"Zhizhizhi (thank thanks thanks thanks)."

"Hey, this little guy is quite human."

Li Yongjin smiled happily, looking at a little white that was rubbing against his palm.

The Chinchilla kept wagging its tail, and it didn't look like a mouse anymore.

After treatment, pass through the system.

A panel appeared in front of him.

On the panel, the little guy's information is recorded in detail.

Such a spiritual creature is called Chinchilla.

It is born to be nourished by nature and absorb the essence of Spiritual Qi from heaven and earth.

It is actually quite difficult to get it injured and sick.

So Li Yongjin admires Ma Xiaoling.

It's not easy to be able to do such a difficult thing!

At this time, Xiaobai has completely recovered his former style.

Its hair is extremely smooth, glowing white in the sun, like a glowing ball of light.

Furry and very cute.

And it knows that Li Yongjin saved its life, so it treats Li Yongjin very kindly.

"Thank you Immortal Master, I really appreciate it!"

Ma Xiaoling ran over, not caring about any lady image at all.

In front of the immortal, it was a joke.

Still, she's really happy.

Xiaobai has been with her since childhood, and has been her playmate since childhood.

There have been many good times between them, and there is also a very deep relationship.

Such feelings, not relatives are better than relatives.

Not to mention, Xiaobai has saved her life many times with his keen perception.

For Ma Xiaoling, Xiaobai is more like a patron saint.

A silent patron saint!

"Here, this little guy probably ate something that shouldn't be eaten."

"But fortunately, the little guy is a blessing in disguise."


Li Yongjin passed the Chinchilla over with a calm expression.

In his eyes, there is an incomparably pure energy light cluster in the current Chinchilla.

That's the point of it being sick.

But fortune and misfortune depend on each other, under the healing of his Shouyuan energy.

The indigestible energy substance is also gradually merging into the whole body of the Chinchilla.

If time passes, it will definitely become more psychic.

Even if some special supernatural power is born in the future, it may not be possible.

"Thank you Immortal, thank you so much."

Ma Xiaoling instinctively took out her purse, wanting to thank her.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he raised his head awkwardly and smiled.

That's a fairy, what are you doing?

"It's okay, today is considered destined for you and me, no thanks."

Li Yongjin smiled and waved his hands, thinking of something very Daoist.

fellow daoist, you are destined for me.

Hearing this, I feel very immortal.

Ma Xiaoling's heart fluttered, she nodded her head like pounding garlic.

This is a fairy, and it really is not comparable to ordinary people.

It is Transcendent and free from vulgarity, that is, broad-minded.

"Let's go, Shuangshuang, go home for dinner."

Li Yongjin touched Shuangshuang's head with an intimate attitude.

Since childhood, he has always wanted to have a Little Sister.

Unfortunately, the parents are not strong enough.

Fortunately, there is such a cute Little Sister for no reason.

This made him an addiction.

It has been half a year since he came to this Minor World.

In the past six months, he has lived very comfortably.

have to say.

It's still the smoke and fire in this world, which is the most soothing to his worldly heart.

The old man's craftsmanship is very good, even if he cooks some seafood, he won't make people get tired of it.

After all, relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea.

As a whale watcher, seafood is always a must.

In fact, Li Yongjin is quite envious of Shuangshuang. He has eaten countless types of seafood since he was a child.

But Shuangshuang doesn't seem to like it, and makes trouble every time it's meal time.

Even abalone and hairy crabs couldn't open her mouth.

Not to mention, into her stomach.

Every time at this time, Mr. Ge would always take out the food reserves dotingly.

Either it was the pork in exchange, or the dried vegetables in exchange.

For these different foods, Shuangshuang will lick the plate.

Watching the two drift away, Ma Xiaoling hugged Xiaobai, biting her lip, wondering what she was thinking.

And in her arms, Xiao Bai sucked his nose hard...

The tail is also flicking slightly.

It seems that he is trying to remember the scent of his benefactor.


"I'm home."

Beyond a lonely lighthouse.

Old man Ge hid a pole behind his back, and walked over with a smile.

This is his home.

A lighthouse located outside a small village.

And his job is the daily life of the tower keeper.

