I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 63 Men Will Lie About Their Age

With great anxiety.

Li Yongjin still followed Taoyao and came to the place where the Tongtian vines were.

Taoyao's grandmother, Zun, has the ability of Tongtian.

At first, Li Yongjin just thought that his abilities were powerful and unfathomable.

However, when he arrived here, he discovered that He was literally Tongtian!

What kind of vine is that?

The height does not see the top, and the width does not see the side.

Going straight up the clouds, it seems that you can directly communicate with the sky and reach the upper realm directly.

In fact, the secret realm is indeed soaring in this regard.

When the creatures in this world meet the requirements and want to ascend.

It is necessary to pass the permission of the Tongtian vines, and then climb all the way up from the vines.

If you can't bear it and fall down halfway, it will be a dead end.

So around the old vines, there is a thousand bones.

In Tianshou secret realm, every ten thousand years on average,

Only then can there be one or two secret realm creatures who successfully climbed to the top and crossed the gate of heaven.

This kind of creatures generally have unique advantages, coupled with profound blessings.

The old vine was contaminated with such merits and became taller and taller.

It comes from Canggu, from…

above God.

No one knows its origin.

It was born without a name or surname.

Everyone calls it:



Tianshou secret realm, Tongtian forbidden area.

Wearing plain clothes, Li Yongjin came to the foot of Tongtian vines.

Taoyao saw her grandmother from a long distance away, and she yelled sweetly one by one.

Then, holding the own branch as fast as possible, he ran towards the old vine.

Seeing this, Li Yongjin was slightly surprised.

This was the first time he saw Xiao Taohua running so fast.


"Xiao Hua, you are here."

Above Nine Heavens, a slightly feminine majestic word descended.

There was no sadness or joy in the tone, only endless majesty.

Afterwards, a vine teleported to Taoyao and disappeared.

Taoyao was giggling along the way, laughing heartlessly.

Hmph, when you have a grandmother, you forget about your elder brother.

Li Yongjin shook his head helplessly, and continued walking in the direction of the vines.

When he came here, Xiaobai hid directly in his arms, leaving only a pair of small eyes sticking out.

The hair all over the body is slightly hard and feels bad to the touch.

One look and you know it's fried hair.

I don't know who this guy learned from, but he is very sincere.

After spending three days, Li Yongjin walked to the foot of the vine step by step.

At this moment, Taoyao was already waiting there.

After all, the vines are big enough and tall enough.

Anyone who enters this place can see His existence, and there is no need to worry about getting lost.

Anyway, just keep coming over.

Along the way, Li Yongjin can also see all kinds of strange creatures.

Most of them are plant spirits, and a small part are animal monsters.

It's just that they all have Spiritual Qi, and they worship each step as if they are on a pilgrimage.

"Brother Li, you are finally here."

Taoyao swaggered at the own branch from a distance, with a very happy attitude.

It has already talked to the grandmother, and it is no longer forced to do anything.

And the grandmother was once very angry when she heard about her parents' decision.

If Taoyao hadn't stopped them, I'm afraid grandma would have to hold them accountable.

In the field of grass and tree elves, it is simply unreasonable to still play the game of being equal in the mortal world.

It seems that the outside world is too naughty now.

Needs a good fix.

As they got closer, Li Yongjin passed through the thick fog and saw clearly the true face of the old vine.

The vines are extremely thick, and various colorful flower buds are attached to them.

The bark is oddly textured and has odd scales.

On the scales, complex and mysterious runes from Canggu are engraved.

The whole body is blue.

The color is not dark, it is light blue.

Coming in front of the Tongtian vines, before Li Yongjin could speak.

The flower buds on the vines bloomed, and a unique breath of life began to emanate from it.

Above the sky, a voice of excitement and surprise suddenly sounded.

"It's you? You're finally here!"

The old vine was pleasantly surprised, and a lavender barrier of light curtain extended from his feet.

The enchantment is centered on his root and continues to expand outward.

It didn't stop until Tao Yao and Li Yongjin were enveloped.

In this way, it can be said that the perception of the outside world is completely blocked.

No one can know the content of their conversation.

In these words, Li Yongjin heard a very crucial message.


This terrifying existence from Canggu used honorific words to himself?

After he reacted, he pointed to himself and said, "You, you know me?"

"Of course, I have been waiting for you for so long."

"How many years?"

The other party fell into memory.

Li Yongjin knew that it seemed that all old monsters would have this characteristic.

So he also stood quietly, not disturbing His performance.

"Roughly speaking, there should be three Yuanhui, right?"

"You are here...you are finally here."

"I'm finally waiting for you."

Tongtian vines were excited, and the vines on his body also danced.

Each one is extremely scary, like a dragon wagging its tail.

"So, I am also from Canggu?"

Li Yongjin was completely stunned.

You old guy, don't be so close to daddy.

I will doubt own, hello!

Before, Li Yongjin never considered himself old.

Now, he's a little shaken.

Then, he suddenly sat down cross-legged and said with a smile, "Then tell me, who am I?"

Perhaps, I have a paragraph.

The origins and past events that even I didn't know.

Let's listen to it as a story, it seems good.

On the side, Tao Yao's illusioned human face was stunned.

It was between Li Yongjin and the vine, turning its head back and forth.

The brain is also on the verge of death.

Own grandmother, do you still have a relationship with Li Big Brother?

From this point of view, Li Yongjin lied about his age.

He has clearly experienced Canggu, but he still keeps saying that he is only a few thousand years old.

Among them, it is a thousand times worse.

In front of Li Yongjin, Taoyao felt that she really didn't even count as a fart.

With that in mind,

Tao Yao suddenly felt that sister Zhou's words were not entirely correct.

She often said that only women care about own age the most, men do not.

Now it seems that men will lie about their own age too!

However, it quickly figured it out.

No wonder everyone said he was invincible.

He can live for such a long time, he must be the same as his own grandmother, possessing the power of Tongtian, right?

Thinking of this, Tao Yao convinced herself again.

After a while, the excited old vine calmed down.

The next moment, a blue-clothed figure transformed from the body of the Tongtian vine.

After appearing, she bowed to Li Yongjin Yingying.

With every move, light and shadow silhouettes are exuded around the figure, like a dream.

This is a woman with curly hair, wearing a blue skirt.

The whole body is graceful and luxurious, with a vicissitudes of life that have gone through ancient times.

Such a temperament, even surpassing the average beautiful wife,

For men who control this aspect, it has the same attraction as a deadly poisonous snake.

Just by looking at her, the average woman would only feel ashamed of herself, and would not dare to look up at her at all.

Men will also be fascinated by it and give everything.

But Li Yongjin doesn't like this one, but thinks the other party is too old.

After the vines appeared, Li Yongjin remained expressionless.

Tao Yao was dumbfounded.

It turns out that Own's grandmother is so beautiful!


ps: I sent the wrong chapter name, p! The content has been changed, please refresh it to get the latest version.

Let's start with a wave of free gifts, and there will be another chapter later, hehe. The new plot here is about to start, I believe everyone is tired of watching Qingshanzong.

Here, Xiaojin has a little spoiler, the follow-up plot will be more in line with the characteristics of longevity, and the real immortality will be perfectly interpreted, so stay tuned!

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