nature, one must first truly understand Taoism.

Only by comprehending the so-called Taoism in it, can you suppress your opponent with the help of Heavenly Dao.

Once such Taoism is mastered,

The Magic power in the body is endless, comparable to a fairy.

Li Yongjin is sure to break Wang Mo's record just by bombing wildly.

At that time, his goal will be the God Transformation Realm above the Purple Mansion.

"Let's go, turtle."

Li Yongjin patted Cangtian.

This time, it's really time to hit the road.

"Where are you going?"

"Go and find the way!"

In Guigui's surprised eyes, Li Yongjin stood with his hands behind his back: "Go and find our true way."


Deep in the forbidden area.

Two ancient voices were transmitted in the form of secret orders.

"He, is he gone?"

"left already."

"What kind of challenge is it?"

"Cross-level record, this kid has a lot of ambition."

"Heh, another Wang Mo."

"Wang Mo...it's a pity. The Canggu royal family is broken."

"However, it seems that he wants to go to Feisheng Pool to find the next opportunity?"

"Let him go, anyway, the key to the great world is on him."

"Great kindness."

"Hey, I don't know who can really ascend in these ten thousand years?"

"Never mind him, I hope they can work harder. It's been a long time since this shitty place has produced any results, so I really want to go back and report back sooner."


There were two sighs in the depths, and then it fell completely silent.

The stone tablet of the Devil's Cave slowly closed and returned to its original simplicity.

Li Yongjin is walking on the road, behind him is a golden world...

The curtain has been slowly opened.

And as the initiator of this great world,

But he just wanted to lie down all the time, until he grew old.

Let it all be over.

After all this is completely over, Karma will repay the Master and Sect for their cultivation.

He will learn from the big tortoise once, and sleep with his head covered, and have a big dream for thousands of years!

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