This tower is said to be a lighthouse, but it is actually a tall observation tower.

The spire is lit with lanterns, and the lighting conditions are limited.

But in a dark sea, it can also illuminate a way home for a lost large fishing boat.

He stepped forward and picked up Shuangshuang, turned around in a big circle, and asked with a smile: "How is it, Shuangshuang, is the market fun?"

"It's fun, it's fun. Big brother Jin and I rescued a very cute white mouse today."

"Isn't it big brother?"

Both clapped their hands and danced to ask for credit from grandpa.

"Yes, Shuangshuang is a good boy."

Li Yongjin narrowed his eyes and nodded, quietly envious of the beauty of the grandpa and grandson.

Afterwards, he looked at Old Man Ge and said, "Master, I'll go to sea with you tomorrow."

"Okay, Mr. Li, are you tired of staying again?"

The old man smiled naively, showing his yellow teeth, and his dark skin was glowing with oil paint.

He always likes to say yes, as if no matter what conditions others ask, he will agree.

Old man Ge is a kind person, and no one around here doesn't know him.

We have something on weekdays, ask him to help.

He will put down his own things and rush over without hesitation.

Good people should be rewarded, Li Yongjin thought.

Then, it was dinner.

Having lived here for so long, Li Yongjin has fully integrated into it.

He skillfully went to help, and the old man let him go.

For such a down-to-earth fairy, who wouldn't like it?


Early the next morning.

Li Yongjin went out to sea with Old Man Ge.

It is said to go to sea, but in fact it is to patrol the sea.

This old man has guarded this piece of sea for generations.

There is a group of free whales in the sea, which is the precious wealth of their family.

But the old man always said that whales belonged to the sea and not to anyone.

Wealth is considered spiritual wealth at best.

Li Yongjin is used to the old man always saying all kinds of amazing philosophical words.



The sound of the phoenix flute moves, and time flows.

The old man held his flute and played a section towards the sea.

Soon, water jets erupted from the sea.

That's a whale!

Li Yongjin was filled with emotions and felt much better.

Still this kind of life suits him.

Leisurely, in close contact with nature.

This time, he couldn't help asking: "Old man, what song are you playing? Why do they all listen to you?"

As for Old Man Ge's secret, Li Yongjin wants to explore one or two.

"Old man, I play it casually, it's not a song at all."

The old man smiled and said:

"These are the elf children of heaven and earth. They have the ability to understand the voices of all things in the world, and they are also my teachers."

"They taught me that everything in the world has its rhythm, and we can communicate with the world through rhythm..."

There was a bang.

It was like a bolt from the blue.

In Li Yongjin's sea of ​​consciousness, a thunder exploded.

He felt as if he had caught something, but he couldn't say it.

Everything in the world has its rhythm?

This is it, Dow?

Seeing Li Yongjin sitting cross-legged, Old Man Ge smiled and shook his head.

"A fairy is a fairy, and he sleeps very quickly."

"Children... count!"

Puchi, puchi, puchi~!

The next moment.

Under the white clouds, between heaven and earth.

Huge whales greeted the old man cheerfully, spitting jets of water soaring into the sky.

The old man waved his hands and turned into the most profound conductor in the world.

In the distance, seagulls kept calling.

It seems that he is also participating in this chorus.

Li Yongjin has been sitting here for fifteen years.

After the wind and rain, stand still.

Unlike before,

There is an extra canopy above his head.

There is also an extra coir raincoat on her body.

The canopy was built by the old man, and the coir raincoat was also put on by him.

After all, a fairy still needs basic decency.

If it is buried by rain, Immortal Qi will be damaged.

Anyway, old man Ge thinks so.

He is always restless and warm-hearted.

One day fifteen years later, Li Yongjin frowned slightly.

The clothes on his body gradually fell off, and white feathers began to grow on his limbs.

flop flop.

His hands turned into a pair of wings.

Afterwards, such changes spread from the middle of his lower abdomen upwards and downwards.

After a while, he transformed into a huge seagull!

This is his...

A small achievement in Taoism, a change in the first palm!

Li Yongjin excitedly said "Wuhu"...

Soar into the sky!

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