I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 37 The Curative Effect Of Longevity

How about I help you take a look?

When everyone heard the words, they immediately moved out of the way.

I want to see which family's son is so capable to show kindness?

In the eyes of everyone in the market, this golden mouse is completely a rare item.

More like the legendary Demonic Beasts, not ordinary pets anyway.

They have never seen such a thing, let alone any treatment.

Therefore, everyone is very curious about how this person should be treated.

Hearing this, the girl immediately wiped away her tears.

She stood up abruptly and turned around, seeing a boy in common clothes.

Although he was dressed in simplicity, it was hard to hide his radiant temperament.

In a crowd, Li Yongjin is instantly recognizable.

And once you see it, you will never forget it.

Without him, the aura of an immortal cultivator who transcends the mortal world in his body has invisibly raised his appearance a lot.

"Big brother, what did you say?"

The girl leaned over directly, and bursts of strange fragrance came to her face: "Is there really something you can do? Please save Xiaobai, okay? Xiaobai is really good..."

"I know you're in a hurry,"

Li Yongjin put his hands behind his back and said lightly: "But don't worry, let me see..."

He raised his hand and touched the Chinchilla.

The next moment, the prompt sounded.

[Ding, a dark disease of an unknown spiritual creature was detected. 】

[Does it consume ten thousand years of life energy to completely cure the dark disease on the spiritual creature? 】

Hearing this, Li Yongjin himself was shocked.

He suddenly widened his eyes and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

Own Shouyuan, can he also help heal?

It seems that this almost endless lifespan is not impossible to consume!

Now, Li Yongjin seems to have opened the door to a new world.

It seems that the function of this life element still has many possibilities and playability.

Still to be developed.

"Big brother, how is it? Xiaobai must be saved, right?"

The girl blinked her big watery eyes with tears glistening in them.

Just staring at him helplessly, eyes full of expectation.

Li Yongjin lowered his head, and was in a trance again.

Suddenly, he seemed to hear those words.

"Are you an orange or a trifoliate orange?"

"So I'm Tachibana, right?"


When he came back to his senses, the girl had already started pulling on his sleeve and shaking it constantly.

Hey, there is help.

Stop shaking.

Li Yongjin pulled back his sleeves helplessly, took a half step back and said, "You can give it a try."

Now, he really doesn't want to fall into any relationship anymore.

That kind of touch will only bring you deep guilt and regret.

rather than love.

"You just come with me."

There are many people here.

In order to prevent any commotion, Li Yongjin decided to go to a quieter place.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and took little Loli by the hand.

At this time, a cute Loli in his hand turned his head and said very cutely:

"Yes, sister, big brother is a fairy, if there is a way, there must be a way."

"Really? Thank you very much..."

When the girl heard this, her heart was more than half settled.


She couldn't help standing on her tiptoes, and looked at the boy's back timidly.

Is it a fairy?

The originally bustling bazaar fell silent after hearing those two words.

Everyone could not help but get out of the way, not daring to stand in Li Yongjin's way.

In a town of mortals,

Immortals symbolize the supreme power of killing.

They treat mortals like ants, and they cannot be resisted by mortals.

And in unofficial legends,

There are often mortals who provoke unknown immortals for no reason, and then the whole city is wiped out.

In order to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, they know that the best way is to avoid it as much as possible.

Absolutely not, provoke immortals!

Bring disaster to oneself, and even harm others.

The three left the market and walked all the way to a small remote village around them.

When he came to the wilderness, Li Yongjin suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The spiritual qi of heaven and earth is the strongest here, which makes him feel very comfortable.

Well, here it is.

Although there are no buildings around, let alone a place to sit.

But mainly he was also lazy and didn't want to leave.

Yes, it's that casual.

When the girl saw the fairy stop, she was also at a loss holding the Chinchilla.

"give it to me."

Li Yongjin looked at the girl and asked, "What's your name?"

"Me?" The girl was flattered: "Immortal, my name is Ma Xiaoling!"


Li Yongjin just nodded, and then stretched out his hands.

The girl was also very eye-catching, and directly entrusted Xiaobai in her hand.

For immortals, she still trusts them very much.

Then, Li Yongjin took a few steps forward holding the Chinchilla.

He walked up to a big rock and sat down cross-legged.

As for the new function of his life essence, he planned to study it carefully.

At the same time, infinite emotions arose in his heart.

If so, I discovered this feature earlier.

Yes or no……

Senior sister won't die?

Unfortunately, there is no if.

He still hasn't figured out what's going on, so naturally it's hard to draw a conclusion.


Looking at Li Yongjin's serious back.

The two girls walked not far away, whispering.

"Little Sister, what's your name?"

Ma Xiaoling asked.

Loli smiled and said, "Hi sister, my name is Ge Wushuang, and my grandfather and others call me Shuangshuang."

"Shuangshuang, what a good name."

Ma Xiaoling pampered Shuangshuang's head, and couldn't help asking: "By the way, Shuangshuang, what's the situation with that... immortal?"

Immortals have always been in legends.

She actually met her today, and an immortal helped her.

This is even more legendary than legends, even storytellers dare not say so.

Up to now, Ma Xiaoling is still in a daze.

Shuangshuang raised her head and said excitedly: "Grandpa said that it was a fairy who fell from the sky. He fell from the sky and was picked up by my grandpa."

"Immortal, descended from the sky?"

Ma Xiaoling glanced at Shuangshuang strangely, and then at Li Yongjin.

Why does this feel more and more outrageous the more I listen to it?

Moreover, a fairy was picked up.

What kind of luck is this?

"Yes, I didn't lie, if you don't believe me, go back with me and ask grandpa."

"Grandpa said that he was rescued by Xiaoguai. Xiaoguai is our family's whale, and he is very human. Grandpa also said that Jin big brother is the most Immortal Qi he has ever seen. His arrival made the surrounding whales They all gathered spontaneously..."

Both pursed their mouths.

Being questioned, I feel that the sugar Calabash in my mouth is not fragrant.

Edit, you continue to edit.

Back to the whale, why don't you say shark.

Ma Xiaoling kept nodding her head and smiling wryly, with some disbelief in her heart.

Just as she was thinking wildly, a stream of pure to extreme life energy surged in Li Yongjin's hands.

The terrifying vitality contained in the ten-thousand-year lifespan has been transformed into the purest healing energy between heaven and earth.

In an instant.

A green ball of energy enveloped Li Yongjin and Chinchilla.

Seeing this scene, Ma Xiaoling covered her own mouth in surprise.

Her heart almost jumped out!

At this moment, she didn't have the slightest doubt.

Such a miracle is unfolding in front of my eyes, this is not a fairy...

Who is it?

I am really lucky to be so lucky because of the smoke from my ancestral grave.

When I went out, I met a fairy.

Then, do you want to learn from a teacher and practice Taoism later?

Legend has it that immortals occasionally travel to the mortal world and go down the mountain to accept disciples.

Perhaps, I am the one-in-a-million, the chosen one.

Since then, he has soared into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

Girls have many dreams, and they have always had good thoughts.

She was thinking wildly, and saw Own Xiaobai blow up.

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