Old man Zhang's behavior has a reputation as a spoiler.

There is also an infamy called a shit stirrer!

At this time, he was squinting his eyes and stroking his beard, nodding constantly:

"This kid is really good. He was able to forcibly subdue the general trend of the world by virtue of the sword power of cutting the sky, and he broke through to such a Realm."

"It seems that there should be no accidents, both of them can ascend together!"

"Great goodness!"


In his opinion.

This Ye Jianlai is very smart and strong.

He actually developed his own kendo to such a Realm.

All the forces of heaven and earth that can control an environment are recruited and used for their own use.

This briefly allowed own Realm to break through to Half step feathering.

Behavior like this is like a mortal emperor.

Without anger and prestige, he forcibly recruited and subdued the people, and ordered the world to do his best for it.

His golden sword shows the demeanor of a king.

To do this, one needs to have the strength to dominate the world.

It is also necessary to achieve extremely high attainments in kendo.

Only in terms of swords.

Even if this son's kendo talent is better than the true immortals in the upper realm, he is not far behind.



Ye Jianlai was really in a hurry.

I really admire you, the sixth child.

Originally, the daddy was almost done, but suddenly a little boy appeared out of nowhere.

Don't bother yourself, don't say anything to help yourself.

It's just that the shit didn't float beside him, Hanhan smiled and drooled.

p, it's drooling!

Are you here to take a shit?

Just do nothing, stay aside and watch him.

Very penetrating, okay?

"You boy, who are you?"

Ye Jianlai's mentality collapsed a bit.

Isn't this a fool?

Seeing that he couldn't control his own sword.

The old man Zhang below finally spoke:

"Sword God, don't panic, this kid just wants to rely on your light to ascend with you."

"When you open the gate of heaven, you can take him away with you!"

Hearing this, Ye Jianlai almost vomited blood.

Asterisk your asterisk.

Daddy has worked so hard to open the door, here is a peach picker?

Afterwards, he calmed down: "Aren't you from this world?"

Everyone can see the weirdness of the old man.

And in his Sword intent blockade, neither the child nor the old man seemed to exist in this piece of time and space.

Old man Zhang nodded and said quickly:

"Old man, I came here just to repay a certain amount of Karma. And our father and father have added Karma, your sword can't cut me, and naturally it can't hurt him."

"So... take him along, let's go together!"

"Why? Just based on your own words?"

Ye Jianlai's ferocity came up, and he was already thinking about it.

Damn, want to rub the car?

Then stop playing.

How much work did I put in to run it all, why should I bring you one along the way?

If you don't rely on this hole, the ascension will just take a little more time.

Old man Zhang smiled, and said in a calm manner: "This kid is dexterous and has a big Karma on his body. If you take him by the way, you will definitely have the supreme sword fruit in the future."

"Ye Jianshen, isn't this your way of the sword?"


Isn't this your way of swordsmanship?

As soon as these words came out, Ye Jianlai was awakened instantly.

That's right, the position of the right fruit of the way of the sword!

This is what he, Samsara Baishi, has been pursuing.

If you just let the other party take a ride, you can get what you want without getting too much Karma.

Why not?

Seeing his heartbeat, the old man continued:

"Sword God, listen up now, old man, I will send you a secret order to help you quickly find the node of the cave-eye Restrictions..."

Then, there was an encrypted call.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, watching the dramatic development of the plot.

Their eyes were dull, and they all said that their brains hadn't accepted it yet.

Weird, so weird!

Not sure what they said.

Everyone saw that Ye Jianlai's expression softened, and he laughed three times behind him.

Afterwards, he held the child's hand: "Mr. Zhang is right! Come on, come on, it's a good story to fly with me today!"

The child is smiling happily and innocently.

I heard from the old man that the upper realm is much more fun than the lower realm.

Where there is endless fun and countless delicacies, you don't have to suffer from the hunger of this lower world anymore!

So, he was very happy.

Dancing with hands and feet, he said, "Fly to the sky and eat meat!"

Ah this.

At the scene, everyone was numb.

Is this Ye Jianshen's integrity?

You can get in the car,

Need to add money!


"Li Xianren, what are you looking at?"

Mohe Town.

In the lively market.

Tourists shuttled like weaving, and there was constant hawking on the spot.

A cute Loli with two sky-high tugs pulled the hand of the boy next to her.

He was fine at first, why did he froze all of a sudden?

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered an old friend..."

Li Yongjin smiled faintly.

He turned his gaze away from the stall selling hamsters.

Immediately, he raised his hand and wiped it silently, wiping away the hot tears.

The hamster is naughty and cute, surrounded by a circle of children, laughing constantly.

Open the door and move the bamboo again, suspecting that it is an old friend.

It turned out that he didn't care about that old man.

Rather, he has never been hurt by the scene, and reason drives him to accept certain established facts.

Sister, as you said, I am already trying to break into a different world.

Did you see it?

Suddenly, a girl in plain clothes ran over anxiously.

In her arms was a chinchilla with long ears and tail.

The golden mouse has soft white fur, without a trace of variegation all over its body, and its ears are like a donkey's tail like a cat's.

It just looks a little wilted.

The girl squatted down immediately and said to the stall owner: "Boss, can you save Xiaobai? You have professional medicine here, right?"

She burst into tears, anxious and sad.

The boss waved his hand, and said impatiently, "Why are you here again? I told you that my place is a hamster stall. I've never seen any kind of mouse. You're here to find fault, right?"

"I beg you to save it. They all said that Xiaobai is dying, but I don't believe it."

The girl still refused to give up.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, she will give it a try.

"Little girl, let's go and don't disturb the boss's business."

"Yeah, it's useless for you to come here every day. The boss said there's no way."

"It's just a little mouse, if you can't keep it alive, forget it."


Everyone was also persuading, and the girl gradually started to cry.

Suddenly, a crisp juvenile voice sounded above her head.

"How about I help you take a look?"

These words made the girl seem to see a life-saving straw.

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